Which is the correct spelling of distension/distention.
If used as distension/distention of the abdomen, which is the correct way to spell it.
Thanks ...
Imaging and Doppler study were performed in 2-D s/l grisk with color flow on the right jugular vein, subclavian vein, axillary vein, brachial vein, radial vein, and ulnar vein. ...
The doc consistently says venous stasis edema. However, when I look it up, I find that they are two different things, i.e. venous stasis AND edema. Which is correct? TIA ...
Sounds like he is saying ventricular/atrial fibrillation, maybe ventriculoartrial fibrillation?
I am unable to verify this condition. Can anyone help?
Is there a type of scan that s/l sustemembic scan that can reveal a left ventricular ejection fraction of 38% w/ no significant wall motion abnormalities? I can't find anything close anywhere and this is my first time transcribing this doctor. Thanks! ...
There is a first-degree atrial ventricular block. There is one beat with a variant conduction, perhaps an intermittent right bundle branch block.
Does this make sense? Thanks.
I know this is hopeless, but here's the sentence: "Patient had echocardiogram done showing marked s/l leeterdeezed left ventricular systolic function." I suppose the "deezed" could be disease, but I don't know...
HELP! ...