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Yes, don't quit- sm - InkMT

Posted: Jul 20th, 2015 - 5:28 pm In Reply to: I want back in.. - am I crazy

unless you don't need a steady income. I make at most $200 every two weeks, there is NO work....I have a second MT job and make about $200 every two weeks there too, not about to take on another so I can get another $200 every two weeks. There are not many places left anymore where you can actually make a decent salary...my income went from $30K in 2013 to $14K in 2014 and this year I expect it to be around $10K...this is a second income for us so not horrible for us but is slowing down my ability to pay things off/save that I am in the process of doing. Putting in some applications though currently for work outside the home and hope to get off this merry-go-round soon and make something a bit more steady and reliable. I would just grin and bear it where you are, look for a job somewhere else if you must but MT is dying a horrible death.


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