A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

For the MT moving to coding - more of the same

Posted: Sep 25, 2012

Looks like that global boat won't float either

But, the coding board would - flmt

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have you believe that it is illegal to send coding to India. Or, that it won't ever be where the doctor can do it without the coders. It will all be automated some day, just like MT is going to now. As long as India has the same certification/training, it is possible and already they are doing it.

I wouldn't say it's illegal. I would even say 'they' will try it - See message

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I would say that people globally will try anything and everything! You can't blame them for that. That doesn't mean that everything they put in the air will fly. Read that ad. Are you going to put your career in their hands?

More of the same - sm

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For what it's worth, I am a CMT transitioning to coding BUT keeping up my CMT. Here's how I look at it: I do not like what has happened to MT and where it continues to go, so I am pursuing other options. IF MT does turn around in the future, I will still be a CMT AND I will be trained/certified in something else.

Bottom line for me: IMO, this gives me choices that I don't have now. I hope to be a CCS, CPC, and continue to be a CMT. There really are no guarantees in life but it sure does help to keep your options open. My glass is always half full.

another thought - anon

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I am an RN, CMT, and I am taking coding. Coding (especially combined with RHIA/RHIT) opens up many different career paths, it is not just 1 job like MT. This scares me too, coders do not want to hear it, but MTs didn't believe it could happen to them either. BUT, there will always be some jobs here and the more education the better.

So I took a couple of minutes to research - makes you go hmmm.

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I'm also tired of the repeat coding is being taken over by Indians routine..

Anyway, so I took 3 minutes to research this guy.

1. According to his about us page, he's been Triple Certified since 2003.

2. I did a search of credentialed coders on the ahima website and went back through the year 2000... guess what? this guy is NOT listed as a credential coder if you search by last name (Guptha--which I also searched Gupta and also the guy's first and middle name) or by location (India, Pakistan, and the Phillipines)

He's not Anywhere on AHima as a credential coder.

It's a scam. Please stop with the coding is going the way of MT bit if you're not going to even bother doing any research.

Not AHIMA Certified - Not a Coder

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I'm just a lowly MT mind you but I don't believe the gentleman is AHIMA certified but rather AAPC certified. Unable to verify credentials according to the AAPC web site without a "member ID" provided by the individual certified. Although, again, I'm just a lowly MT, so I may be missing something here. Coding will be going offshore - just a matter of time like everything else.

What's with the 'lowly MT' comments you keep making? - CMT

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The person's credentials are more than questionable. That is not an insult to you as an MT. It is, however, as the OP pointed out, a criticism of your research skills.

As an MT, I'm glad someone is pointing this out to you. This kind of hopeless 'all-is-lost' attitude is harmful to MTs. Please don't bring it over to the coders when you aren't even one of us. We certainly don't want it here.
Anyone who was ever an MT should never again put - on their rose-colored glasses. Instead, - sm
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the opposite is a necessity if any of us still want to have any hope of being employed in anything but the retail or service sector in the years to come.

Be hopeful, but also:

Be wary.
Be suspicious.
Be vigilant.
Be united.
Be strong.
Be heard.
Coders are bullet proof - leave them alone
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They don't want us here anyway.
LOL. "Bullet proof". Yeah, I guess they must be. - LOL.
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Not one of you? - Passing through
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"Please don't bring it over to the coders when you aren't even one of us." You said you were an MT, so what are you doing here? Regardless, this isn't the grade school playground, and this is not an exclusive message board.
MTs come here to see if coding's a viable alternative. - What they see is a pirhanna-tank.
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The fanged fish are your MT friends, not coders - Coder
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Yes, MTs do come here to see if coding is a solution. We come here to help them.

Unfortunately, some malcontent MTs have chosen to vent their conspiracy-theorist, gloom and doom predictions here, trying to destroy the hopes, aspirations, and job prospects of other MTs. You appear to be one of them.
"fanged fish"..."destroy" ? - MT
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"fanged fish", "pirhanna (sic)-tank" "conspiracy-theorist" "trying to destroy the hopes, aspirations"....

Over-exaggerating and dramatic much? This is an open board for discussion, including linking to relevant topics. It's not a 'theory' if it's happening. I have NEVER said offshoring/outsourcing will do away with coding, just that it will affect it. To what degree, who can say. You can pretend that is not true, but it is the way of technology in any field. I've also NEVER said that someone should not get into coding.

Being "helpful" is providing information that addresses this, not writing posts interspersed with insults and dramatic declarations, and assigning false motives to anyone who even asks a simple question regarding this.
But when we provide info to address your concerns - You say we are blind and stupid
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I would agree with you if that were what was happening, but that is not what has been happening. We have answered questions and explained repeatedly over the last months. We have provided a considerable amount of advice for prospective coders, RHITs, and RHIAs, many of whom are now in school or degree progams.

The issue is with only one or two MTs who come here every few weeks to upset everyone with what basically amounts to taunting that we are all stupid and blind to the fact that we are going to lose our jobs. If it were just us, we could ignore it, but they create posts that remain forever. Then we get posts from still more people who say they stopped consiering coding, etc., after seeing that is going down the same as MT.

On top of that when we do provide information in a calm fashion, it is twisted and name-calling begins, and next thing you know we are accused of the name-calling.

There seem to be a few MTs here who have a bone to pick with coding. They are spoiling things for everyone. They won't be happy until the coders are driven off.
Again... - MT
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Once again, accusing me falsely (right in your title!) I have NEVER insulted, "twisted", name-called, or said anyone is "blind and stupid". I don't do it in real life and I don't do it on a message board. All my posts have been sincere questions regarding the industry and backed up with links or information I had read.

Unfortunately, like the MTs who proclaim coding is doomed (I am NOT one of them), the coders who personally attack, demean, and have the "you MTs" attitude are just as bad. Seriously, "fanged "fish", "zombies" "get a life"? Who talks like that? Speaking for myself, the handful of coders who are level-headed and post without insulting, accusing, putting words in my mouth or making up motives are few and far between. As your response once again shows.
Perspective - Inquiring minds
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I was an MT, now I'm transitioning to coding as I am starting my first job Tuedsay. When I came here looking for advice and support because I was struggling to land my first job, I was told by one of you that it was my fault that employers didn't want to hire me (my personality), so much for a supportive group. I just want to point out to those coders who think getting laid off can't happen to them, it can happen to anyone. I was a successful MT. My employers supported my continuing education efforts. They paid for me to take the certification exam, sent me to workshops and paid my AAMT dues. I got laid off because they figured out a way to get the work done for less and outsourced, it's as simple as that, and it was not my fault. Coding may not get outsourced or offshored, but rest assured when there are budget cuts to be made, the coding department gets looked at, and you too can lose your job. It has happened to nurses and other clinicians, people who thought they would always be needed. I think that is what the MTs who post on the coding board are taking issue with, is that you think it cannot happen to you, and also the attitude that some of you seem to think that MTs are at the bottom of the food chain. It's coding, folks, and it's a job. Enjoy it while you can, but remember that nothing lasts forever.

Credentials - researcher

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Just out of curiosity, do you actually know anything about coding credentials and how they work and what organizations are involved?

I'd put money on the fact the guy isn't credentialed with AAPC either.

Here's the guy's information: cut directly from the website...
Dr.Guptha, CPC, CPC-H, CPC-P, CPMA, CCS-P, CCS, RMC, CMBS, CMRS, CHA ,CHL7, AHIMA Certified ICD-10 Trainer.

Just by basics, CCS and CCS-P are AHIMA credentials.

If he's not actually credentialed through AHMIA then he should NOT be listing CCS, CCS-P after his name!!

If he's using 2 credentials behind his name that he shouldn't be, then I don't care whether or not he's actually credentialed through AAPC because he's already proven to be a liar.

BTW - researcher

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I am also an MT.
I am not a coder.
I am not a coding student (yet).

As an MT, something that is questionable should be researched, not assumed...

Any job - I repeat: ANY job, that can be done remotely - via internet can be done offshore.

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MT & coding are just the tip of the iceberg.
That leaves YOU with lawn care, dog walking, and pizza delivery. - Which one you want?
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Nothing is risk-free. I'm sure business for all of the above dropped due to the economy.

For now, coding is doing fine because there is even greater need for qualified coders in this economy. And I can move into other related fields. I think I'll take my chances.

Or barber, mortician, chef, dentist, physician, mechanic, - run a B&B, construction. Others? nm
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hair stylist, nail tech, aesthetician, grocery store - clerk, lifeguard
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this is crazy.
Child care provider, nurse, bus driver, postal person, kennel ower, - jockey, racecar driver, pilot, librarian. nm
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Nursing is already using foreign nurses - Taking in laundry
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I just looked at a state college computer program and 3/4 of the faculty were Indian. All but one of the student bios were Indian, too.
But those nurses are here at least. Not offshore. - nm
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??? They are still taking American jobs!!! - NO difference
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Hospitals hire them because they are willing to accept less pay. It makes no difference where the worker is located . . . there would be jobs in nursing for MTs. As it is, even nursing isn't the guaranteed job it used to be.
Whatever. THey are still not offshored. This part of thread about - offshoring. Period. nm
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OK, now I know this is a political issue for you. - Not arguing about politics on this board
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Offshoring of nursing duties IS happening - see link - MT
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One example:

A recent article in the LA Times: "Worries grow as health jobs go offshore. The outsourcing of nursing functions may be the most risky of the positions being shifted to save costs."

It's happening in every healthcare-related field because the bottom line is unfortunately cutting costs and not quality care. NO career is immune, it's ridiculous to think so, and to call people liars, or anyone mentioning M*Modal entering offshore coding a "cult member" "zombie" "paralyzed by fear" because it's "just PR", and insist that coding will not be affected in the coming years by technology + outsourcing/offshoring is just crazy.
Nobody EVER said coding would not be affected. - Suit yourselves
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That may be your interpretation of what was said, but we did not say that.

As we said repeatedly, your mistaken view of the coding field is causing you to misinterpret what we say.

If you choose to obsess about this, go right ahead. It is your loss and that of anyone uninformed enough to listen to you.

I am not responding further on this on this pet, anti-everything MT agenda.

Medesun? - cjjmt

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Is that another spelling for medicine? LOL! Does one become a code-her?

Yes, that made a great impression on me too - nm

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Matchbooks are not a threat to us. - And that is a matchbook.

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We've seen that site before. It's no threat to anyone. Every time I see it, it grows more cluttered and bizarre. I suspected it was the reason AHIMA stopped testing over there, too. There is, or at least was, a really blatant list of alleged "interview" questions on it.

There is definitely no evidence of any ICD-10 Trainer approval for someone by that name in ANY country.

For comparison purposes, the link below is the American organization that supports the career field that includes coding. I think if you look there, you will begin to see coding as it really is. It is part of the much larger field of health information administration.

I think a lot of people here think coding is out there all by itself, but it is not. It is an integral part of HIA. There are LOTS more job types in HIA that surround coding. Once you are in HIA, you can move fairly freely among them.


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Yes, the AHIMA is the one involved with coding. Which is why I found it interesting and relevant that M*Modal, who recently announced their goal to "train our Indian employees with new skill sets in medical coding, in the complexities of medical billing and in the emerging field of healthcare analytics", spoke at this month's Chicago AHIMA conference. This included a credentialed CCS of M*Modal speaking on the topic "Outsourced Coding 101".

Outsourced does not equal offshore. nm - anon

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Never said it did.... - MT
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but I guess it seems I have to explain why the implications are relevant to the industry and AHIMA.

It means coding NOT being done in-house, which can be the first step to offshoring. And I haven't heard anything about M*Modal expanding into the coding business with US coders.
coders don't get it yet - walk in our shoes
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.... they will come to understand what we are all talking about. until then, they will bask in the glory that we once had. enjoy!!
that's what I was trying to say last week - MT
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but I must not have phrased it properly. I got flamed.
You still are not getting that WE WERE CODERS - Walked in those shoes
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We do understand what you are talking about because most of us were MTs. We just know more about our field than you do, so we understand that coding is not like MT. The things you assume are MT things, which do not apply to coding.

I think if MTs here were talking about going into law or accounting, you would still argue about offshoring. The truth is that nothing is safe. It is just that MT had a worse experience than most. It was hit with both computerization and offshoring at the same time. Because of the largely isolated work situations MTs have with nationals, the very weak professional organization that utterly failed to find areas into which MTs could move, and the fact that nobody noticed until too late, MTs are now stuck trying to survive.

Coding hs the support of two strong organizations. We recognize that things change and that we have to change with them. We do not expect to do the same job for even 10 years nor do most of us want to. We expect our jobs to change and to have to change with them. We see coding as a foot in the door to the larger field of health information. Jobs there develop constantly because our organization makes that happen for us.

We did walk in your shoes. That is how we know they are bad for your feet.
Off-shore coders might be more proficient at - ICD-10 (NM)
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The value of that being what, exactly? - Wondering
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Why would that be important?

If the code set isn't the same as the one anyone else uses, and if the guidelines are different, and if the DRG system is nonexistent elsewhere, and -- especially -- if nobody else uses the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes (which are completely unlike anything else anywhere), then what advantage are those coders going to have? Especially when they don't even understand how healthcare works in the US.

Coding is not the same elsewhere. Our healthcare reimbursement system is not the same as elsewhere. Any offshore coder who wants to learn US coding has to learn it the same as any US coder.

That isn't to say that they can't learn it, but just to say that they do not have any kind of advantage. They're in the same boat.

As a marketing tactic for companies that offshore - it would be important
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Hopefully the people in decision-making positions at facilities realize everything that you just said. I suspect there are a few (hopefully just a very few) that can be duped into using middle-man companies that offshore for coding with the promise that offshore coders are already proficient at ICD-10.
Decision-makers DO know. - sm
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This is not coming as a surprise to anyone. Facilities know exactly waht training will be required. They are well into preparations already.

They also understand the extreme risk involved in employing coders who do not have demonstrated ability to code correctly for revenue purposes.

Coding is not something anyone can just "do" to get it done. There is more to it than that. There is a revenue component that is critical to a facility's existence. Every penny now counts.

There is a shortage of coders NOW. This is expected to become worse as coders retire in 2 years. That is why we keep encouraging you to get started on it NOW.

You can argue what-ifs all day. Every day you do it is a day of coder income that is lost to you. We already did it. I more than doubled my MT income and now have somewhere to go from here. I looked at options, decided that this was best for me, and just did it.

I understand that these are normal MT concerns based on the MT experience, but this continued negative focus on those concerns that we have explained over and over again seems obsessive. It is like listening to a scratched record.

I do not know what more to say than either do it or don't, but either way stop perseverating about it here.
Get back to us in 5 years.... let us know if coding is - still done onshore only or onshore at all.
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I want to believe you - spooked
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I am currently training for a hands-on career in the medical field. I did consider coding very seriously as a career choice to transition out of MT, but I'll be honest, I am too spooked to transition into anything at all that does not involve direct patient care when it comes to health care. I think coding would be a rewarding and challenging career, and I sure hope it remains a viable career. I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors.
I do not expect or care if you believe me. - Not the least bit offended
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I think everyone needs to do what they feel is best for them. If you are spooked by coding, that is an indication that you might not be suited for it anyway.
Yep. Agree, coding probably not for me anyway - at least not now
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I really want to transition into something more meaningful than either transcription or coding, at least in terms of patient care. I hope to one day go on a surgical medical mission trip, and I sure don't see that happening with a career in coding.
Why coding is meaningful - For me
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I work for a healthcare system that relies on revenue to provide the best healthcare for all patients, including those who are uninsured, from the jobless to homeless. My work might not look very meaningful to you, and it might look very distant from patient care, but my coding and my knowledge in areas around coding like documentation improvement enable us to get the revenue we have earned in an ethical manner.

That is my mission. It isn't in Guatemala and it might not appeal to you, but it is a mission nonetheless.

Perhaps you should work on getting the plank removed from your own eye before you worry about others' splinters.
There are already advertisements for coding schools - in India teaching ICD-10.
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That being significant because? - Coder
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We don't see gloom and doom in that because we see a bigger picture.

We already explained why. Several times. Choosing to come here again to harp on the same issue just makes you seem unhappy and vengeful.

It is sad that you can't get past the issues, but we do not have to let ourselves be affected by your negativity. You are not hurting our feelings by choosing something other than coding for a career.

Coders have a golden opportunity that MTs once had - and missed.Theres still time to UNIONIZE, ladies!

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I'm all for unions, but here's why it isn't necessary for coding as it would have bee - see message

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AHIMA's credentials are strongly recognized and respected. Employers are usually hospitals, not MTSOs. That is job security for credentialed coders, and if you aren't credentialed, you are not a professional coder. You're not part of the group, the in-crowd. You aren't really a coder. Coders are protective of their credentials. MTs never were, and that was a big mistake that MTs made, resulting in their downfall.

Credentials mean everything in coding.

Credentials mean nothing in medical transcription.

Anyone in the world can apply for an MT job and get it. Credentials are not necessary.

Coders are expected to have credentials, namely a CCS and many have a CPC too, before anyone will even allow them to apply for a job, much less hire them.

I disagree. We thought the same thing for MT. About - the time an MT "credential" started - sm

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to come on scene (the CMT), is when we all started to realize we'd been duped and sold downriver.

Believe what you like, but coders should work NOW to protect what they already have, in terms of demand, good pay, and "real" certification, because if the wrong people become involved with this field (and it appears they already are), it could become another India-job.

When things were good in MT, we thought we were safe, we thought we had no need for unionization or other workplace protections. By the time we figured out that we'd been too comfortable, too secure, and needed help keeping our jobs in this country and at a living wage, it was too late.

The time to lock the barn door is BEFORE the horse runs away.

and coders are respected whereas MTs unfortunately are not - nm

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wow - wow
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I am a very well respected MT thank you very much. I have done very well in MT, QA, Auditing. It isn't just ONE JOB as you coders all think it is. There are many advancement opportunities in our industry. Come down off your high horses.
No, it is still ONE JOB - Suggestion
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MT, QA of MT transcription, and auditing of MT transcription are all basically the same job. Any advancement is limited to a 3-tier stack.

Coding isn't limited to coding, QA of coding, and auditing of coding. Coding is not confined to a 3-tier stack.

If you want to see where you can go from coding, please go to www.hicareers.com. There is a chart or matrix there showing a huge variety of existing and developing jobs in health information. You can see coding, jobs in a direct line of advancement from coding, and other jobs.

I work in that field. I can tell you that starting out in coding is a perfect entry to that field because you can go UP or SIDEWAYS or any number of directions from coding. You can learn gradually as you work, stepping into new jobs as you become ready and they become available.

Right now, lots of coders are moving into documentation improvement, data, informatics, and health information administration. They use their coding skills and new skills in healthcare documentation, data analysis, health informatics, or administration.

A lot of employers pay for continuing education, including formal degree and certificate programs.

All the coders here see this. We understand why the MTs do not, but we're a little baffled by the animosity you show toward people who are here to help you find information about a possible new career.
I understand what you're saying - about MT
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and yet a coding certification seems completely unobtainable from where I sit right now. Please do not flame me. You have no idea how I feel at this stage in my life, looking at that list of courses that is required to sit for the exam.
Whoa! You have the wrong idea! - Certification is not that hard to get.
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There is no list of courses required for ALL certifications.

AAPC does not require any at all. Most of us start out with a CPC. We continue on from there.

You can take an AAPC course from your local AAPC chapter or someone affiliated with it. That should teach you everything you need to pass the CPC. A few people here tok the online course directly from the AAPC and passed the CPC or CPC-H.

Can you get job with that? Yes, in outpatient coding. You would have a better shot at a hospital job with a CCS, but I did it with a CPC and so did most of the coders I know.

YOU have to make your future happen. Sitting there feeling scared of the course is not going to make anything happen.

Just do it. It will onky take 3 to 4 months! Then take any job you can for the experience. After that, you will be fine.
everyone here said I had to take Andrews - about MT
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I was told I had to take Andrews and take anatomy and physiology and anything less was a "shortcut". This is the first I have heard about AAPC. I thank you for this valuable information!
If you want to learn enough - mt2
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to pass both the CPC and CCS exams, then you should go with Andrews.

If you only want to work on the CPC right now, then AAPC will hopefully suffice.
I said MTs are NOT respected...you took it as a personal attack - sm
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The MT PROFESSION is not respected and has not been for a long time by the EMPLOYERS. I made that comment and I am an MT also. THAT is a problem in our field. I am also currently working as a QA and what the other poster said is correct. It is all a part of MT. I recently obtained my CPC-H and will be transitioning over to coding. I am in no big hurry as I do have a good paying FT job right now. Don't take things as a personal attack especially since that is not what was done. Coders are VERY well respected whereas MTs are not and I stand by that having worked in the field. I see it everytime I put in an application or tell anyone in the medical field about my certification.

No union needed...I am backed and supported by AHIMA - I have choices in my job

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I work in a wide field that is supported by a very old, very strong professional association . . . AHIMA.

Things change, but I accept that change occurs and I welcome the need to change with it. I get better and better jobs because of it.

I would suggest that you visit their website to see their description of credentials and requirements. Also visit the link below to explore career opportunities in health information and informatics. There are a lot of options and there are new jobs developing all the time. You will see jobs from entry level to the top in many different areas.

There is even a feature that will suggest options based on your current education and certifications and how much time you want to spend on it.

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Moving On To A Non-MT Job Opportunity
Apr 30, 2015

I am pleased to say I have found an open door to a job opportunity that is outside of MT work.  It is a job that will utilize my experience in healthcare and my medical terminology.  A very nice pay increase, regular holidays off with pay, and vacation and sick time. No weekend work. Most importantly, a new skill set that makes my more marketable opening up more future opportunities as well. I hope this encourages some of you to see what is out there.  Submitting a resume or filli ...

Gradual Moving To India???
Feb 08, 2010

This is probably rumor mill, hopefully.  However, I just came across something via Google and wanted to check it with those of you who have been around MQ longer than a couple of weeks.  I just read a blip that said MQ has been slowly raising demands and lowering pay because they are gradually moving all MT business to the outsource venues in India.  Any comments?? Any confirmations?? ...

I Was Told By Moving With My Primary To A New CCM.
Jun 18, 2010

I have had less of my primary account for the last 2 weeks.  Today, I have so far done 8 reports and 8 reports are all from different hospitals I have never heard before.  Sure, my primary I will see more by swithching over to the other side.  LIES!  Back in the cesspool AGAIN!  Making less than minimum wage.  MQ loss, not mine.  Trying to do my best, but this is crap for crap pay.  Need to seriously get out of here.  Six more months, if I can hold i ...

Just Got Call That Moving Me To New Acct
Aug 12, 2010

Just got the call from my CCM that i will be moving to new acct saying there is more work there but when i look at backlog summary, not even 1 job for that account. not sure if this is the last step before i get kicked out. ...

Need Help Moving Favorites To New Computer
Oct 16, 2010

My old computer's hard drive is dying quickly. I need to move all my favorites/bookmarks  from the old one to the new one. I've tried import and Export and it doesn't work. I tried copying the favorites to a CD-ROM but don't know how to get them onto the new computer. I've spent all morning searching for the answer and trying to move them over to no avail. I tried coping the files from the CD-ROM to the new computer and supposedly it worked but I'll be durned ...

Moving Short Forms
Apr 21, 2011

On DQS does anyone know how to move the short forms to another company that also uses DQS.  Can you send me the information if you have it. ...

Who To Ask At Transcend About Moving To Different Account. Sm
Apr 02, 2012

Do I E-mail my RM or someone else to see if there are available accounts (escription would be lovely) to be moved to or even a straight transcription account? Thanks!  ...

Moving From EScription To M*Modal
Dec 23, 2014

Has anybody who uses Nuance Emon to manage their dictation system had their hospital switch to M*Modal recently? Can you share your experiences - plus and minuses? Our hospital is about to change with a Go Live planned for early May. From the one hour demonstration we've had it looks like my co-worker and I will need to use three different programs to achieve what we used to achieve with eMon - FTT manager, Fluency Dispatch, and RightFax FaxUtil, and on we have to have special pri ...

Moving Cursor In EXtext
Jan 22, 2015

Hello,  I work for a local cardiology group and we use Nuance with Dragon (EXtext). I was wondering if there is a way to have the cursor move along automatically while I have the foot pedal down so I do not have to take my right hand off the keyboard to move the cursor with the right arrow button. If there is a way that would allow me to cut down on a lot of errors I am making by having to keep moving my right hand from the arrow back to the keyboard.  Thanks   ...

Account At Trascend Moving To BeyondTXT
Jul 02, 2010

So we were informed our account is going to BeyondTXT.  They said this is a great platform and we will be able to more than make up for the 50% paycut we will be taking.  I just don't buy it though.  Does anybody have anything good to say about BeyondTXT to put by fears at ease? ...

Moving Lengthy Autocorrects Between Computers
Jul 23, 2011

I have run into this problem every time I have to switch to a new/different computer.  In Office 2003 I save autocorrect entires with the first four initials of the docs last name containing their usual physical exam spiel or sometimes a sample of their entire report.  There seems to be no limit to how many autocorrects can be saved or how long the save can be.  The problem comes when trying to move them to a new computer.  Does anyone have experience with this problem t ...

My Employer Is Moving From Trans To MQ's VR Platform
Oct 05, 2011

My employer use MedQuist’s DocQScribe software and is moving us all onto its VR.  So far, what we’re seeing from the VR is almost completely garbage, but MedQuist claims that our corrections will “teach” the VR to recognize our dictators’ speech patterns.  Of course, our wages are being renegotiated, as well.  We have about three dozen MTs and I think a few hundred dictators.  So far, it takes me about 25% longer to correct this VR trash than it ...

Moving And Getting A Nice New Office Space
Jan 30, 2012

I'm so excited to be moving and actually having a large official office space rather than the glorified broom closet-sized space I've been using for a few years now, lol! Does anyone have any decorating tips or able to post a picture of your home office setup?  I'm actually going to have room for bookshelves, etc., and not have everything precariously positioned on top of a small computer table on rollers. Anyone who would care to share ideas or even post pictures of your o ...

NJA Is Making Moving On To Another Career Even Harder.
Mar 02, 2013

Don't know how I am going to pay the next installment of my tuition. Only 11 months to go, but if I can't pay, I'll have to wait until next spring. Time to apply for burger flipper job. ...

Thanks, Nuance For Moving Me To Disastrous Account
Nov 12, 2013

Thanks, Nuance, for moving me and several other MTs to what looks and sounds like a disastrous account just before the holidays. Yeah, the cents per line is a little bit higher than what I was making on my previous account, but when you factor in the slow going it will be because of the 73 PAGES OF ACCOUNT SPECS that we have to learn, the hundreds (maybe thousands?? I don't know.. looks like a huge account though) of new doctors to learn and get comfortable with, and everything else that go ...

Superior Global Is Moving In A Different Direction
Jan 15, 2014

Wow, just got a call that Superior Global is moving in a different direction and no longer needs my services.  That's why I have to get out of this business and hard at work at this.  Looks like he was calling a list down the line because this man that called me called me by a different name at first.  Asked what was going on, and he said also "I am not at liberty to say."  ...

Possibly Moving To AZ. Any Advice For Work Out There? Thanks In Advance. Nm
Apr 21, 2010

xx ...

Moving From EE Status To Self-employed; COBRA Or Individual
Feb 18, 2013

In my late 50's, health history mainly diabetic and overweight...in general, have those of you who have made a similar change found premiums of individual plans to be better or worse than offered through COBRA?  Thanks for any input. ...

Moving Saved Auto Correct Entries To New Computer
Nov 09, 2010

the new computer is vista with word 2007. the old computer ran XP with word 2000. i have backed the auto correct entries up on a jump drive but cant figure out how to install in word 2007, any ideas? also need to download a new spell checker or figure out how to get the old one from word 2000, as I cant find the CD where I orginally installed stedmans. Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated!! ...

Instant Text Moving Included Entries Is Not Allowed
Sep 05, 2012

Good morning all! I am trying to move an entry in Instant Text and I am getting this message -   Moving included entries is not allowed. To move entries of an included glossary, first open it into the Glossary Viewer.   Any ideas???   Thanks,   Cathy ...