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To the OP - Suggestions

Posted: May 9th, 2023 - 9:52 am In Reply to: I have some thoughts - Anonymous

I remember you saying that you had an Associate Degree in HIM and learned ICD-9. Those 2 things ought to be pathways to another career. You can train to learn version 10 and try for coding positions and there ought to be HIM jobs that you can do in ROI or other areas. In regard to the resume, I think they usually only like to see the past 10 years; I certainly would not include what I did in high school. Try and tailor it to fit the job you are applying for. If you've done any volunteer work or community service, i would include that. You can take Microsoft certification classes to become proficient in Excel and Word, and most communities offer help with resumes through Job Source and Skill Source. I couldn't tell if you are no longer working, but my advice is to hang on to your MT job and look for something else while you are still employed. I don't pretend to know it all, and these are just some thoughts. To me, it sounds as if there is a lot you could do with your background and the training you already have. You are still relatively young, and that is definitely in your favor.


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