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I WAS so proud of those raising their voices BUT NOW - Unions Are Dead

Posted: Apr 23, 2012

I have edited this message to just let each of you read what was posted and feel proud or disappointed in the responses.

Except for one teensy weensy little detail: Unions are - NOT dead. - nm - Mariposa

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Thanks for the laugh - wheres_my_job

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we all need humor in our days. The MTSOs really are nervous about this, apparently - or else we wouldn't be getting so much...attention...from the naysayers...it's all very strange...

WMJ, Who is nervous, and who is getting attention? - sm

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MTSOs hire and train people every day. It does not make them nervous, nor is it strange to them, and they will continue to do so.

The attention from the naysayers has been simply to advise that this has been tried and failed before. It is not just the MT industry that is suffering. You, who has nothing to lose, asking already struggling MTs to put their jobs at risk is not the answer (although we do agree with a national spending strike).

It is obvious who wants the attention here.

No, something is strange about your attention - wheres_my_job

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I've known many MTs through the years - none have ever exhibited quite the passion for anti-unionism that you have. Are you paid by the Koch Bros. or something? There are companies dedicated to squelching union organizing. So now they've wised up to the Internet, and have started using social media.

No, you've got your motives, and they have nothing to do with "protecting" other MTs from the likes of me.

why do you place blame on so many things except yourself - for not doing well in MT Land
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You are talking to this poster like he/she is the only one responding to you. Multiple people are responding to all of your nonsense, not just one.

I think you need to hang a mirror in front of that face and look in it for a good week or so.
The desire for justice is not a desire for revenge - wheres_my_job
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I have to think about the hostility I receive - why - it doesn't make sense. Unless of course, you're a union buster...they have companies that do that...

strange, singly, or multiply, the hostility doesn't make sense - I've known so many MTs, and the hostility just wasn't there - but it's being expressed here. Hostility. Because someone wants justice, which is fair pay and good working conditions.

It doesn't make sense.
geez... first I get called a suit, now a union buster! - you are an idiot
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I am so sick of you calling all of us names.
yes sick of the name calling too, just out and out trolling now. - NM
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The hostility You receive? Really.....? - Mirror - meet WMJ.
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YOU incite it. You criticize anyone who does not agree with you. You engage in it. You call us names. You insult us. You constantly give unsolicited advice. You make it a point in very, very many threads to tell everyone why they are wrong about anything. You are just overbearing. IF you do receive hostility, can you not see you bring it on yourself? Your opinions are no more important than others here.

As passionate as you are about whatever it is you believe in, you would best serve yourself, and others, if you pursued that for a while. Do your demonstrations, letters, strikes, etc. and stop fueling the very hostility here that you are complaining about.
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Thank You!!!!
you do realize WMJ started this an now EVERYBODY IS FIGHTING. - you have been punked by WMJ. its a game.
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Hun, she started nothing of the kind. We've been attacking - each other since the Dark Ages - sm
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just one more little reason why we MTs are still living in them.
oh but she started this one....doll. - NM as in No More, done.
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and then sits back and enjoys the show.
Hun? and We? - Who is in the dark ages?
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Dark ages, huh? Hun sure sounds like it. But "we." I do not think so. You cannot speak for all. I cannot remember 1 time I have ever called anyone here a name, or insulted them because of their point of view; only tried to express my own.

Again, you do not hear from the successful and happy MTs much. I do sympathize with the struggling MTs, but just because they have lost their job or are not happy with the one they are in does not mean that all of us are unhappy and struggling. Some of us actually still love this profession, make good money, are treated fairly, and enjoy our jobs.

Perhaps some of these people should look at who they are working for, address it there. If that does not work, leave. That is the only way things are going to change. If none of the MT jobs seem acceptable, pursue something else.

WMJ was very unhappy in her situation. She lost her job. From what I have seen here, she may have caused her own demise, I do not know. If things were so bad in the whole MT Land for her, where has she been until now? It has only been of late that she comes on her slamming ALL MTSOs and every MT who does not agree with her. She is a now a former disgruntled employee who wants us all to take a stand, risking our jobs, on her behalf. She claims she is out of MT. Okay, that's probably for the best, but why come here and tell the rest of us what we must do, or be insulted and called names. I don't get it. She is not an MT anymore and her passions would be better directed elsewhere.
so she screwed up ler life and comes here to rant and rage. - nice. Glad you see that. NM
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end of discussion for me!

I'll agree that something is very strange - No further explanation needed

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Strange indeed...

Yea, our goal, to make someone not in MT proud. - Now that is strange. nm

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she's no loinger an MT, how can she strike? - strange indeed.

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and THAT is why she never answers the question posted several times about getting out - she already anwered it back in February.

News Flash: It's not an "MT strike". It involves - ALL workers. MTs are a minority.
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Not with you on this regardless and if that makes me the name - you are about to call me - so be it. Kay?
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Thank you for doing your part to keep medical - transcriptionists an exploited workforce.
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you are RIGHT! It was me all long. and you are most welcome. - nm
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not according to WMJ. its an MT strike on the same day. - NM
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I could have been, but... likely it'll just be a nationwide - strike/protest that a few MTs take the - S/M
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opportunity to participate in. Organizing a purely MT strike has been proven fruitless, as most MTs lack what it takes to risk a little in order to gain a lot. Still, when an opportunity such as the May 1st Strike presents itself, what better opportunity for the few of us that DO want to make our voices heard to do so? If most MTs don't want to, no big deal.

I participated in a huge OWS protest last fall in a major city, and of the thousands of people there, I probably had the tiniest little sign. All it said was, "Stop offshoring our jobs!"

It didn't even say anything about MT. But amazingly, it generated a lot of conversation during the day, and it was a golden opportunity to tell people who don't know our field even exists, to learn one of the many, many ways our government and the companies that OWN our government are screwing the citizens of America.

I really could care less whether any other MT in the entire country participates. But at least I'll be there, and I intend to make the most of the opportunity. Besides that, I really need a day off to get outside and do something healthy for a change.
Sorry - first word should be "It", not "I". - Sorry for the typo!
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To S/M - see my message
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Your post is the most sensible I have seen in quite a few threads. Thank you for sharing a voice of reason and common sense.

Everyone should do what they can, and how they can. If that means nothing at all, then so be it. Live and let live.
agree - NM
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