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Help with word on MRI scan - anon
Posted: Jul 25, 2010
Dictated ... There is metallic artifact from an intramedullary rod in the tibia. However, S/L *Dynus exam* was obtained.
Go with the intent - do not know word
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He's probably saying something like "despite this, exam was obtained". Limited exam, adequate exam, etc. Think about the context and listen to it again. Metallic artifact can partially obscure but doesn't usually completely obscure everything.
dynamic exam - dawn
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dynamic MRI - A format for MRI in which a joint is viewed in real time.
Dictated: The PET scan was more s/l ped-AAH-vid (pedavid or pet avid) in the abdomen, and in the off chance that we are missing a more aggressive lesion, request has been submitted for intraabdominal biopsy.
Thanks for your help. ...
I'm having trouble with a report with some radiology terms. My question is: Is the word I am typing "hyper-avid" an actual term that makes sense in this sentence? Here's the sentence:
She had subsequently had a PET scan which revealed retroperitoneal as well as mediastinal lymphadenopathy which is all hyper-avid.
If the word is correct, is there a need for a hyphen? Should it be all one word, or just two separate words?
What I need is a good online source for ...
The doctor says "No bowel obstruction." _____ (s/l receivable) food particles and gastric secretions are seen within the stomach. Can anyone help me here please???? TIA! ...
Sentences: "A CT scan of the chest was ordered by primary care provider for the complaint of pleurisy. A (s/l Beecher) scan was ordered thereafter."
I have a feeling I'm going to kick myself when I realize what this one was, but I am fried and just can't find it. Any thoughts? ...
QA changed CT scan to CAT scan on one of my reports. Also, in that same report, gram was changed to gm. I always thought it was CT scan and "gram." Have I been doing it wrong all this time??
Thanks. ...
This is for a melanoma surgery .. .
Doc says: The patient had been injected by radiology prior to the surgery with technetium sulfer colloid. s/l Metho-sintigraphy had shown suggestion of some uptake . . ...
He is flying through the sentence and cutting himself off but it sounds like he is saying ....
"Exam was performed in the body coil secondary to body habitus. **Dynex** study was performed."
I am not sure about the Dynex. Can someone please help me?
Thank you so much! ...
Anyone ever wonder why it's V/Q scan instead of VQ scan. And why the Q anyway? Maybe I'm having a brain fart, but for the life of me I can't remember a reason for this. ...
Status post bone scan, 05/21/10, demonstrating: 1) linear uptake corresponding L5-S1 level consistent with subacute compression fracture; 2) additional uptake in the posterior midline L4-5, most likely due to pseudofacilitation of the spinous process with reactive marrow edema, consistent with Baastrup�s deformity; 3)...It really sounds more like pseudo facetization! Any help would be appreciated. ...
Patient is tender in the right lower quadrant. No rebound. No other masses, organomegaly, or tenderness. Bowel sounds are somewhat diminished.
Sent for a s/l PCT scan or TCT scan of the abdomen compatible with diverticulitis but no abscess or rupture.
Thanks for any help :) ...
Due to a policy change, we are required to expand all acronyms in the assessment, including labs and tests. HIDA scan I am not sure of. All I can find is cholescintography. Is this correct? Thanks! ...
Need help with this word please:
Patient did have a repeat CT scan and was found to have a (S/L leftic) gluteal hematoma that was new.
Any help is appreicated. ...
Left inferior parathyroid adenoma, indicated by Sestamibi parathyroid scan. No s/l Nexono done yet. I think this is a type of scan, but I can't find it anywhere. Thanks ...