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Frustration continues - anony

Posted: Feb 24, 2013

Working my "regular" schedule today.  So far 3.68 out of 8 hours in.  Wondering if there are fellow co-workers who have jumped in.  I have not jumped in to take work away from others.  I wish we could all work together.  YES, I too have financial obligations and struggle with finances. 

Please do not shoot the messenger.

it's every man for himself - see below

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about the ship? going down?

I will work whenever I see a job sitting there - thats my right

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When they forced us into a schedule, and forced us to sit there for 15 minutes waiting for a job to load, and forced us to fill out a ticket, and forced us to choose to make up time, and when they forced us into an NJA situation by shifting work overseas, it forced me to be a cut throat MT who has to fight for every darn job I can find. I am sorry that you are low on work, but so am I. I dont care if its your schedule, as others are on my schedule taking work for the same reasons I am. This is what this company forced me to do. I have bills to pay also. You also have the right to log on whenever you have to to get your lines in. You do what you have to, I will do what I have to. We all have a sad story, and we all need work.

Also, please dont shoot this messenger. But really, I dont care if you do, it would be a quicker and less painful death.

WOW - anony

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Can say no more.

There really is - nothing else

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you can say. If you want work, you'll have to do what the rest of us do and fight for it. We have bills too.

Agree with you 100%. - nm

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Dont blame you but you do understand - what will happen right?

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your TCM will block you when it becomnes advnatageous for them..I honestly think they are writing you out so you will quit and free up the work..not saying its right, just saying...

well, if that is true, I will not quit - thats my right

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They can play games with someone else. I have been here 17 years, I know how to play the game. I wont quit. I will keep getting the work and if they block me from it, I will collect unemployment.
Dont blame ya one bit - I would too
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Unfortunately, not everyone is in the monetary position to play their stupid games...Me, Im lucky, I can do it..I also know why I get steady work, Im a non-benefit taker..
well, I am not a benefit taker - and I dont get steady work
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So that is not the reason.

Your accounts were not all shifted yet.
thats a possibility also..Im steady full for now - ride the horse till it dies. sm
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Unless we can all figure out some kind of action, instead of fighting amongst ourselves...
Yep! I agree with you. Been here - over 20 years.
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I too have learned how to play COMPANY'S game. How many times I had no work in the morning and was switched to late evenings. Been working late evenings for over 20 years because of no work in the morning. Then morning shift running out of work and so MTs jump on in the evening and vice versa. Learned to play the game and if there is a job, you take it. The company is the one who made us learn the survival game.

Yep, it is a dog-eat-dog world at MModal these - days

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and we have all become the dogs looking for scraps.

Thank you. You are at least honorable, unlike our thieving coworkers below. - nm

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How is it being a thief to flex when we are told to do so? - anon

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I understand you want to work your schedule and no more, so does everyone. I also understand some people cannot work outside their schedule because they have other jobs (ME). However,if my supervisor tells me I can work outside my schedule to get my lines in, I will do so, if possible. There is no "stealing" of anyone's work, as it does not belong to you in the first place.

We're - honorable too

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You're going to have to do what the company has driven everybody to do if you want your lines. Don't call people dishonorable for doing as instructed and flexing to get hours and lines. You can either start doing that or don't get your lines, that's up to you.

Frustration - CoMT

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It isn't bad enough MM pays so little, has horrible dictators, etc., but it is literally turning it's employees on each other. Like a pack of wolves and one small deer! BUT, what can we do? We all have to work and want to work our shifts, but there isn't any work and MM doesn't seem able to or want to or can't fix this problem. I vote for not wanting to fix it; hence, we are all scrambling. No use posting anything about this, as you see the responses you get and I can understand that as well. Just log on and work and do what you can and since we are all sitting around with NJA most of the time, look for another job! It is horrible that it has come to this.

To the OP . . . . - MADMT

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You managed to get 3+ hours, be thankful. I was lucky to get that many hours for my total last week.

OP - Just askin

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What does OP stand for?
Original poster - NM
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OP - Just askin
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Thx. I just could not figure that one out. I keep thinking Operations something, but that didn't make sense either. I have only seen OP on the MM board (I think)!

It is called survival honey. Adapt, migrate or die. - nm

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My TSM said anyone working outside scheduled - ditto

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hours would be perfomanced managed, which is tantamout to being fired.

so what if there is no work - Carol

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I just got fired because MModal bought out yet another company I worked for, and they promised to hire us all. No, lie, lie, lie. I wrote emails, I called and left messages. Yes, same old MedQuist biting my ass again.

well everyone must have different rules then - because mine said the opposite

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Flex to make up time. Wonder why we can't all get on the same page.

My TSM - Kitty Lady

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Not if you file a remedy ticket saying when you are going to make up hours.

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