A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

So the MTSOs come here and read??? - Well, read this.

Posted: Aug 08, 2013

After more than 25 years in this business, I am getting the heck out!  I don't mind working hard.  I do very well on audits.  I am reliable.  I have made more than $40,000 a year until now, and did not even have to work 8 hours to do it.  I have worked over-time when needed.  I have loved doing this - until now.

What this profession has turned into is a crying shame,  competitiveness, greed, and pettiness.  Are MT schools actually still taking people's money to learn this?  I like VR but many MTSOs are putting everything on there, reports that do not belong there.  They have defeated its purpose in the first place due to their greed, and as a way to lower our pay, while we type what is supposed to be VR. I am sick to death of these ridiculous company policies.  I am old school.  You showed up for your shift, with some flexibility if reports were in TAT.  You typed 1500 lines a day and you did them accurately.  I could easily do 2000.  If there was no work, it was not held against you.  There was no clocking in and out, in and out.  You did not have to make up time when there was no work.  There was no having to learn numerous backup accounts in hopes of getting your line requirement in.  There were common sense things in accouunt specifications, not dozens and dozens of pages of ridiculous specs.  Personally, I think there should be one set of specs, sort of a universal thing.  You tell the client, "This is how WE do it." 

MTSOs want next to perfect on their audits.  They do not allow for any flexibility in your schedule or line count for any reason.  Having weekends and holidays off are a thing of the past.  They think nothing of changing your shift or your pay at their leisure and their convenience.  So, you have to be perfect, work nights, weekends, and holidays, and learn numerous accounts in the hope that you do not run out of work because they have over-hired.  There is no job stability in the business anymore.  All of these expectations and for very little pay.  They simply take advantage of the fact that we work at home. 

I am sick to death of doing work I do not get paid for.  That's my job, to do work for free......really?  This has gone too far for me.  I am 55 years old.  I need to get out now, while I still can, even for less money.  I need to know that I am going to have a paycheck, and what it will be.  I want off evenings, weekends and holidays.  I want to know I am going to have benefits until I retire.  I don't want to be afraid to spend money on ANYTHING because I do not have the job security I need. 

Yep, I loved this business.  I hung in there because I was good at it.  I let it go this far.  Well, no one is holding a gun to my head to put up with this.  I will gladly take a pay cut to have job security, benefits, 9-5, no weekends or holidays, and know what I will be making each payday instead of a pay cut every single year! 

It has taken me 6 months to land a good job.  It's tough at my age, but I have done it.  Ladies, even if you are up in years, there is a lot for you out there!  It's not easy to find.  You have to learn to disregard rejection time and time again.  Don't let it get to you.  And keep in mind, there actually is age discrimination out there.  Don't give up.  Keeping filling out those applications and submitting your resumes.  Make it a hobby.  Then one day you run into an employer who actually takes a close look at you, where you have been, what you have accomplished.  They know you will be stable, reliable, and long-term.  They will want your years of experience.  I can't tell you how many times I have been rejected.  It hurt at first, but I toughened up.  I got used to it and it no longer bothered me.  I just kept doing it.  I was actually offered a job at a medical office that I had even forgotten that I applied to.  When they called me, they had studied my resume carefully.  They understood exactly why I was leaving MT, and felt what I had done was productive, it took knowledge, attention to detail, analyzing, adapting to new programs, teamwork, and reliability, and that I would be an asset to them.  This was the first time I heard this!  I even became more confident myself! 

Goodbye MT.  Good luck ladies.  For those of you who are happy doing this at this point in time, my hat is off to you.  For those you are not, get busy.  Be confident in yourself.  You absolutely are not a failure.  You are an asset to those who may wish to see it, but you need to go find them!

I think I love you! Will you write a weekly newsletter for us? - Thanks for the uplifting

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words of encouragement. You rock!

I'm Not Worthy, I'm Not Worthy (circa Waynes World).. - YOU ROCK!!!!!

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And just about every company has become the same. - sm

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They all want ridiculous shifts, hours, weekends, holidays, etc., not because their clients really need it, but because they want to match their competition!! Oh, and of course there is the low pay on top of them wanting everyone to be an IC (with a shift), so there are no benefits, so what is the benefit? Working at home? Nah, I don't think so.

The smaller companies, what few are still around because they can't afford it, knew how to successfully run a business with benefits for their MTs. Everyone stayed on 1-2 accounts. It increased productivity and maintained quality. They did not over-hire, there was usually plenty of work, and the pay was more than decent. Gone are the days......

I really needed to hear this today. I've become - so discouraged, that I was - sm

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seriously thinking about filing for early social security, even though the check would be dinky, just for the peace it would give me to know it would be there every month, and in a reliable amount.

I've also started looking at panhandlers on the street corners in a different way. I've heard if you find the right corner, you can clear $50 a day. That's more than I make now.

I've been job hunting for 3 years with no success, but maybe, for one more day at least, I'll keep on looking.

MTSO Devils - Bravo

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You are one courageous lady and I applaud you and I did the same thing. I couldn't do it any longer; I worked for Edix, then Spheris, got out of that only to go to Medquist and when I couldn't stand to turn on my computer or open an e-mail any longer, I quit. It took me a while to find a job as well, and I have had a couple other ones since that day, but I have never looked back, never regretted my decision. When I read these posts, I cannot believe my eyes sometimes. HOW, do people put up with working for a company that continually takes away your pay, your time, your dignity. No work, change shifts; you change shifts, still no work and one excuse after another and the psycho babble from these companies is unbelievable. I do believe if you are miserable and continue to do this, no matter what your situation is, then you deserve what you get and you a are just feeding the monster. Good luck to everyone who is trying to make a difference in your life and yes, right on, about doing work for free. Seriously?????

I'm applying EVERYWHERE as well. - Need Out!!!

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I'm late 30s and I am applying EVERYWHERE and I am DETERMINED to find a job, no matter what. I too am SICK TO DEATH of this industry, have been doing it only 10 years. I just want to know what I make per hour, how many hours I work per week and that my pay is $xx amount of dollars per week or whatever. I also am sick of the "free work" that I do and the inconsideration that we have to actually PAY BILLS with our money. These MTSOs actually act like this is our "hobby" and any amount of money we receive, we should just be happy about it. Tired of not having work to do because THEY over-hire just to meet their TAT without regard for the fact that I can't pay my bills. You ask them about it and they say "Hopefully it picks up" but I cannot tell my bill collectors that maybe I can pay them next month. I'm done too, pray for my job hunt please.

Ladies, do not be discouraged, be encouraged. - see this message

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If you have made up your mind that you are getting out, that is the first step, but you are a long way from done. Let the discouragement end and the encouragement begin. Some of you are feeling "worthless," and you have got to stop that. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror. Yes, things have been bad, but you are about to change that. If you can do MTing, you are a highly skilled person in many ways.

Dress up that resume and work on applying at least twice a week. TALK YOURSELF UP in your resumes. For instance, the first 3 paragraphs of my resume state:

Administration: I provide exceptional administrative support to peers and management. I streamline office procedures to increase efficiency and improve service. I have outstanding communication, problem solving, customer service, multitasking and organizational skills. I consider myself to be highly motivated and reliable.

Technical Skills: I am proficient in typing at least 75 words per minute with superior accuracy. I am knowledgeable and skilled in Microsoft Word, blah, blah, many apsects of office equipment, technology, and software platforms such as blah, blah.

Key Strengths: I develop teamwork relationships with staff, managers, and clients. I adapt quickly to new environments. I pay close attention to detail and meeting deadlnes. I have successful experience in acessing and retrieving data, creating accurate reports that require reseach and analyzing of information, and have the ability to work independently.

Then list your work experience and education. Do not just list schools. Have you taken online courses, continuing education courses, or even self-taught software platforms. But most importantly, TALK YOURSELF UP politely.

Sorry for typos. In a hurry.

When you actually look at what we do, we are very highly trained, skilled and intelligent people. Our work requires all of that mentioned above. You have more value than you may realize.

Come up with questions that people will ask you in an interview. How do you handle stress in the work place? How would handle an irrate client/patient. Why do you think you are right for this job? What are your weaknesses? What are your strengths? Come up with the answers to these questions so you are prepared. May eye contact constantly, and smile. Look relaxed. Feel confident.

Yes, in this job market, it is going to take some time and you may feel like giving up. IGNORE the rejection. It is going to happen. Do not let it stop you. Keep doing your work to the best of your ability. Allow for time during the week in case you get an interview. Do some networking if you can. Make a list of web sites of places where you would want to check for a job opening every week or so, hospitals, universities, state jobs. They really only advertise online, so check them periodically. Your application and resume are kept on line with some of them for 6 months, so when you APPLY, you have an ID and password, and it brings up your previous application if you want to change anything. It is not as time consuming a process as you may think. Just keep doing it, and check back often for openings.

Lastly, before you go on that interview, do a little research on the company, so that you can state in the interview, "I notice that you have xx number of employees, you were in the news for so and so, or any information that is available to add to your conversation. That will impress them when you compliement their company.

Hope some of this helps. Above all, you have got to be determined, confident, and not willing to give up!

Best of luck.

Thank you so much - I really needed this right now - MT28

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I like this one so much - I am going to
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copy it and save for future reference. Thanks! The best way for us to send a clear message to these companies is to GET OUT! We make them, we can break them and we can do it!

I just saved your post. So much helpful - info. Thank you. nm.

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Been in this for 26 years. I am DONE! - MTSO companies SUCK!

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I went to college and recevied a college certificate to be a medical transcriptionist.  I loved my job and the people I worked with in the office.  Company just switched from typewriters to computers.  It was great and I was proud of being a medical transcriptionist.  These last 5-6 years quite frankly SUCK working for any MTSO companies.

Just like you, I had enough and I WANTED OUT!  I went back to school and I finished school while working as an MT these last few years.  I have a new job and I get paid more than double of what I made as an MT.  I get holidays off WITH PAY.  I get paid for going to the bathroom and hanging up Christmas lights which was a new normal for me.



26 years and DONE! - Wow

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Talk about justified anger; you go girl! I hear ya. If I could destroy and I mean literally destroy some of these companies I would. I hate them. I still do transcription, but I am an IC; not the most ideal regarding taxes, but you have to do what you have to do to hang onto your sanity. I only do straight transcription and all American doctors; one ESL, but he is very good, must have been educated in America and not some fly by night middle or far eastern medical school. I am also retired; had to take it early, no choice, so that was a bit of a struggle, but now, I work half time and half time only. We are never out of TAT and there is work every day and if not, I am happy to have a free day off. After years of struggling, I finally made it, but the down side, I am 67! No fun getting older that's for sure, but I am active, get out of the house and only work 2-4 hours a day. I am left alone and cannot complain, but if this job ends, then I live on my social security (yeah right) or find a PT job someplace, even if it is companion work. No more MT for me thank you very much. When I think of the time and energy I wasted on some of these places, I cringe. Life is way too short to put up with this nonsense. No other profession treats it employees like these MTSOs do. They just out and out lie and how many hoops can you jump through to make minimum wage; Fughedaboutit! Let them all go to hades!

I hear ya... - These companies

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do not know how lucky they are that most of their real workers are at home. There would probably be a lot of "going postal" if they actually had offices to work at.
Man, you got that right! The only thing about - these companies that surprises me - S/M
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me anymore is that no one has yet done what you describe: Go postal.

Considering the shameful business and HR practices of these organizations, and the dire straits most of their employees find themselves in today, I truly believe it's only a matter of time before we turn on the TV some morning, and learn that somebody finally snapped.

Congratulations! I'm trying for that too. - Maggie May

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I'm not there yet, but have irons in the fire to get out of the MT business forever. I can't wait. The stress is just too much. I am looking forward to all those things you posted, especially an HOURLY wage!

Love my boss and my account, but I think MT is doomed - MTRR

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I have been in tears today because I've been applying and getting rejected over and over again, or I get an offer for low pay and part time, which won't pay bills.

Thanks for writing your encouraging post! I will keep this in mind and keep trying, too.

Well hear this.. - mtmom23

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BRAVO!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this. Happy to hear it is not so bleak. Love your determination and positive outlook. A very much needed message on this board to be certain.

Best of luck to you in your new position. I think I will be printing this and posting it near my computer!

Very well said. Best of luck to you. Congrats! nm - Snoopy

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I hope to be in a position soon of NEVER working again - nn

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I was born with what has been classified as a "slight disability." In my many years as an MT, I have been able to do straight typing with no problem, although I am not a fast typist and have my own way of typing, but I struggle with VR and using keyboard commands because it affects the right side of my body.

About 2 months ago, I went in for a routine eye exam (hadn't had one in 6 years and during that exam, the eye doctor asked me if I had ever suffered a stroke to my knowledge and I told him that I hadn't as far as I knew) and just went on with my life as I knew it. Well during this eye exam, I was found on my visual field testing to have a loss of the peripheral vision on my right side. The eye doctor stated that it was not due to glaucoma or macular degeneration, but she felt that it was due as the result of a traumatic event. I looked up the definition of CP on the SSDI website (this is what I have been told that I have had all my life, and have NEVER gone through any type of diagnostic procedure up until now, nor has it ever been suggested). The requirements for CP, are very "gray" in their definition, so I called an attorney, and told him everything, including what the eye doctor had found, and the fact that I was following up with a neurologist. He suggested that I go ahead and file, which I did about 2-4 weeks ago. I had the MRI done a week ago today and got the results yesterday, which were very shocking to say the least. I found out that I was born with one-third of my brain missing, and that I have had a series of small strokes, as well as having hardening of my cerebral arteries. The neurologist informed me that there is nothing that can be done, and that it will only get progressively worse over time. People have been flabbergasted to say the least, when I tell them what the results were. My eye doctor, called me today, to see if I had found anything out and when I told her, she was utterly speechless. I spoke with a friend of mine, who is on disability for MS, and she feels (according to what her attorney told her), is that I may be able to qualify for disability dating back to the time that I was born. (Again, back in the mid 50s and throughout my years growing up, the diagnostic modalities we have today, were not available then as they are today). If that is the case, I could "possibly" be looking at somewhere in the vicinity of $650,000 (before taxes and attorneys). Even with regular SSDI, I would be receiving around $1200 a month based on my lifetime earnings. I would qualify for being able to live in disabled housing even though I am not 62 yet, which would be based on my disability income. I am already receiving food stamps, and I have no need for a car, as there is transportation here that is provided free or at a low cost to people who are in need of it. I am very aware that this could be a long process, but as the neurologist and attorney said -- file -- you could get approved right away, or you may not. Right now, just making sure all the documentation is there etc., so that my case will be stronger.

Don't bet the rent you will get SSDI - CAncerVictim

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I have ovarian cancer but the SSDI people saw no reason why I could not just work through chemotherapy even though (on top of the fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances) my hands (and feet) are numb, clumsy and painful as a side effect from the Taxol. This makes it very difficult to type even in that last week before my next dose when the chemo-brain is gone. I have been struggling with this for two years now, and thankfully in a few months (if I live that long) I can take early retirement, so I don't have to feel quilty and worthless about feeling so sick and tired and stupid all the time. So be forewarned.

i am done in a year - toast

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after almost 30 years of watching my work decrease, pay decrease, my body and its health DECLINE (FOR WHAT?)...I am done done done... gonna get married and be happy doing anything but this stupid job! Can't wait!

....and home will be a place you come home to - not stay in like a prison 24/7

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Will be nice to really come home from a hard day at work, instead of having no boundaries and emotions when working at home and they flow into the rest of your day at home, never really turning it off. There will be true separation. That has GOT to be good for our health.

Good for you, WellReadThis. Have fun - and sleep well at night. nm

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Thank you. I needed to hear this. - BFY

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I was widowed last year and am currently receiving benefits, but they end next year and I am not making enough money to make up for the loss of my husband's income. I have three kids to support and I need to find something else.

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Yep MTSOs Are Presemt
Aug 27, 2012

Yep MTSOs are on board and reading..  Since we are at it, how about a decent wage?  Other than 7 cpl?  Of course, if you pass IMPOSSIBLE QA and keep yoiur mouth shut "like a good ittle girl" then we might pay 7.5"  I have stooped to these MTSOs and their DEMANDS - the "book" is just that.  We have MTSO's who are subcontractors  -- several other services on  board.  I have been in this business for 30+ years.  When I started from home, it was on c ...

MTSOs That Use Infraware
Oct 05, 2012

Which MTSOs use infraware? ...

Will SOP To Bankrupt MTSOs?
Oct 16, 2012

From what I am hearing about the financial difficulties and downsizing of many MTSOs, I suspect that their SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) are going to bankrupt them. Will we go back to ICs working directly for the doctors/facility? Isn't it a matter of downloading a free platform or utilizing a server for MTs that encrypts? Here is where the MTSO are losing money: Clients not informed of horrid sound quality, taking the MTs a lot of extra time to decipher. Doctors are not trai ...

To MTSOs, What Does The Future Look Like To You? Sm
Apr 16, 2013

Wondering what you small MTSO companies have lined up for the future?  We have discussed what MTs are possibly switching to in the near future and now I wonder if all of these small MTSO companies that might be making a good living now have a backup plan for when it all dries up?  ...

Venting About MTSOs
May 17, 2013

I'm looking for things I can take to a pawn shop to hock today in an effort to pay my electric bill before shut off so I can keep working. I'm forced into bankruptcy and ask risk of losing my home due to the miniscule illegal wages we are paid for editing. The MTSO has not even responded to my last questions about account preferences, and notification of a technical error in the software, yet has the nerve to send me a snarky email bitching about my 100% accurate report for a mistake ...