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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: At one time they were the best. I worked for them.. (Views: 35)

then quit for goodness sakes! if you dont want op notes, dont do them - let someone that wants a job get a job

Posted: Oct 4th, 2015 - 9:47 pm In Reply to: I am getting every other note is an op note - SynMT

I don't meant to be so harsh, but all you are doing is complaining.
Would you rather not have work? Would you rather run out and sit on your thumbs? come on. Find another job where you wont have to do op notes, but I bet you wont find many out there that wont require it. Stop sniveling and just do your work for crying out loud. I don't like op notes. I do them. I don't complain.

I am really not saying this to be mean, but do you hear yourself?


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