I'm working on a cardiac consult and having trouble understanding if the doc is saying "premature" cad or "premajor" cad. Anyone heard of premajor coronary artery disease?
FAMILY HISTORY: Negative of premature coronary artery disease. ...
We will have the patient seen by anesthesia preop to make sure the pacemaker is properly cared for during the surgical procedure, which requires general anesthesia, and the use of the s/l **bovig** during the surgery. Thanks!! ...
If the client profile makes no mention of patient name (yes or no) being left in the report, account does not specify verbatim, is the ADHI/JCAHO directive to type the patient's name or replace with "the patient?" Just checkin'. Am paranoid about everything with the audits these days. ...
I swear to all that is holy, this is what this less-than-stellar PA just dictated:
"The patient IS a high-risk gestational trophoblastic disease..." I went back and listened thinking I must have heard wrong and she said patient HAS ... Nope. She said IS. This is the same PA who dictated a creatinine of 92 for someone.
That sound you hear is me hitting my head on the desk. ...
The sentence is: Relapsing-remitting MS with accumulated disability involving left hemiparesis, clincally stable on Tysabri and S/L JCE negative. I hear the negative part, not sure if he is saying JCE? Thanks for any help! ...
When given a young patient's age, one of my doctors will say "the patient is 9+11 years old." I have never heard a patient's age dictated this way before and I'm just wondering if anyone else has. ...
Has anyone worked for Patient First company? They have several urgent care clinics in eastern US. If so, may I ask your starting pay? Are they a good company to work for? Do they keep a FT position in plenty of work? Thanks ...
Just FYI....I applied to PF about 3-4 months ago. Took the transcription test, thought I did great, never heard a word.
Today out of the blue, got a call that I had done great on testing and they would like to offer me a position. I said thanks but no thanks since I'm no longer looking for a job.
She told me that they are currently looking for lots of MTs due to opening several new facilities.
Just thought I would pass this along to anyone who is interested in jumping on and taking ...
Under the diagnosis, the doc says: 1. Hypokalemia likely due to medication use. Rule out primary s/l hyperolestrionism.
Yeah, I know that's wrong. Any electrolyte experts out there? This is total mumbling. I'm really not sure it even begins with "hyper"--could be "hypo" as well. ...
s/l *octuro-tight" scan. That's all the information that's given. Can't determine is the word begin with "O" or "A"?? Not much to go on I know!
Doc does say the patient did part yesterday and is doing the rest today...if that helps. ...
Can anyone help please, I am working my way through a difficult quiz and am stuck on a phrase, it sounds like "he would transcrige and usually control with nitroglycerin". The patient has angina. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. ...
Doc said patient was pitted. Left it blank, editor put in "pitted." Is this an acceptable term? Know doc meant she was given Pitocin, but pitted? If we're going that route, wouldn't "Pit"d be better? ...