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Explanation of dismissal - Seems they got caught for lying.

Posted: Sep 26th, 2019 - 5:04 pm In Reply to: Bankruptcy dismissal - KJ

A dismissal can also close your bankruptcy case. If your case is dismissed, you do not receive a discharge. You might decide to voluntarily dismiss your own case, electing to end it prematurely, but this option is usually not possible with Chapter 7, in which your trustee liquidates your property and pays the proceeds to your creditors. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves entering into a repayment plan with your creditors, approved by the court. You can voluntarily dismiss your Chapter 13 bankruptcy for a number of reasons, such as you are unable to keep up with your monthly payments under the plan. The court can also dismiss your case without your consent. This may happen if you fail to comply with a court procedure or if you engage in fraud. When your bankruptcy case is dismissed, you are still responsible for your debts. Creditors can resume collection activities against you.

A dismissal can also result in legal penalties if it occurred due to fraudulent conduct, such as an attempt to hide assets.


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