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WGU RHIA program - sm

Posted: Jun 02, 2013

Has anyone here gone through WGU and become a RHIA?  I am currently a RHIT, but I'm thinking of furthering my education.  I really like computers and technology and I think this looks like a good program.  I just wonder if RHIA is worth it because I see a lot of jobs require either RHIT or RHIA.

Yes, it is worth it - RHIA

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The two are not the same. One is a four-year degree. There is no comparison. Employers are going to prefer a bachelor's degree. You can see this with large employers--they will not hire RHITs for many positions.

Be careful that you are not misinterpreting what you see in job ads. They are not "requiring" either . . . they will "accept" either. That does not mean they are holding them equal.

Online education is changing what we see in healthcare. Before, you had to attend in person, so you had to live near the school. People got what they could get locally. Today, anyone can get education online.

We are now seeing bachelor's degrees where we used to see only associate's. We see master's where we saw bachelor's. We see multiple master's and MBAs where we saw only one before.

There are also a lot of graduate certificate programs to give you relevant job skills. You can't get into any of those without at least a bachelor's degree.

AHIMA is working on formalizing a master's in HIA, too.

Not OP ?? - MTSlave

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I am considering WGU also. My question is, how difficulty is it to get accepted into the program? I have read that they want you to have at least some college experience. I have no formal education outside of my MT training, and I have been employed as a MT for 10 years now.


Not sure how difficult it is to get in, but I am sure - you have to be serious about it.

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This is what I read:

Healthcare professionals who want to develop IT skills to move into health informatics.
Health information professionals who want to gain expertise in health informatics.
Information technology (IT) professionals who want to move into health informatics.
Motivated individuals who are seeking a career that combines expertise in healthcare, IT, and business.
Individuals who have completed some college coursework or have applicable work experience.
Individuals who can typically spend 15 or more hours per week on their studies.

You cannot be all those things at once, so maybe they don't all have to be met at once.

I see that it says "some college coursework or have applicable work experience." You have been an MT for 10 years. Don't you think that is applicable work experience? It is in health information. It requires knowledge of A&P and medical language. Doesn't that program include those? Don't you prepare documents for medical records?

I know for sure that if you applied to Andrews, you would be unhappy about having to take those subjects again. You would feel you already had some knowledge.

Also look at the requirement of being a "motivated individual seeking a career . . ." Are you motivated? Don't you seek a career in the field they describe?

And don't you work remotely, being responsible for your productivity and success? Don't you think that will help you deal with a program like WGU?

Aren't you good with English reading and writing? Don't you think that will help you?

I don't think they are easy to get into. They require an interview and an aptitude test. If it is worth it to you, you will make the effort to get in.
All very good points.... sm - MTSlave
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All of your points are great and I had considered them myself. After reading the following, I began to question myself thinking that WGU was looking for a different type of student, maybe one who already possesses some IT experience and/or an AS/AA degree before being accepted.



My reccomendation - whisper
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Tomorrow, take a few minutes and call there. They are very friendly and will help you with your questions. I also thought about applying to WGU at one point, and talked to their counselors. I would not be a good fit at this point because I don't have any experience with EMR, or transcription platforms -- I've only ever used word. That's really the minimum you need in terms of experience, at least when I spoke with their office. You should call and speak with them anyway, in case requirements have changed.
Thank you - MTSlave
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I will give a shot and see what they say : )

MTSlave - I applied and was accepted

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I passed their test, which I found very difficult. Although I was accepted, I chose to go to coding school first. They said once I was accepted, I am always accepted, so I can choose to go that route down the road. I think the IT part is what made me decide to start with coding first. I consider myself somewhat technically challenged!

I am now almost done coding school and I can hardly wait! It has been extremely challenging, especially juggling work, school and a home life, but I know it will be worth it in the end. Good luck to you.
A Question - Emma
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How is studying coding going to make you more technically savvy?
An answer - sm
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I said I considered myself technically challenged and that I decided to pursue coding instead of attending WGU. I did not say that coding would make me more technically savvy.

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