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PET Scan / CT word Help Needed - helichrysum

Posted: Jul 20, 2010

I'm having trouble with a report with some radiology terms.  My question is:  Is the word I am typing "hyper-avid" an actual term that makes sense in this sentence?  Here's the sentence: 

She had subsequently had a PET scan which revealed retroperitoneal as well as mediastinal lymphadenopathy which is all hyper-avid.

If the word is correct, is there a need for a hyphen? Should it be all one word, or just two separate words?

What I need is a good online source for radiology terminology, but I haven't been able to find one.  Best thing I've located is Stedman's Radiology Words, but it's almost $100 and I just can't afford that right now.  If anyone is aware of online help with these terms, please let me know... And THANKS in advance!


hyperavid is correct - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Hyperavid is an actual term, referring to a "hot spot" in imaging. I don't use an apostrophe, myself.

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