Can anybody help me out on numbered lists when there are sublists? Can't really afford time on shift to try to find the training for that part and listen to the slow explanation. Thanks! ...
Unsure of comma placement/procedures. It is all running together in dictation. I'm sure of the dictation, that part is clear. Thanks!
Procedure is posterior arthrodesis at L4-L5 bilaterally, posterior non-segmental instrumentation in the form of pedicle screws with rods, fluoroscopic guidance and supervision and interpretation and placement of percutaneous pedicle screws, greater than usual procedural services secondary to revision nature and the claimant being graded at 100 pounds o ...
When typing p.r.n. with my newly installed MS Word program, it automatically types p. R. n. Does anyone know the change I need to make in the program to correct this?
Thanks in advance. ...
Hi all
First post on the forum. I need help with a word in a dictation. It's a German Orthopaedic Surgeon dictating in English on a patient that has had chest trauma. He mentions that she was prescribed anti-pain medication and a (word that sounds like) lucoluticam.
Any help would be great appreciated! ...
I'm having trouble with a report with some radiology terms. My question is: Is the word I am typing "hyper-avid" an actual term that makes sense in this sentence? Here's the sentence:
She had subsequently had a PET scan which revealed retroperitoneal as well as mediastinal lymphadenopathy which is all hyper-avid.
If the word is correct, is there a need for a hyphen? Should it be all one word, or just two separate words?
What I need is a good online source for ...
I'm attempting to create a generic overall macro for my VR editing that includes multiple corrections, two of which are g and L to grams and liters (account preference for single-letter measurement designations, and hey, more characters for me). However, when I try to do this via Find and Replace function in Word, even when supposedly adding a space before and after the g and L, I end up with those characters being replaced in any word that begins with either of them (i.e., 1 g gentam ...
Major issues understanding this doctor. I am also a newbie at this. Can anyone enlighten me on the several flagged words in this paragraph?
BREAST: No axillary adenopathy. On the right, you can see a scar on the right “perawheeler” anterior to the nipple, going straight down on the “rheeler” border. On the left, there is a 2.2 x 2.2 cm erythematous tender local mass attached to the skin, and it is somewhat indurated. Looks to be some type of infected cyst ver ...
I am having trouble trying to figure out when, and when no to make a list, or heading.
First, I know the headings, in the beginning, are ALL CAPS, like FAMILY HISTORY, MOTOR, REFLEXES, but then, the Neurologist begins listing (on the independent medical evaluation, under "Record Summary/Provider") tons and tons of dates like:
9/17/2010 PT. Dr. So and So. Same template.
Chiropractic Assessment: Palpation L2, L3, L5, L5 and S1, taut and tender MS fibers and fixat ...
to format reports on VR, generally basic 4, every report? I get so sick and tired of not only fixing the stupid words but since there is no training by physicians, every report has to be formatted to meet specs. Just curious. ...
I got a new computer. I do work for a local doc the old fashioned way (tapes) and would like to save his work on disks (used 3.5 on old computer). I tried to format the disk and things were going well until the last few seconds when a window popped up saying format could not be completed, but no reason why. I have tried several times since and the same thing happens. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I am using CD-RW disks. Thanks. ...
Okay I work in Dictaphone VR. The latest version. I have Word 2007. In VR, the physical exam and its subheadings are all double spaced. Anyway to highlight the paragraph and make it single spaced? I usually just use arrows and delete about 7 times a row to tidy it up, but I was hoping I could highlight and do a few keystrokes and be done.
Thank you in advance for your help!
It is double spaced like this:
VITAL SIGNS: Blood pr ...
I work for TDD, and always get confused about their formatting. Can someone tell me if we are to transcribe their consults in paragraph form or not? TY ...
There probably have been answers to my question out here before, but does anyone know what causes the formatting in an EditScript document of which I am either editing or transcribing? It tabs, bolds, changes font sizes, and messes up the spacing between lines.....things I did not manually do myself. Is there something I should be changing on my RTF? Or is it something else? Seems like I may have seen something about that, but I can't find it in my manual (which doesn ...
I am now totally confused. I've always been told the rule of thumb is that if there IS no #2, then there is no #1 to create a list. It should simply be Diagnosis: yada
I have a dictator that for some unknown reason kept dictating
1. UTI:
A) Resolved after antibiotics.
No number #2 so i just did not even number this, but I got it back QA'd , am I losing it or have been doing this wrong all along?
Thanks much for the input. ...
I just recently switched to Word2003 and am having issues with formatting. I tried everything I can think of but color me DUHHHH because it is not working.
I have to number impressions. I would like to somehow set ALL documents for this to line up the same way and I must be missing something because I have to do this each document.
I went to numbers/bulletting and even made it custome, but again, each document has to have it redone. When you are doing 50, it is time consuming ...
I'm an experienced MT, not a newbie straight out of school. If this belongs on the "word" board, then I apologize in advance (I wasn't sure where to post it).
I am testing for a company that uses BOS3 (which I despise) and that is counted in the grading. In the physical exam section, the dictator gave a few headings (which of course I inserted) but not all. According to BOS3, inserting undictated headings is optional. Some sections begin as sentences (e.g., "He ...
Just starting DQS7.1 today and wondering about spacing between paragraphs. In ASR, when the dictator says next paragraph, it goes to the next line. Is this correct, or do I need to insert a hard return to make a like between the paragraphs? Anybody know? Don't want to mess up the formatting. ...
Greetings, I recently got a gig for Psychiatric clinic and I am a little confused as to the accepted formatting for DSM diagnoses under AXIS I... Here is what I have been doing, and it's different from examples I've seen online... I'm thinking I learned my current style from either CareerStep or working for Nuance; however, I'm not sure... My clinic doesn't really have any concrete formatting guidelines, but I want to be using best practices nonetheless. &nbs ...
Every once in a while I get the problem where the margins seem to have disappeared in that the output no longer stays in the window and I have to scroll horizontally to read the text. How do I get it back to normal? TIA ...
When a doc dictates lets say "negative Kernig" versus stating "negative Kernig sign" will I transcribe it as "negative Kernigs" or "negative Kernig's" ...
I have a few SH entries to insert dates - for example, ydl inserts yesterday's date using the long format (July 9, 2013). I have one little problem though and can't seem to figure it out.
When I use the "%e" parameter, I get "July 9, 2013" with the extra space between the month and the day. Once the days roll over to double digits this is not a problem. If I use "%d" then I get a leading zero. I want to be able to insert the date with a sin ...
My prospective employer's transcription test has a partial procedure note on it. Should I add extra headings and fields that I am certain of (procedure name, physician's name) to make it a complete report or just skip that and transcribe what's here?
BTW, I am neither a student nor a newbie.
adTHANKSvance! ...
It really hurts the line count bad. So far, I have had a lot of documents that require quite a bit of formatting - H&Ps, consults and ER reports from several facilities with each having different requirements and everyone wanting the ROS and PE different. Also, lack of punctation is hurting a lot too. I can't wait until I get out of here. Just 8 more months and counting! ...
Hi, Just wondering if anyone else has come across a problem in Inscrie Auto Text, where the formatting/editing toolbar is not visible. I have logged a couple of jobs and the response on fixing it was subpar. I was told I could use Ctrl + B for bold etc, which didn't really help with all the other editing/formatting needs I have to create an auto text.
Hoping someone else has had the same problem and may have a solution!
Thanks in advance,
Charlie ...