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Not really, some people have resumes prepared - by professionals

Posted: May 9th, 2023 - 12:05 pm In Reply to: Statements - Observations

who prepare resumes, so having a resume in and of itself is not an indication of computer skills. Of course, any examples given in the post you are responding to were just examples and one should always include their own personal experiences in their resume. No one is telling anyone to include BS in their resume. The objective is to place your skills into a resume that might not be obvious by just stating that one is a transcriptionist. I did see on the internet "You do not need an “Objective” section on your resume in today's job market. A resume objective is seen as outdated by many employers and takes up valuable space near the top of your resume that could be better used for other sections like a career summary statement." Whather it is an objective, a career summary, or a list of your abilities, an employer may not request an interview of someone who has nothing on their resume that pertains to the job they are applying for.


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