There is a 3 cm enhancing nodule within the left hepatic lobe which shows peripheral s/l "pelling" type enhancement on early phase imaging and delayed fill in with similar attenuation as hepatic veins consistent with hemangioma.
Thanks for the help! ...
Doc dictating carpal tunnel release OP note. He states "at which point a curvilinear incision was extended into the base of the HYPOTHENUM, volar aspect of right wrist." I cannot verify that "hypothenum" is actually a real word. Has anyone heard of this? Thanks. ...
Doc is performing a endometrial procedure. He says . . .
They hysteroscope was assembled and using s/l gly-thine as the extending medium, the above findings were noted.
I know he is not saying saline! Help if you can. ...
CTA of the pelvis demonstrates no evidence of any arterial aneurysm or AV fistula. There was abnormal "track" extending through the right gluteus maximus muscle with marked induration of the subcutaneous tissue of the right buttock area.
(CTA performed before heterotopic ossification sugery. Past history of gunshot to buttocks, with bullet fragments overlying the left hemipelvis on hip x-ray.) ...
this is the phrase
cholesteatoma sac extending into the mastoid cavity, _____(s/l adavus, ad avis, at avus) into the epitympanum.
Thank you for any input.
doc dictates s/l "worst enhancement kinetics demonstrate rapid persistent enhancement." It really sounds like worst, but doesn't make much sense to me. Anybody? ...
Pt with adenocarcinoma of hte distal rectum.
An almost hemi-circumferential flat tumor within depression and bleeding that extended to the "pec nee ah" line was notable, which was also palpable on rectal exam. ...
In addition, in the supratentorial region, there is a "morphus" enhancement in the left posterior frontal lobe, left mediotemporal lobe, left posterior temporal lobe, and left occipital lobe. ...
This doc always says, "right and left foot", but i cant help but think that it should be "right and left feet"..... Can someone clear this up for me? For example: The patient comes in today for examinatin of his right and left foot. or The patient's right and left foot appears in normal condition. ...
I have no idea what that last word is (spelled phonetically), but here is the sentence in its entirety. Hopefully someone can help shed some light on it.
Patient was admitted from an outpatient setting on ..... for elective left total hip replacement secondary to history of left hip "skiffy". ...
Are there any companies left that either transfer files by FTP or similar and leave you alone to do your work as long as it is in TAT? I work at home due to my anxiety. Have a position with a company that is trying to start some kind of group thing where you have someone hovering over you while you work or you are supposed to be the hoverer for someone else, which might be okay for some people who like working with others. I have never been able to work well with people. ...
Left Mmodal first of the year, not unhappy at all. After almost 20 years with them, I feel great. I now work 15 hours a week doing respite care for a 3-year-old and love it. Feel sorry for those of you still there. ...
I hit the ceiling last week and quit after 12 years with MQ part-time. I started as a tier 3 and ended as a tier 3. Topped out. I was making close to $20/hr and ended at $10/hr thanks to ASR. My submission rate was apparently too high for them for Jan and Feb. Well, what do they expect? Shyte dictation equals shyte transcription, but I'll be damned if I am going to risk someone's life just to fill in a blank, and this was before they rolled out this "First ...
I'm just curious is all. I've been reading for months a lot of posts of people who are unhappy, their going to leave, telll their bosses off, they deserve more, etc, etc. It's literally been going on months. I have a job I like, it pays lower than all the people here say they get paid, but I like it. There are times we run out of work, but I make due (and I'm a one income family, so is distressing sometimes), but I like my doctors and my supervis ...