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Anybody do the Enrich - Quality 2.0 thingy yet?

Posted: Oct 01, 2014

We do get paid for it now, got an email re logging onto webclock. Woohoo 15 minutes.

I went from being glad they included a focus - group of MLS

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To being pretty disgusted with the way we were portrayed = "MLS did not understand why the quality was important" or something stupid like that attributed to us.

Really? Of course we understand, we just don't want you to be able to cut our pay. Duh.

Then went on to absolute disgust they they don't even mention compensation being the reason us MLS were unhappy.

To my knowledge, nobody used QA to cut salaries before Nuance thought of it, and since then all the other clones have adopted it, it appears, to try to compete.

No, Nuance, the disconnect is not that we don't understand why quality is important, the disconnect is how come you are allowed to cut our pay when we make a few mistakes.

This new complicated formula seems to offer nothing new, and they also make it clear even if we were to do better with this Quality 2.0, supposedly a better overall method of determining quality, it will have no effect on our pay anyway.


Is there still the quarterly bonus? - sm

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If yes, how do we get it if this doesn't have an effect on pay?

I don't think anything at all as regards - compensation has changed

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Including no change in quarterly bonuses as far as I can tell and still with the horrible FIESA point system. At least yet.

If they do eventually go with this new Quality system, it does not sound very different than the one they have now in the sense that rather than the points and grades, there is more of a 2 errors = x, 6 errors = y, etc.

Frankly, after they portrayed us MLS as dumb bunnies who don't get it, I kind of lost interest and the sound quality of the audio was awful, which is ironic.

My takeaway was that this has absolutely no effect on anything and was just a lot of hoopla about basically nothing as far as we are concerned anyway.

By all means, I could be wrong, if anyone else got a better or different take, good to hear.

Focus - anon

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Gets real old how they keep focusing on mistakes of MTs...just to justify their cuts so they get more money. They certainly don't charge less from the Fiesa to the companies! IMO, they need to focus on the quality of physicians, PAs, RNs, CNP, etc and stop charging us

Focus on MTs as always - anon1

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Amazes me how the focus always seems to be directed at MT mistakes. IMO it seems they are always focusing and running reports on mistakes made my MTs, but does those mistakes include why??? Like because the sound file was horrible -- what is NTS doing about that? Nothing, for years. But sure are quick to make changes against the MT... How about because the doctor, for lack of a better word, is a poor dictator/lack of training and education? What is done about that? Never hear anything on that end. Imagine that. Their grammar/English is DEPLORABLE!!! Anything on that? pfft. Any "statistics" ran? Any charts? Any monthly emails or updates on this information above? IMHO, I would bet if they ran reports like on above and ADD to that the discrepancies that we flag every single day because of careless threatening mistakes the physician or other dictating health physician makes, it would exceed the MTs "monthly" errors......oh but wait, they are learning or practicing, etc. So what! Life is still a life! Either be more qualified before they begin or get out! Get sick of the blame game as an excuse to keep our wages poverty level! I think there are many others who need to accept responsibility on their part as well and stop with the excuses of being too tired or work too many long hours...Turn that focus on the rest of the "team" in this job. IMO, if we are to know as much as the doctor (and we are production based in this type of job where lives count..why is that?) then where is our pay equality AND RESPECT??
Amen x100 - My sentiments exactly, no msg.
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Who was the e-mail from - to get paid

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I had asked another TSM (mine was off when that message went out) and she said, to her knowledge, we were not to be paid for the training.

I didn't complain, but I wanted to say, "Then I won't be doing it. No pay=not required."

Anyway, curious to know who told you it would be paid. I don't think my TSM would appreciate me saying, "Well, this person on MTStars said they were being paid," LOL! However, if I just missed an e-mail from HR or something, that might be helpful.

Thanks for letting us know, regardless.

In my case - from my TSM

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The original email from the Quality Director talked about the training but no mention of logging on or paid training.

Probably you will get an email. Basically, the "training" was more of an explanation and justification of the new "metric" anyway, not telling you how to actually do anything, and of course the test at the end was basically "did you do this training - yes" unless I missed something.

So basically you are not missing anything except getting paid for 15 minutes, which I would wait for clarification before you do it.

To me, training is telling me how to do something, not explaining some convoluted reason why they felt yet another method of measurement was in order.

When they said it would be better for us, I confess I got my hopes up a bit, but not too much, which is good, because it appears to be simply more fluff.

Paid? - Annoyed

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I was told we don't get paid for it. How do some people get paid for this and others don't. That SUCKS!!!!! It may only be 15 minutes, but it is 15 minutes of MY TIME that I SHOULD BE PAID FOR!!

They will never know if you take it - because it was 15 minutes of nothing

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Poor audio, bragging about "new metric" with detailed explanation (my eyes glazed over and I would be surprised if I retained any of it - because it had NOTHING to do with me, of course!), really nothing to grasp onto to consider training.

So I bet you could get away with it if they asked, but I do believe you will be told you get paid for it. They have to justify this garbage somehow, after all.

then I shall wait for my next OOW to get that 15 - min waiting period paid for

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won't have to wait too long for that!

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