Doc is performing a endometrial procedure. He says . . .
They hysteroscope was assembled and using s/l gly-thine as the extending medium, the above findings were noted.
I know he is not saying saline! Help if you can. ...
CTA of the pelvis demonstrates no evidence of any arterial aneurysm or AV fistula. There was abnormal "track" extending through the right gluteus maximus muscle with marked induration of the subcutaneous tissue of the right buttock area.
(CTA performed before heterotopic ossification sugery. Past history of gunshot to buttocks, with bullet fragments overlying the left hemipelvis on hip x-ray.) ...
this is the phrase
cholesteatoma sac extending into the mastoid cavity, _____(s/l adavus, ad avis, at avus) into the epitympanum.
Thank you for any input.
Pt with adenocarcinoma of hte distal rectum.
An almost hemi-circumferential flat tumor within depression and bleeding that extended to the "pec nee ah" line was notable, which was also palpable on rectal exam. ...
There is noted to be significant degenerative changes at the L5-S1 level on the pelvic x-ray. Visualization of the more **collateral** lumbar spine is not able to observed on this x-ray. tia ...
I'm having trouble with this x-ray description of the leg. "8 mm round calcific, (s/l rawcific) density adjacent to the posterior aspect of the tibia - (s/l free joint or rejoint) body or synovial osteochondromatosis." And later when she is describing the knee pain, is sounds like she is saying "acific" calcification behind the right knee with OA.
Any help is so appreciated!! ...
Looking for correct spelling for Silverman series.. done for possible child abuse cases.. Just something nagging at me that this is not the correct spelling? ...
Patient had elbow arthroplasty.
X-rays reviewed that show well positioned total elbow arthroplasty with s/l **cement _________________** ossification of soft tissues"
Thanks for any help ...
I have a friend who lead MT at a radiology group and she tells me that they are using software that reads parts of an x-ray. It can detect where the calcifications are. I wonder if the radiologists are thinking they may out of a job just like us someday. ...
For those MTs who are radiology MTs, when you transcribe portable chest x-rays, does your hospital or MTSO require you to include not only the date of the portable chest x-ray but also the time? ...
There is no evidence of loosening of the hardware although on one AP, there does appear to be increased lucency about the fracture site, which could be attributed to s/l moth effect. ...
The lateral view showed similar findings, both anterior and posteriorly, superior and inferiorly, of the lumbar vertebrae and more significantly **autofusion** was noted at the L4-L5 level. ...
PA says "there is an infraclavicular spur on a 20 degree Hawikin's view. (can't find my script on this format for degree sign). Usually I hear Rockwood view.
Thanks! ...
There is no evidence of loose body. On the lateral view, s/l **Blue-mont-slots** line is intact with neutral patella. There are no significant degenerative changes of the patellofemoral compartment. There is no evidence of subluxation or tilt. ...