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I am screwed with 6.1 - My fault.

Posted: Sep 03, 2010

When I am in an ASR report, I have been highlighting and then hit delete and put in the correct words/phrase and have been doing this for 2 years.  IT IS WRONG AND BEING TOLD NUMEROUS TIMES BY THE INSTRUCTOR IN THIS LEARNING OF THE 6.1 TO NOT DO IT! 

So, I have to highlight and then type over correct word/phrase because if I hit delete key, backspace, etc., it will put in a skip marker which of course is WRONG! Probably get reprimanded by QA and hurt  QA production checks. 

Basically, we are having to fix the work correctly in ASR so it will make the computer smarter to take away our jobs even more quickly than ever. 

During the very last part of the series, I was getting confused by watching instructor fly by all her corrections in ASR.  I have taken ASR training 4 times and still confused and I blame that on the instructors because each one seems to teach differently. 

I do like the Control Shift L key for listing.  That will help, but the ASR thing is another story.

Also, do not know what to think about the grammar part of it all and how to change headings, and that column on the left about all the headings and how to put one in correctly, etc.  Seems like more work AND to point the finger and blame MT's more so than ever than the client or dictator who dictated report.  And, HATE TO SAY IT, another reduce in ASR pay.     

Oh well, I just cannot wait to leave this profession within a year.  Talk about a lot of changes in just 3 years.  Been doing this for 25 years, but all these changes in such a short amount of time and low pay is just enough to do me in.  

I guess I am too - NJA Queen

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I only did the first couple lessons, haven't made it to the skip marker part, but after reading your post I never put in skip markers and I always highlight and delete so I guess I am in for it now too. This really truly wants to make me drag my heels and not download this version at all. Especially when I realized how sneaky MQ is.

They may say they are not cutting our pay, but they won't be paying for numbering and any reports with multi-heading standards that were typing will all be ASR because they can format the order of headings on the back end. I am sure this version will somehow figure out how to shave line counts even more and not count characters. So it may not technically be a pay cut, but it will sure feel like one.

So you deleted text and did not put in - skip markers?

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and now it won't let you do that anymore??

No, what it sounds like.... - Old part-timer

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It sounds like they're saying you can't delete incorrect text and then retype it, you have to highlight and type over it, which I never do either, so count me among the screwed.

I'll be dragging my feet on the 6.1, that's for sure!

Gotcha. - Misunderstood

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So now if I don't get paid for the headings - and numbered lines

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I probably won't make my minimum lines per hour? Great. Happy holiday. Apparently I GET a 3-day weekend. Since I type for clinics and they will be closed on Monday, I was "requested" to take PTO time for Monday. Can't get off when I want, but take off when they need.

I was "requested" to take the training on Monday - NJA Queen

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Since I was planning to make holiday pay on Monday there is no way I am giving that up to take training.


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I work at a hospital and it is the same for us regarding the PTO. I have to work and work to earn the PTO but then any day the department might be "closed" we have to use our PTO to cover our time off for that day. It's ridiculous. Then i never have the PTO when I acutually would like to take a break from a scheduled work day. I recently just had a week vacation and was short 4 hours of PTO so i had to come in on Wednesday..in the middle of my vacation to cover that time.

Okay, got that off my chest.
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

Boy do I emphasize with you, I have given 44 yrs ....sm - Fossil

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of my life to this profession, (12 at the Q)starting back in the 60s. I thought I had seen it all, but this company never ceases to surprise and amaze me in its underhandedness.

If I was young and could start all over, I would leave this profession in a hearbeat. Unfortunately, I need the pittance they pay me because I can't do without the insurance. I know a lot of you out there are in the same boat and understand.

Vent over...

oops, meant "empathize", my bad. nm - Fossil

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