A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Please sign this petition letter re: MT - Kiki1

Posted: Dec 26, 2010


All MTs who want this to continue to be a viable career, please go read this letter and electronically sign it  If they get enough sigs, they can submit the petition.

Can't hurt. 

What has AHDI done for us except take out money to - line their pockets??? nm

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Above out = our. - nm

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Well, this petition you obviously didn't bother to read. - NM

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Yeah, so? Your point? - nm

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Well, if nothing else you might be amused. This - petition is free, but (not Kiki1)
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it's presented with the same software they use to try to milk a disinterested industry of money. Apparently they have no other? :)

Like it or not, though, this stupid little organization is our biggest--and only organized--one.
The only reason they want MTs to remain a part - (nm) - MT Wordz
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of the EMR equation is if MTs disappear entirely, so does their cash cow. (Us!)

They are currently lobbying hard in Washington to have their stupid CMT become mandatory for all MTs. More money to line their already-bulging pockets.

There is ALWAYS an ulterior motive to everything AHDI says or does. I refuse to have anything whatsoever to do with AHDI, including signing any petitions for them.
NOTE: NM in the subject line means no message. If you want a post read - do not use nm nm
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Sorry - that was a typo. I meant to put an "S". - nm
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Do you realize ahdi promotes offshoring. And they sell credentials - to OS, with no testing required. You need to SM

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investigate things more before you post.

Still, why not bother to read the petition? - NM

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Why waste my time? I am not going to sign it. - nm

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Well, you threw in your 2 cents' worth. Wouldn't it be - appropriate to know what the post's about? (N
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Not sure I am getting your point - sm
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Based on past behavior, there is no need to involve myself in anything AHDI does because even things they've tried to masquerade as pro-US MT have proven not to be the case.

To use an analogy, albeit it an extreme one, I avoid the KKK. I don't read their web site because their politics are anathema to me. So if someone said, hey, the KKK has a pro-equal opportunity petition up on their web site, go sign, there's no way I would. Because my experience has been that no matter what words come out of their mouth, their actions tell quite a different story. To tangle in another cliche, a leopard doesn't change his spots, so I doubt that AHDI is doing anything to help US MTs now, nor will they in the future until the fortunes tied to the offshore MT start circling the drain.
Good analogy. And you know there's some ulterior motive going on here. - the same old "required" certification deal?
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Betcha dollars to doughnuts that's what's behind this - this latest little petition drive. NM
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^ (me again). didn't mean to mirror MT Wordz's above post, which I hadn't even - even read yet. Eerie, actually.
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I think we just had the same thought at the same time! - (Who wouldnt?) - MT Wordz
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sorry, cannot and/or will not back AHDI on anything. - no message

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Knee jerk engaged, - Masquerading as principle, though?

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Would it have been a violation of principle to READ the petition?

It would be a WASTE of my time. I will not support organization - bent on the destruction of my profession. nm

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Funny thing is, if you go down, you'll be sharing - your boat with the AHDI. Enjoy?
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You COULD sneak over and just read the petition to see what you're against. No one would ever know.
AHDI is the reason MTs are going down - Backwards Typist
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They support off-shore MTs, not American MTs. They always chose the "MTSO of the year" if that company off-shores.

I used to belong back when they were for the American MTs and dropped them like a rock when they started catering to OS companies.

No thanks. I won't be signing the petition either.
Backwards, it's been pointed out before that - our problems stem from giant global forces.
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AHDI deserves much of the contempt it's always drawn, but blaming this little group no one outside our field has even heard of for computerization, global satellite systems, worldwide recession, etc., as you do is just profoundly...well, backwards?
Why do I get the feeling that you are an AHDI suit? - Most real MTs are not this pro-AHDI.
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Just sayin'....
I am PRO INFORMING oneself before commenting. - Sign or do not sign, just know what it is. NM
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That's all.
Pro Informing of what? Evil is evil; it doesn't change because you use pretty words - or lie through your teeth
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Obviously you've never read the fable about the turtle and the scorpion. AHDI is who they are, and reading the petition does not change that. I haven't read Mein Kampf but I think based on my knowledge of the author I can be very comfortable knowing I'm not missing anything.
Um, I DID read it before I commented. In fact, - its WHY I commented. Pehh...
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Amen to that. What has that bunch EVER done for US? - Answer: Zip. Nada. Zero. Nuthin.
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Are you an AHDI representative? - (Jes wonderin...) n/m
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I read it, and (a) it's kind of vague about what - (sm) - MT Wordz

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it is, exactly, that they want the Senators to do. (b) The fact that, after all their "rah-rah, let's offshore American transcription!" for the last decade or so, why this sudden illusion of being "pro-MT"?

With AHDI's past track record of "all that they do for the American MT", I think the odds are stacked pretty heavily in favor of this being yet another scheme of some sort.

They're anti-MT, other than how much MONEY MT's can make for them.

They're dishonest.

They're greedy.

I wouldn't give that organization the time of day, let alone my signature, my money, or anything else.

They should just forge a bunch of faux signatures on their little petition, and present that to the Senate. That would be much more their style.

I've read the petition - please read on...

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The petition has nothing to do with preserving the profession OR employment of MTs.

"Meaningful use" represents a set of requirements to which the EHR must comply in order to qualify for financial incentives.

If AHDI did not lobby for the meaningful use of medical transcriptionists, they would lose out on the income garnered from schools, certification programs, and most importantly, the substantial income from MTSOs.

AHDI does not promote, recommend, or even suggest that the medical record - which they wear on their sleeves like a badge of honor - be produced within our borders.

Nor do they help to raise the professional bar - and our compensation - by promoting real-time, on-shore production.

"Integrity" is something this organization is seriously lacking.

Vaguely worded - Anonymous

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I thought the wording of the petition was vague, I was unable to sign the petition or leave a comment due to "Connection Problems," maybe my firewall was blocking it. No mention was made in regard to stopping offshoring or standardization/improvement of wages and benefits, which are also important issues. I also was not comfortable providing personal information just to sign a petition, it looked like a way to be placed on someone's mailing list.

When I go to ADHI's site, my anti-malware/virus - blocker starts going NUTS! (n/m)

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Finally a comment about the contents of the petition! - Although I do respectfully disagree. SM
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After pointed analysis explaining the importance of MTs (and MTSOs, also endangered), to the health record, the petition gets to this point:

"We petition your continued support in these urgent times by communicating with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, seeking acknowledgment in regulations that the dictation-transcription process and structured narrative reports are recognized as vital elements of electronic health records (EHR), are included in the definition of テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスmeaningful useテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつス, and recognized as essential for ensuring patient safety."

The idea is, even if those regulatory offices decided to not reimburse providers for transcription expenses (killing us), Congress could swoop in to rescue the quality narration adds to the health record (and us). If it chose.

As an MT who likes her job and would hate to have to start over from scratch at my age, and is also a patient, I signed. Of course.

reimburse providers for transcription expenses? - please read on...
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Nowhere on this planet is any provider reimbursed for transcription.
Nowhere. No one.

The electronic health record contains anything (anything) that can be imported electronically into the EHR.

The AHDI does not need to lobby the government to allow the narrative report to remain a part of the EHR. Doctors are doing this by dictating.

Doctors (particularly consultating specialists) need to be able to dictate narrative accounts, and they will continue to do so.

No entity on the planet is going to prevent physicians from communicating in the exact way they choose.
Comment on contents - Anonymous
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Okay, now explain what the portion in quotation marks means. We already have structured narrative reports in the EHR, how does this change anything? The regulatory agencies have never reimbursed providers for transcription expenses and probably never will in the future. Somehow, I think Congress has bigger fish to fry these days.
Reimbursement refers to the screws being turned - (THIS IS IMPORTANT TO US.)
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via Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements to physicians, hospitals, etc., i.e.--the providers. There's a whole phased schedule of incentives for complying with the HITECH Act. The more they comply the more they're reimbursed by Medicare/Medicaid for services rendered. After a certain time, ones not fully complying actually start being punished with lower reimbursements for their services.

This is a huge deal (for US, too), and providers by the many thousands around the country are trying to figure out how to get into compliance.

IF the regulatory agencies decide not to reimburse for transcription/editng services (deciding they don't contribute to the requirement of "meaningful use"), our jobs are history. Thus, the point of the petition.

Since our future depends on the decision about our contribution to "meaningful use," I did sign. It's about my job, not AHDI.
Seeing as how this is an AHDI petition, I think it's more - about Indian jobs than it is ours.
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If AHDI remains in the picture for much longer, our jobs are going to be history, no matter what happens on Capitol Hill with regards to healthcare.

The bottom line is this: Whatever AHDI wants, I for one do NOT want. It will NOT benefit us. Guaranteed.

AHDI petition - not signed by me
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"Since our future depends on the decision about our contribution to "meaningful use," I did sign. It's about my job, not AHDI."

Maybe if AHDI had not done the hard core push to get "OUR" jobs performed offshore, "transcription" would still been in the forefront enough to be looked at as a "vital portion" of EHR and it would not have been neglected in this pending legislation.

We have all seen the reports that come back from offshore as well as some of the posts that get put on here before they are deleted. AHDI pushed to train these people and they are willing to accept the unprofessional garbage that comes back to us and then we are supposed to work for nothing to correct the mess. AHDI pushes this as acceptable, not for this transcriptionist, I actually care if the patient's report I am transcribing is error free.

Now AHDI is in panic-mode because they have actually managed to eliminate (by their actions in the past few years) the thought of transcription being necessary to a complete and correct EHR. (Out of sight, out of mind).
reimbursement and screws - please read on...
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Again, we don't have to worry about "IF the regulatory agencies decide not to reimburse..." they already do not reimburse for transcription.

"Meaningful use" has to do with the integration of the electronic health record; it is not a judgment of whether certain contributions are considered meaningful or not.

There is nothing that precludes dictation or transcription, and I find it curious (and unproductive) that the AHDI is taking this on as a quasi-political mission.

The bottom line is hospitals/clinics/practices need to be able to afford their support staff.

I think a productive campaign for AHDI to undertake would be one that sought to educate our legislators how large MTSOs are succeeding in garnishing a sizeable piece of the healthcare pie by, essentially, trafficking in documents.
They're likely struggling to find relevance - sm
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The US MTs are not really thronging to join them, some of us because we are wise, some because they don't care, and some because thanks to AHDI's actions they can't afford to.

Now India, a very nice country but not exactly poster children for ethical behavior (everything can be bought, pirated and copied), have driven the industry to the point that it has no need for AHDI. The push for requiring US MTs be CMTs- a last gasp to try to shove the genie back in the bottle. They loosed it when they sold out the domestic transcription industry to offshore interests, now they're paying for it, too.

Guess what, lugnuts? Sandeep is not going to pay your annual dues. And with the size of the Indian arm of the industry, there is not a dang thing AHDI can do about it since they are now the size to squash AHDI like the nasty dung beetle they are.
LOL - love it! - hohohehehehahahahehe
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BRAVO! Accurate & well-worded response! - ANTI-AHDI-MT

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Let us start our own "MT" club. no dues. we paid them. - tynkerbelle

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we should start our own MT club. no dues. we have already paid them. also with a low-wage profession, i think that would be a novel idea. maybe we could charge a "$5.00 joining fee" give them a written test then send a badge and a piece of paper saying they belong to our "club". if you are interested write to me at tynkerbelle@inorbit.com.

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