A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

3 cool things today - WWZD

Posted: Nov 14, 2013

This morning, from this very forum, I learned the term "exenteration" and added it to my glossary... and used it for the first time in a report, to-day. Buried in some ADT this morning I just happened to notice the name of a *fantastic* dictator I knew from 3 years ago at a completely different MTSO. Maybe I'll get some of her reports again... I googled a phrase and the only reference was to an article the dictator himself wrote. Easy A. So, I hope I haven't reached my awesome coincidence quota or something. Thanks for letting me share that life is still good!

google? gee wiz - mmp

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sad that some MTs think good is a
medical reference !

personally I'm pondering over 'good' is a medical reference and - OPs word to-day. just sayin NM

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awsome coincidence #1 for me today.

to-day... - WWZD

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was for phonetic emphasis, like dy-no-mite.

I was taking a break from purely technical and perfect English for just a minute.

And life is still good. :D

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