A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Misinformation, rumors and lies - about TTS

Posted: May 10, 2010

I am a current TTS employee and I started out there as an IC MT.  I am continually amazed at the malicious gossip that is spread on this board about TTS.  Editors and QA personnel do not take work from the MTs, we're asked to step on to help out if there is a high backlog.  If we want to work after our hourly-rate-of-pay shift is over, we have to ask permission from the shift leads, just like anyone else.  There's no "double dip" going on, we work an hourly rate of pay.  Do we pull off older work about to go out of TAT yet maybe a lower priority?  Sometimes we do, but not often and usually it is due to the account requesting something urgently.

As for the ex-IC/employee, yes you do have to return loaned equipment and wait until the next payroll comes out to get the final check.  That's pretty common practice.


Not the Owner

Whatever. Fix your company and you won't have bad publicity - No need to spend time putting out fires on MT Star

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Malicious gossip or the plain truth TTS doesn't want out there on MT Stars or other MT sites? Look at the archives here. There are a lot of MTs with lots of issues with TTS management and way of doing business over the years. I only wish I had checked here before I signed on with TTS.

If your experience is good with TTS have fun. That should not diminish other MT's bad experiences.



I love the way you keep telling them to fix the problem - But I think its falling on deaf ears

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Your simple request that they fix their internal problems is obviously falling on deaf ears and blind eyes, but I love the way you keep trying to tell them to fix things.

I don't work for TTS but I'm certainly interested in watching the unfoldings and revelations on these boards about them.

For the sake of you and the other MTs they employ, I hope they do fix their internal problems. It seems such a small request yet apparently insurmountable to TTS ownership/management. I wish you well there and hope it all somehow works out for you.

Curious - RLee

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Why did you not respond to the negativity about TTS on a post from last week and wait and start your own with a rebuttal this week? Obviously you have read the thread below. I am predicting you are not going to get the responses you want, as the ones below seem pretty consistent in their opinions. I think cherry-picking goes on at every company with regards to their TLs and QA even though they will not admmit it.

I did comment last week - several times

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I posted today when I saw the negativity continuing. From the content, I can tell it's the same person who was let go. I found it amusing the poster said she was happy until she got fired. She would have been happier if she did her job correctly and kept it.

Call it cherry picking, call it advancing your career and having a few additional perks with your new job, whatever. TTS is a good solid company IMO. You are certainly entitled to yours.

Must be easier on you to think only one poster is negative about TTS - Problem is there are many more.

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LOL - Read the archives on MT Stars. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean others aren't out to get TTS.
I don't give a hoot about TTS. Never heard of them until today - That is not what this is all about
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People get a bee in their bonnet and go out to trash companies because something annoyed them.

I'm just pointing out that silly messages look pretty silly. They end up getting the opposite results than the poster(s) really want. It always works that way. We see it on MTstars and other forums every day. We talk offline on the phone and in e-mail and the most common response is just a little giggle about the silly posts and how it makes us not want to even visit forums, but we've learned to ignore them. Today I chose not to ignore for a few minutes, but just so you know, you are doing yourself no favor and you're not hurting anyone but yourself.

In this case, I know for a fact that TTS is coming out looking good, whether they should or not.
Doesn't mean it's not the same person - - posting under different names either! nm
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You are admitting to cherry-picking - RLee

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but I guess some positions do come with additonal perks or special priviledges. If you are in that position then that is great for you. I am sure if you were at the other end of the spectrum you would be expressing different thoughts. I do agree with cherry-picking if a report is STAT - that is only common sense.
If a report is STAT that isn't cherry picking. - It comes to first available person
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Cherry-picking is a perk for sure at TTS and other companies and it's not about taking STAT reports. That's a given.

RLee you make excellent points throughout MT Stars company board.

not if there are a ton of STATS - and only 2-3 MTs on line
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Someone has to get on there and knock out the work when the facility complains and ICs call in sick or that their grandmother passed away again.
Wow you don't think much of MTs do you? - Are you saying MTs lie?
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Freudian slip my dear. You really should choose your words carefully. All MTs are not stupid and most catch the tone in your posts. Your attitude toward MTs is the problem.
not a slip of the tongue/pen/finger - at all
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and I *am* an MT. I love the profession. The MTs who are reliable and do quality work are a delight. It's the ones who don't who spoil it for the rest of us. You know . . the whiners, the shift-shirkers and the blame-pointers. Whenever I hear a loud outcry of "it's not my fault" I have to wonder.
I would get rid of those MTs in a sec! - Also never heard of TTS
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To staff member at TTS who is directing their post at me - jm

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"I posted today when I saw the negativity continuing. From the content, I can tell it's the same person who was let go. I found it amusing the poster said she was happy until she got fired. She would have been happier if she did her job correctly and kept it."

I am happy for you that you find amusement about my being fired.  It is so typical of the attitude toward MTs that I have experienced at TTS.  

I tell the truth about my experience at TTS and others have posted more horrifying experiences so at this point I feel blessed I was let go.  My only problem was losing income while searching for another job. 

The TTS negativity that exists will continue as long as MTs are treated badly by owners and support staff.  I am here to warn those who may contemplate taking a job with TTS that in my experience  it is not a good company to work for.  There are all kinds of problems with the owners and staff that an MT will experience sooner or later.  At best, TTS should be used as a stepping stone until something better comes along (it will) and never stop looking for another job.

I would not be happier with TTS now that I know who I was dealing with.  I find 90% of the management team self-righteous and yet they have made error after error with never an apology for their error when faced with it or even admitting one was made.  Some have actually lied about the errors that were made, pointing in the other direction back to me.  I can admit I made errors because I am a human being.  It appears TTS owners and staff are not human so they don't make errors.  Frown  Somebody should give them QA reviews.  I guarantee they would fail.

I referred many MTs to TTS and told them how great the company was and how great the owner was.  Some were going to quit because of management attitude and I talked them into staying.  I regret this because I didn't really know the company until now.  Many of my MT friends have shared  their TTS experiences with me so I no longer feel isolated in my feelings about TTS owners and staff and I have admitted to them I was wrong about TTS.  This company is no better than national (MQ) staff/management but far less competent, changing rules to suit their needs.

For every door that closes a new one opens and I am happy to say I have a new job as an employee that pays more money per line for my experience, supplies all new up-to-date equipment, as well as benefits like PTO, insurance, holiday pay. 

As soon as I get past my learning curve at my new company, I will be recruiting MTs to come over to the bright side and get out of TTS shadows, blunders, lies and politics.  I am very loyal to those who treat MTs well and the fact that this company offers more money and benefits gives me insight into how they treat their MTs. 

Good luck to those MTs who remain with TTS.  Somehow I think you will need it.  It's a mean-spirited company with no loyalty to the MTs who bring in the money.


Thanks for the heads up about TTS. - Molly MT
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All MTs should stick together. It is sad that there are those who would rather drag an MT through the mud and make them seem bad than admit there are some very bad companies who do not value MT work. That is why our pay keeps getting lower. There is no respect for MT work even from other MTs.

To MT Stars posters who e-mailed me - jm
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Thank you for your support.

To Janie - I have saved your e-mail address and will be in touch with you as soon as I feel my new company is good enough to refer my fellow MTs to. I want to be sure they keep all their promises and there is no bait and switch going on. I think you are very insightful as to what motivates some MTs to attack other MTs on these boards.

Thanks again for the very nice supportive e-mails.

Most of us don't believe the silly posts with "whatever", "Duh", and name-c - Do not spend time worrying about it

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It's easy for people to take potshots now that we have the internet. There is probably not one company in the world that hasn't had someone who would love to do it harm.

Someone wise told me something a few years ago. "If you are doing something well, there will be people who will want to tear down what you've built."

In this case the negative message was one of those "whatever, duh!" kinds of messages, which means that whatever they were attempting to hurt looks good by comparison.

What kind of psycho gibberish are you speaking? - LOL

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Is this TTS owner who comes up with some sort of psychoanalysis of anyone who criticizes her company? After what I have read about the owner here on MT Stars, it sounds like she needs some psychoanalysis herself.

TTS sucks and there are a lot of MTs who are in agreement if we are to believe feedback on MT Stars.

Analyze that.

Thanks for so graphically displaying the "Duh!" mentality described above - nm

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LOL, LOL, LOL - The TTS lackeys are here.
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What next boss lady?

Graphically displaying the "Duh!" mentality? LOL. Please, please stop. I am laughing so hard I am crying and it is messing up my makeup and I have a dental appointment in an hour.
I also don't work for TTS but they look better every minute on here - nm
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How so? - TTS looks better?
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In what manner?

What is your interest in TTS to read this thread and make a judgement?

The first thing I noticed upon reading their - sm

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website info is that they only hire QAs from within. That shows how little they know about the MT biz right there.

We MT until our hands give out & then we switch to QA. A QA with years of QA experience is going to be better than a newbie QA from within. That's just how it works. Yes, 'promote' some from within when they're ready, but 'only promoting to QA from within' is just ignorant. It's not even a promotion in the first place. I made way more money MTing before my hands gave out -- it's an alternative to use the things you've learned from decades of MTing when you're physically unable to do it anymore.

I don't know the company you're talking about but hiring QA from within is a good practice - I would do it that way

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If you have good people and they do the work the way you want it done, they would be the first to consider for QA, it seems to me. I think most companies do that unless they have no good MTs.

There are many reasons why a person may choose to do QA, maybe temporarily or possibly permanently. The QA people I know from various companies sometimes do it for a while and then get tired of it and go back to MT.

Hire strangers to do QA instead of MTs that have proven skills? I would prefer to hire the MTs I trust.

Exactly! - thank you

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If you were an MT with a company for several years hoping for a promotion to QA and they hired from outside the company over you, I bet you'd scream unfair at that!

Much safer practice to promote from within the MTs you know and trust.
And an MT already familiar with the account - Would be a plus (nm)
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Absolutely! - nm
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Being familiar with an account doesn't necessarily - sm
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mean you're ready to become a QA. I was familiar with my only account when I was still fairly a newbie, but I certainly wasn't ready to QA other people's work.
It's not a promotion. QAs generally make - sm
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LESS money than MTs, which is why everyone MTs as long as possible before having to switch to QAing.

Completely disagree with you. - SM

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I would much prefer to hire a QA with years of proven QA experience. They are 2 completely different jobs.
Agree on QA job being a specialty not everyone can do. - MT forever
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After years on an account I do not believe I would be qualified to do QA. I also think there is more money per hour doing MT work but even so the nature of QA is tedious to me.
Yes, it's very tedious and doesn't pay nearly as well as - sm
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the amount a fast experienced MT can make. It's certainly not for everyone, and I would love to be able to go back to MTing, but my hands can't take it. They are definitely two different jobs though.
How does QA work? - Wondering
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How does QA work? Do you listen to the voice as well as read what the MT typed? Does it get subjective sometimes? Do you get paid per error you find?

No, you're either paid - sm
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hourly yet have a quota to meet, or you're paid per line like MTs but at a much less line rate. We get paid for all lines in the report, not for every error, and itt doesn't matter if the report has 1 blank or 75 blanks, we still get the same amount, so it kind of evens out in the long run usually. It depends on the company/account/MT as to if it's a full-listen and grade or not. We usually get a variety. Pretty much every day, I have newbies that I have to train & do full-listens, plenty of horrid dictators where there are 50+ blanks, and then a few blanks-only. You have to keep in mind QAs get the worst of the worst -- those reports and dictators that MTs struggle with & you dread getting, we get those all day every day..... and usually don't make as much money at the end of the day as a seasoned MT makes. If I didn't have carpal tunnel so bad, I'd gladly go back to MTing, but I am thankful to have QA to fall back on.

A good job at TTS - TTS for 8 months

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"I am a current TTS employee and I started out there as an IC MT. I am continually amazed at the malicious gossip that is spread on this board about TTS." Well, me, too.

I bounced from one bad fit after another for a few years now and finally have found a home.

Amazing to me, one of the factors in me even approaching VR and TTS was searching the archives for TTS before I hired on the end of Septemter 2009. That press on MTStars was very positive with only a few naysayers.

Now with a former, very happy--according to her--employee/IC who was fired the posts against TTS are quite venomous and those who post more positive experiences are slammed.

So tiresome to continue this. I believe both sides are fairly entrenched and will not back off.

Truth is: If you have been fired, if you left because you were very unhappy, your experience is different from the posters who are still happy, still there, and happy to recommend to other MTs. You can judge me, slam me, call me the owner, call me a lackey, what suits you, but my experience is a good one and I will keep posting my view so those who are reading and looking and who may want a new job or to tackle VR before it takes over most of the industry do have another opinion.

Are you assuming posts slamming TTS experiences - are being made by ONE poster

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"Now with a former, very happy--according to her--employee/IC who was fired the posts against TTS are quite venomous and those who post more positive experiences are slammed."

Do you really believe one poster is making up different scenarios about their TTS job? Do you think all the anti-TTS screen names here belong to ONE venomous person?

I read archives from 2 years ago that were really venomous and they named names within the company. Was that the same poster?

Structurally and grammatically, they do not appear to be - the same poster to me

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Or somebody's really good at tomfoolery. To my eye, they do, in fact, appear to be different posters, IMO. Totally different syntax, structure and grammatical styles.

JMHO and not worth much, I realize.
I agree. Different style, different gripe. - kittykat
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Or somebody's great at skullduggery and tomfoolery with a lot of time on their hands because the posts come at all times of the day and night. I agree with you. To my eye there are multiple anti-TTS posters.

If you "loan" equipment you have an employee....sm - anon

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not an independent contractor.

Really? Loaned equipment makes an MT an employee? - Thanks.

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Very interesting. Where did you learn this?

It's common knowledge. ICs must supply everything. - nm

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no ICs don't supply everything - you are incorrect
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An IC doesn't supply the platform that they work on in most cases. It is not just a matter of what is supplied. Here is what is directly quoted from the IRS website:

"Common Law Rules

Facts that provide evidence of the degree of control and independence fall into three categories:

Behavioral: Does the company control or have the right to control what the worker does and how the worker does his or her job?
Financial: Are the business aspects of the worker’s job controlled by the payer? (these include things like how worker is paid, whether expenses are reimbursed, who provides tools/supplies, etc.)
Type of Relationship: Are there written contracts or employee type benefits (i.e. pension plan, insurance, vacation pay, etc.)? Will the relationship continue and is the work performed a key aspect of the business?"

Businesses must weigh all these factors when determining whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor. Some factors may indicate that the worker is an employee, while other factors indicate that the worker is an independent contractor. There is no “magic” or set number of factors that “makes” the worker an employee or an independent contractor, and no one factor stands alone in making this determination. Also, factors which are relevant in one situation may not be relevant in another.

The keys are to look at the entire relationship, consider the degree or extent of the right to direct and control, and finally, to document each of the factors used in coming up with the determination."

In my opinion if you go by IRS guidelines there is no MT who is a true IC. We don't control how we are paid or how the work is done. We are given very detailed account specifics on how to perform our job, we have QA review which tells us how we are doing at our job, and our function within the company is THE key aspect of the business. So, all MTs have at least 4 of the requirements that define an employee status and not an IC status. AND all of that is without the beloved issue of setting our own hours or not!


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When I worked here about 2-3 years ago, GET THIS LADIES, I logged off so I didn't hold a job up in my queue so I could go to the restroom. THE MINUTE I logged off, I was sitting on the toilet, listening to my phone ring the ENTIRE time. Then, I returned to my computer a few minutes later, EMAIL SAID - YOU ARE FIRED - YOU AREN'T WORKING YOUR SHIFT. Are you kidding me???? This b!tch would have had a royal hissy if I had to do a #2 and spent longer on the pot! LOL.

This company was rude, intrusive, hateful...and I think I only worked 2 days total. Anybody that doesn't allow 1 40-minute break for lunch and 2 10-minutes breaks in an 8-hour shift - that's illegal - TTS was illegal in wishing me kidney failure vs following national labor law!

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