I know exactly what you mean but I dont know the exact wording so now I have to go back and look at old reports and try and figure it out..and then make a shortcut for it cause you always talk like a dumbass...If you would talk like a human you would find your reports get done faster and more accurately..
Do they realize that we type over 100 different doctors on any given day or do they really think we are their personal transcriptionists..Someone needs to tell them how to talk..These companie ...
I don't think there is a k in the renal arteries. I just can't understand what he is saying.
Confirmatory angiography s/l --into the k --showed wide patency of the renal arteries and excellent run-off with both hypogastrics patent. ...
I know I'm fortunate to have the job I have and to be able to work from home, but I have a serious case of bunout! I've been trascribing for 25 years and have been looking for another career after recently graduating. In the meantime, I have to transcribe. Anyone have any techniques they use to overcome burnout? It seems it takes all I have lately to sit in my chair and transcribe, and I hate feeling this way! ...
I read this message board from time to time but have never posted but am looking for advice. Last fall I lost a full time job at a bank - which caused me to sincerely doubt my self-confidence as an employee. I then started the career step MT program and am currently about 60% compete. I recently applied and accepted a job at a local, very busy gift/general merchandise store. I like the job. It pays $9 per hour and is about 30 hours a week. There aren't any benefits. I believe I ...
will tell you one more time what they just did to me.
In my former BOB was back up to about $18/hour, getting kudos for having 100% accuracy on many reports. Then switched to a new BOB. After working for about 24 hours on the account I was audited, failed at 98.1% and immediately put on 100% QA at which point I quit. Previously I had been audited once a month (and sometimes went for months without an audit) and when I occasionally failed, was given another month to "improve." I was making 1 ...
Spoke to someone last night that had a friend fired for Christmas. Not a transcriptionist, but a medical biller in Florida..Their work was outsourced to Pakistan..And to add insult to injury her company actually tried to tell her she had to stay and train her replacement..This is the future of anything medical, and probably anything that can be done from a remote location.. ...
There's a post buried below regarding overtime and a case lost by Keystrokes in Texas. A KS poster (probably the owner) states "It is a lie". It's not a lie. Here's the publicly accessible truth.
The link for the original charges is listed below this post. The Final Judgment 6/19/09 is below and states that all Keystrokes employees must be informed. These files are open to the public to view.
-------------------------------------------------------- ...
This is a patient who has a poor fitting prosthesis and developed an ulceration on his leg. It sounds like the doctor states prothesis case will probably be windowed? Does this make sense to anyone? ...
After readings these boards, I have to say I must be either be an extreme case or lucky. I have been an MT for about 20 years. I have worked both in-house and at home, being at home the last 7 years. I have worked for both MTSOs and independently. I have to say I work part-time for 2 companies (small MTSOs) as an IC and love it. I have done so for about 2 years now and know what my day looks like by 9 a.m. every morning and plan accordingly. Yes, ther ...
A lot of the standards are single spaced, whether they are supposed to be or not..
if you go to the top panel there are a pair of binoculars the icon NEXT to it on the right is a find and replace feature,,,you can type in any say word that is consistently wrong and then type it correctly in the replace box and it will fix the whole document...Same can be done for punctuation put in there . (one space) and in the find replace put the . (two spaces) and hit the button, fixe ...
While some of us are on Food Stamps, earning pennies and being nickeled and dimed to death, the company we REALLY work for ... JP Morgan Chase, just bumped its CEO from $11 million a year to $20 million a year.
In case you wondered, he now earns almost $55,000 A DAY, 365 days a year.
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/p-morgan-raise-james-dimon-pay-20-million-article-1.1590425 ...
It's a patient with with severe global aphasia. He dictates the following:
Cranial nerves, of course she cannot cooperative to measure and test visual fields. She has some spontaneous extraocular motility, and overall, most important, I did not see any **s/l 'case preference' ** He goes on to say there is no nystagmus. She does have a right central facial palsy. ...
I wrote in to ask for help from a major radio broadcaster who is a lawer, ***** (not allowed to advertise other websites here). I briefly and objectively explained our quandary. A lawyer said Mr. H_____ asked him to "briefly respond to your case" and is stepping up to the bat. He said he believes we could have a case by "wrongful termination by constructive discharge."
His name is *****. I'll be calling him on my lunch break and getting back to yo ...
Just curious to those who have been in this profession awhile and have become hurt as a result, have you filed and won or not won? I have battled pain about eight years now and have hit a wall, can no longer work. My hands and wrists swell up, I have twitches in all fingers, I drop things, cannot grip or open things, cannot write, wear splints, driving hurts. Just wondering other's experience with this. I have about 20 years until retirement so I need to keep working ...
I cannot believe this decision. Amazon forces their employees to wait in line to check if they are stealing stuff but will not pay them the half hour extra it takes. Sadly, this was a unanimous Supreme Court decision.
From another article from Gawker:
The ruling was unanimous. It means that workers are forced to spend an extra half hour per day at work for no pay. Reuters reports that "Justice Clarence Thomas wrote on behalf of the court that the screening process is not a 'principal ac ...
current date into the body of the report, it's puts the WRONG date. For example, I just noticed that it put 11/08/2010, and of course it's 08/10/2010. So, I may have been inserting the incorrect address until noticing this. Does this happen with anyone else or just me? Is it a stupid "upgrade" glitch.......or is it just another way that QA can ding us and get us below 98%. I hate sounding so paranoid, but that is what working for MQ has done to me.&n ...
picketed and millions of emails from MTs like ourselves should be sent to them complaining, just as others are doing. This is an absolute disgrace, comedy or no comedy!!!! The show is called Outsourced. If you do not want to click the link below then Google NBC - Outsourced, as I did, and read about the show and also read the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who are writing NBC and complaining! Such poor taste!
http://www.nbc.com/news/2010/05/07/nbc-picks-up-three-n ...
California employees, please file a wage claim. The DLSE was very interested in all the nonproduction time we spend and stated Nuance needs to change their policies, but they haven't made any changes since specifically being made aware. I overheard that there are a few other cases, but I urge everyone to file. It's free and you are protected by the anti-retaliation laws. ...
I have to admit, I wasn't familiar with what "Ambulatory" transcription would entail, so I went searching on the internet and came across this PDF.
It is a stark reminder that Nuance is not a transcription company. They are a technology company, a speech recognition company, and we are all test subjects to make their speech engine better (through the thousands of doctors dictating and all of our editing).
They don't want to use transcriptionsits to do their work. They wan ...
This is a followup to the issue of "constructive discharge" that was brought up in a thread on this board back on August 3. The original poster stated, and I agree after googling and checking out several sites on the topic, that an employee can claim "constructive discharge" if forced to quit because (loosely quoted from more than one site) "...the employer has made working conditions intolerable. Issues can include...... reduction in ........workload for reasons that are not tied to ...
We did discuss with them that in patients that have head injuries along with a fracture, heterotopic ossification is actually more likely such as an "ace case." ...
A fellow MT posted on the Nuance board that she contacted the California Labor Board regarding unpaid labor. I hope this case creates a precedent!
For me, some jobs are so laden with problems half my time is spent researching and correcting dictator errors - for no pay! We are not paid to check email, answer email, train, review of all the documents emailed to us, review changes in procedure, doctor exceptions to the rule, working with tech support, reviewing QA, searchin ...