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Coding / Medical Billing

Another successful Andrews grad - CCS,CPC

Posted: Sep 3rd, 2015 - 9:41 pm In Reply to: About Andrews - Old Pro

Fact: In 2012 I was a MT who was rundown and broke. I made a lot of money as a MT in the old days, back when we were paid 8, 9 and 10 cpl and I was fast, very fast, and I made a lot of money. But then hello voice recognition....goodbye paycheck, and I felt stuck. I looked into coding and I did a LOT of research. I finally made a decision to attend Andrews, and it has changed my life. I got my first in-hospital coding job that paid a low $12 an hour, not really what I went to school for, but now 2 years and 7 months later, I am so proud to say that I am making $28/hour and will be a remote coder. I know for a FACT that students who graduate DO get remote jobs out of school. Many grads do get certified as a CPC and CCS. I passed both exams on my first attempts, and I have one place to thank for that, and it's Andrews. Linda is a lady with a big heart and she wants her students to succeed. She has many, many success stories, and she speaks the truth and what she says is factual. Does everybody get through the course? No, it's really tough. Is it pricey? There are monthly payment plans to help out with the cost of school. I will ALWAYS think very highly of Linda and her staff at The Andrews School.


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