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Nuance Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 44)

Two things to investigate for help - sm

Posted: Aug 4th, 2015 - 11:21 am In Reply to: First time in forever cannot make mortgage - payment this month due to

1. Your mortgage company for mortgage assistance.

2. Hardest Hit program in your state. This is a federally funded program that, if you qualify, pays your mortgage for 12 months and catches up any arrears.

I just finished 12 months on the Hardest Hit program. It was a lifesaver for the last year. Sadly, my income has not gotten any better, but at least I survived the last year.

other help:
Food bank.. sometimes not the most helpful food, but something

Food stamps... hard to qualify, but worth a shot to apply

Electric bill... some have low income assistance with payment.

good luck. the stress and angst is over the top these days in transcription many days


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