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Hard to meet 6500 lpw line count at Webmedx now. What gives? - slowpoke

Posted: Aug 10, 2011

Ever since we been taken over by Nuance, and I've had to type my main account on the native platform, I can't seem to pick up line counts no matter how fast or how hard I try. It's very frustrating.  They raised the line count to 6500 lines per week from when I first started 2 years ago of 5000.  I used to be able to type a lot more.  Been an MT for more than 10 years now.  I feel something weird going on.

low line counts - anon

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Seveal of my friends and I felt that something strange was going on with the line counts there about a year ago. Suddenly our line counts were a lot lower and we weren't doing anything different. We tried to figure it out but could not document anything, but I really think they did something to tweak it so we were paid less. Again, I don't have any proof, this is my OPINION, and several others as well.

I have been at a new company for about a month now, and I am already making what I was at Wmx and I am still learning the platform and account, so that adds to my suspicions that something is strange.

response to line counts - AnnieOakley

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Same here. Thought it was my imagination. From what I understand from studying the blogs, we are going to be required 220 lines per hour voice recognition, but I don't know how they are going to treat the headings that we code in now which we are not credited for. Also, 1 long straight type report brings it so far down. Hope it works out for the better soon.

Webmedx line counts - Anna Rose

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Same here. I worked for Webmedx for 7 years and saw the same thing happening to me towards the end. I was doing nothing different, but suddenly felt like I was getting paid for part-time work. I had to leave....just couldn't pay the bills on that. Hope you find out what's up. Good luck. Webmedx used to be the very BEST....no longer I fear.

Something fishy. - slowpoke

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I really do feel like something has been tweaked as I work extra hours, and my lines barely increase. If I copy and paste a report on say Word, will that give me a close to accurate line count? I may do this with several reports just to check.

line counts - anon

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I tried pasting into Word as yes, that should give an accurate line count. It came out very similar, but yet I KNOW they did something, since it was about the same and I had 6 cc on that report, obviously they did not pay for those. I think they had to have tweaked something else also, all of those headers that come already loaded are not paid, and half the time we spend a lot of time deleting/changing them. I thought maybe they had changed to VBC but that was not the case.

One more thing, everyone should be checking their line counts every day on every report. There was a glitch, and I found 4 reports over a month that had NEGATIVE lines. They did not give me credit for any lines for the SR report, but any that I changed/edited/deleted then showed up as NEGATIVE from the original line count, and that is what I was paid, a NEGATIVE count. They said they were working on fixing it, and my AM corrected it, but if you are not paying attention to each and every report and the line counts, I wonder how many this is affecting that say nothing?

Negative line counts? That's just wrong. - slowpoke

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I'll be checking my line counts when I work today. Thanks for letting me know of the glitch. Thanks.

name being taken off of reports - Tough Old Typist

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I agree. I have been there about a year and a half. Can't begin to get my line count up to where it was. Thought it was me. Now I truly believe something is not right. Also, has anybody notice if they check reports that have to QA that their names have been removed and the QA person's put in their place. Also, if you pull up a sample that is a report you did...it may no longer have your name on it. I pulled up a report on a patient I knew I had typed on...No reports there by me...all by other people. Asked my sup...got no response. One of the reports, I know was mine. I did it. I remember it. It was unique, but it showed another MT did it. What's up with that? Anybody know?

shenanigans with line counts - anon

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I noticed low line counts for no reason, along with several of my friends, and we really tried to find out exactly what was going on, but could not figure it out, except for the occasional negative line counts AND mistakes being made as you mentioned and not getting paid for jobs we typed. We came up with a SH entry that automatically copied the job# into a job log and we carefully tracked each job. We discovered the occasional negative line counts (not that frequent, but still!), and we noticed every several weeks at least 1 job not being in their list that we typed. By tracking it, we WERE able to get it paid for, but you need to be proactive and track this to cover yourself. They said it was a glitch that was fixed, and I still got another report after that time with a negative line count. Again, it wasn't common and maybe once a month, but I sure don't want to pay them for the privilege of typing a report! Also, I think they changed paying us for headers/copies that negatively impacts line count. That is all we could document and we really tried to figure it out! I just don't trust them. I have since moved on and am making more at another company after only a month than I was making at Wmx.

Maybe ? - anon

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At the company I work for, if QA has to change demographics our name becomes attached to the report. Really it is just a chain of who had the report last but everyone who touched it has their name on it, you just may not see it.

If the job shows up on your line count, then obviously at some point in the chain it can be traced back to you.

I don't know if it works that way at your company or not.

Noticed it too - Ex-Webbie

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I left Webmedx 3 months ago, before Nuance and I noticed the same thing with decreased line counts, as did a couple of my friends there. We have all moved on now, but keep an eye out gals, you are right. There could not be this many of us saying the same thing if it were not true!

Isn't Webmedx called Nuance now? - nm

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yes...webmedx/Nuance now the same :( - anon

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Many of us have been at Webmedx so long we still call it that, the "official" announcement and change were not that long ago. I quit before this happened, and the problems with our line counts started quite a bit before we became Nuance, so that is probably why everyone is still referring to "Webmedx."

I wonder if someone could be brave enough to bring this to the head person - attention? Like CEO or even STM? nn/nm

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no message

Hard to meet 6500 lpw at Webmedx - Ex-Webbie

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I left the web a couple months back, before the sale, and several of us then were complaining of the same thing. There is a change somewhere in the way they are counting lines/not counting lines. There has to be, our line counts didn't change that much, but our checks sure did.

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