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Nuance Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 46)

Workers Comp Claim. - Linda

Posted: Aug 4th, 2015 - 12:34 pm In Reply to: First time in forever cannot make mortgage - payment this month due to

Has anyone ever contacted the labor board about the legality of docking pay for errors. I also wonder who many of these errors are actually doctor error?

I haven't had this particular problem, but do share the emotional turmoil, anger and frustration in how we are treated. This can lead to depression, which can lead to a worker's comp claim, which the companies hate as it costs them a lot of money. I think this may be our only recourse. Any thoughts on this? Many WC attorneys offer a free consultation. The only problem might be a period of waiting for payment.

Perhaps just anonymous letters to the CEOs of the companies that are ripping us off explaining to them that we will do what is necessary to make enough to pay our mortgages and feed our children.


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