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question regarding expanding out DC - in regards to sutures

Posted: Mar 08, 2013

When you are supposed to expand out DC I've always thought it as discontinue (as in meds).  In this case someone is having stitches removed and the doc says DC of stitches.  Would I be correct to transcribe discontinuation of sutures?  I can understand it, but it just looks odd to me.


Well, you know how QA can be, but... - (see message)

[ In Reply To ..]
If it was me, I would be O.K. with typing it out as discontinuation of sutures (or "stitches"--whichever word the dictator said); but, to me, making it "removal" of sutures would be acceptable, too. But that's just me--I'm a fan of using common sense!

If you're on a verbatim account, I would type it "DC of sutures" (or stitches--again, whichever word was dictated).

Of course, depending on your QA personnel and how they feel at the time they're reviewing a report, they could make a totally different call. :-(

Seems Fine to me - see msg

[ In Reply To ..]
I would do that, just type discontinuation. It is a little awkward, but there won't be any confusion to the reader.

FYI, DC can also mean discharge, as in DC the patient tomorrow morning. I always expand that one out, too.

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