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ADIEU Focus - nn

Posted: Sep 27, 2010

"Where do I begin, to tell the story of how a company screwed me over" and Royally!!!  I started with them mid-June after losing my current job due to unfortuanate and tragic circumstances.  I have been an MT for over 30 years, however, I have never felt so nitpicked or micromanaged in my life (excuse the typos  -- not physically feeling well right now).  There were LARGE discrepancies in my pay  -- at first, they claimed it was "training pay" and had to "add extra income to make sure that at least I made minimum wage.  I sent numerous emails to this company, and even tracked line counts during my eight hour shift.  I explained to the director of US operateions, the HR person and my team lead that I felt their expectations on LPH as well as VR were something bordiering on ridiculous.  This was a new account that was added, they were trying to transition to VR and most of the VR reports, I could have typed faster than editing allowed.  THEIR expections were 400 lph for VR and 225 lph for straight typing.  Never mind, trying to look anything up, including going into patient records  -- Editscript is a very slow and cumbersome program. 

My team lead was also an extremely rude person.  She took some time off in July, however, still had her IM program going.  I sent her a message asking her a question, and her "partner" responded to me  -- this was on a company computer  -- very interesting I believe, since no one, including my S/O of many years has access to  my computer and we are the ones who have to send everything into these companies regarding our work set up etc. 

QA-wise, I was "called on the carpet" when it came to lab values; i.e., hemoglobin 12.4, hematocrit 38.6, platelet count 230,000  -- I was told if the platelet count included zeros to put semicolons in between  -- EVERY service that I have ever worked for has never done anything like this, including other nationals  -- on top of that VERBATIM (btw -- don't ever send them a company e-mail trying to "emphasize a point, you're shouting).  Heaven forbid, you send an IM to your team lead with an emergency  --  I let mine know when I had a family emergency out of state and her response was "let me know if you need time off."  -- well sorry, but the phone lines were burning that night. 

I have had to move from one location to another because of this profession and even though this has been directed to one particular company, it is all of the "nationals" in general.  They do not care about their employees.  I used to take great pride in my work and my QA scores did reflect that, until I started working for Focus -- one QA feedback comment that I received, that I felt was extremely nasty and sarcastic was "If you can hold three fingers up and count them, then use 3."  I had typed "three" in the body of the report instead of "3."  This to me, is extremely nitpicky  -- I can understand the dangerous abbreviations and so on, but again, this was a company who wanted p.o. q2h.  Hmmm.

Anyway, good luck to all who start with them, be prepared to be living in a tent, unless you can be a good little mouse in the corner.

Had to get it off my chest






Focus - Tickled

[ In Reply To ..]
I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience. I was astonished, too, at the nit-picking when I first started. I'm a QC, and I'd like to explain why we have to nit pick. By the way, that comment about what that one QC said was degrading and mean, and I'm sorry you had to put up with that. Anyway, about the corrections...we have to nit pick. If we don't correct something on our report by company standards, then we get docked in our accuracy for it. We're audited at random and believe me, it's intense. Also, we get into big trouble if every single change we make in a report, be it just adding a comma, isn't reported in the auditing software, so that's why it seems like every little thing is scored - because it has to be. The platelet count thing, it's true, I haven't seen it either, but it is one of those things where, if you are working for a company and they require it, you have to do it. Again, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience and I wish you luck!

Loved the moniker "Tickled" - nn

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what tickled that I got fired?? or tickled that I am calling a lot of these companies on the carpet. Talk about "micromanaging." Three quarters of the doctors on the account that I was on were horrid ESL -- I would transcribe, or make corrections and go back and listen and you cannot tell me that you were able to pick up a lot of the blanks that I left in a report, with sound quality and the mushmouth doctors. BTW, if I added the word "a or the" to have the sentence make sense, which is what I was taught as an MT, I would get "docked for creative transcription." You want your verbatim garbage that is what you are "gonna" get. I feel for the patients and their families however, because they are LEGAL documents and VR or some incompetent, sloppy MT has goofed that record up and I speak from experience after my husband died from cancer of the larynx -- however, everything that came through was "cancer of the hypopharynx" (hypopharynx) and I am still battling over that and this has been since the early 1990s.

Put that in your smugness and smoke it

Focus - Do It

[ In Reply To ..]
You should copy and paste these posts and mail them to Focus. Let them know. I know it won't make a difference really and you don't want to work for a company like that, but you should have your say. You are entitled to your "experienced opinion" just like they are. I work for a woman who thinks she knows it all too and I have had to bite my tongue many times to do it, "her way." I don't agree, but then again, I am not picked to death like you were. I have spoken up on a couple of things and I think she knows I am right, because she let's me do it my way. Now I am fighting over my line count. These systems really do cheat you. Good luck in finding something else and all other MT's, beware of Focus, don't apply!

Tickled - Tickled

[ In Reply To ..]
I apologize if I seemed crass, I didn't mean to, and I was in no way being smug. I had used "Tickled" on another post and just kept the same name, so it in no way implied anything about your message. I am not one to come here and judge or create conflict. My post was sincere and I truly wanted to wish you luck and try to explain why you were getting picked to death to give you some peace of mind. I apologize if it was taken the wrong way. Peace.
Agree with you - Focus employee
[ In Reply To ..]
I agree with you. I am an MT and I think they are very strict, but they go strictly by the BOS and the account specifics that you receive when you are trained on an account. With that being said, if you take the time to go over the specifics before you begin an account, you will have no problem. Furthermore, the line count that the above is exagerated, it is VR 225 lph and 150 typed lph (estimated).
Maybe different for different accounts? - MT
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Line count requirements for my account are 220 lph for VR and 110 lph for straight transcription.
Those line counts sound more in line and - I love editscript, best VR platform around
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I'm sorry the OP had a horrendous time of it at Focus, but I must disagree with her assertion of the Editscript platform. I've used it for years and love it.

unFocused? - anonned

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You cite all kinds of reasons that you're causing issues for the company, then you want to complain because you were dinged for well-known and common rules in current MT?

This sounds like a good example of an MT thinking she's better than she is. YOUR (emphasizing not shouting ) issues were okay to have, but their insistence on continuity in records was not.


Focus is a pleasure to work for, - compared to some others

[ In Reply To ..]
rules are dictated by each client's account specifics and AAMT BOS 2. had you taken the time to follow the instructions in the account specs for each client, you would have been fine.

editscript is a really nice program. perhaps your computer memory was not large enough to carry the load?

sorry you had a poor experience.

I'm guessing you replied to the wrong post? - Not FOCUSed

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I agree with you. Read the specs and adhere to them.

Listing all the reasons you fall short then blaming the company is ridiculous.

Re: Adieu Focus, nn - vicc

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What a negative experience! So glad I did not accept their offer some months ago. A company that permits its QA to get out of control with nit-picking and nasty feedback harms its own reputation. (Grateful for the company policy regarding QA where I am now. Direct contact with MTs not allowed.)Good luck to you.

focus-not - anon

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My experience at Focus was a nightmare! I was actually glad when they let me go. Everything about this company was not right and I hated their platform and Lead MTs.

Focus - anonymouse

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I work for Focus, and I have had a fairly good experience with them. I have had much worse. My team lead on the other hand is very nice and very easygoing, not demanding, leaves you alone. Now, I did not and do not like the QA most of the time. They do nitpick. I have never put semicolons in the lab values when the platelet count has 0's. They haven't dinged me for it either. I don't know. That must have been a very nitpicky QA. And the line count may vary from account to account but mine is 220 for VR and 110 for straight transcription. All in all I am happy.

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