Statements - Observations Posted: May 9th, 2023 - 10:34 am In Reply to: Place statements under your job sections that might - include such things as
If you are trying to keep your resume down to one page, you probably don't need to include things like computer proficiency or knowledge of English grammar. If you are using a computer to prepare a resume and write a cover letter, chances are that those skills are apparent. You could list the applications that you are proficient in and drop the other verbiage. It sounds as if you are rephrasing someone's job description. In my area, being bilingual in English and Spanish is more marketable than English alone, and most job listings these days will specify that Spanish is preferred. As a transcriptionist for so many years, my people skills are basically nada, and I would not pursue anything in reception, but that is just me. Potential employers are pretty good at seeing through BS, so try and be as original and spontaneous as possible. I also wouldn't list an objective, I think that's kind of old school now. If you're applying for a job, your objective should be obvious. Save something to discuss on the interview.
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