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RE: Post below about new hire with 30 yrs exp. offered 4 cents a line - Kiki

Posted: Nov 03, 2010

She says the offer was "set in stone."  This makes me believe that MQ is going to either try to cut everyone's ASR pay to 4 cents a line.  They will either get rid of the ones somehow (nit pitting followed by QA pay cuts, making "tweaks" to DQS that are annoying and slow us down, causing up to want to quit, etc) or we will accept their new "set in stone" rate.  They will sugar coat it by saying, "We are ONLY reducing your ASR pay not your regular transcription rate" and then of  course, we will get 95% ASR.  They make me sick. 

I hope you know MQ, if you are reading this, if you do this I will be the first to apply for unemployment (I live in CA) and you will pay somehow.  I am one of those long-time MTs who probably, in their minds, make too much for ASR at about a little more than 6 cents a line.  I won't go down without a fight.  Cut my pay in ANY way, either by QA pay cuts or flat out reduction, and it's just a click away to apply for unemployment, piece of cake.  No going to any office anymore. I have the site up and ready. 


This company makes me sick to my stomach.......

new hire 4 cents - whatever

[ In Reply To ..]
STINKS--in a word that is what describes this company. In a couple of months going parttime, then a couple months after that gone from this hell hole all together.

writing on the wall - NJA Queen

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I too am making more than 4 cpl ASR and believe it is only a matter of time before that email comes out stating that due to the "enhanced version of ASR we will be paying a set rate for speech recognition at 4 cpl." Experience to MQ means nothing, only how fast can we crank out the reports. You had better make above minimum wage with no mistakes and no guessing!

I would love to move up a tier, but in order to do that I need to to go through an audit. Considering I haven't had one in MONTHS why should I call attention to myself? Just asking for them to find mistakes.

Lastly, I have the resumes out and attended interviews but there is a small part of me that wonders if I would ever need to come back am I kissing my line rate and accounts and schedule goodbye? Would I be kicking myself for leaving?

No doubt MQ will call it - New and Improved Changes!

[ In Reply To ..]
Typically they use double-talk to throw any changes our way, but you must Read Between the Lines. They'll distract us with a New and Improved way to count our lines with some bogus and unattainable bonus or some other change. I just pray to God they don't do it AGAIN just before the holidays just like a few years ago. The holidays are around the corner, folks. Don't look forward to a sweet Christmas card but a stab in the back. Keep your eyes open, your mouth shut, and ready to contact the TAA office. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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