I know this has come up before but we can't find anything definitive. Anyone know how to properly transcribe the full version of this abbreviation?
Thanks in advance:) ...
I'm trying to find out what chem. 18 is and how to properly transcribe it. It's part of a "PLAN" and it goes : "CBC chem 18 CD4 count and viral load"
If anybody could help... THANK YOU! ...
Okay, am I insane? The MD is starting a SOAP note of someone having a physical exam to make sure she is safe before receiving sedation for an MRI. The first sentence is: Patient is here for a pre-NSTA physical.
pre-NSTA???...has anyone heard of that before...done lots of research, but of course, the most hits I get are for the National Science Teachers Association...and I KNOW that is not it...ugh! Little help please! ...
After all of these many, many, many, many (okay, you get the point) years of transcribing, my wrists don't hurt, my back doesn't hurt and my neck is still okay, but the one thing that has me really bothered is my heel !!! It really bothers me lately and I have tried putting a small pillow, a thick piece of flannel and many other things under my heel to alleviate this bothersome pain, but to no avail. Has anyone got any suggestions or is there some type of heel cup or someth ...
I have tested a few times before on mttest.com, a site that several MT companies use for testing potential MT's, and recently received this piece of information: In sections that require you to type in the correct answer, typing a "Capital" letter in the first letter of your answer constitutes a wrong answer. I don't know if this is accross the board but thought it good info to share. Maybe everyone already knew this, and I can't even remember if I did that on previous tests but i ...
I just heard that the 2 largest MTSOs in the world are approaching virtually every large to medium-sized hospital and medical center in the country with an offer for 10 cpl for transcription. I'm not even sure who the 2 largest are, but I'm pretty sure one of them is CBay and both are offshore companies to be able to offer that rate. This is really concerning because this could lower the rates for U.S. MTs even MORE or could literally put all U.S. companies out of ...
My dictator is referring to something called a "Hospital Pack System" in which he is reviwing a patient's x-ray. I've never heard of this, let alone have any idea how to spell it. Can someone help? ...
I am looking through companies hiring new graduates, and I came across TNI. I am getting ready right now to apply. I researched right now and do not see any lawsuits against them or anything.
When DIT offered me a job right after I completed my internship (which I did NOT take), I was excited. Then my adviser told me not to take the job, so I didn't. She put me with that company because she said it was a great company to intern for, not to work for. I know I s ...
Has anybody heard of FutureNet Group, Inc.? Do you know anything about them? They have approached me about working with them and I am looking for any type of feedback available. Thanks. ...
Dr. says: "has got a little tenderness down over the front of her shin that may be related to exscarlization of blood or bleeding from her incision that runs down along the front of her tibia that has made her periosteum sensitive". The procedure was a unicompartment arthroplasty 2nd postop visit. ...
Just to vent, I fired off a note to my CCM the other day about how disgusted and sickened I was by VD's Q&A article in the Tennessean. No response yet. Anybody heard back from their CCM? ...
"up" grading to DQS 7? My CCM hasn't mentioned anything about it for months.
I'm in no hurry.
This account was still on Windows 98 for 2 years while everybody else was on XP. ...
ED dictation.. Infant with fever. Dictator states "the patient was not MOUNTING a blood count" ? That definitely is what he is saying, but I've never heard anyone say that before.. ...
to escape from MT or supplement, that is patient advocate. This piece on the radio said there were only a couple hundred or so in the US right now and need could be increasing rapidly. At this time no licensing or even training required, but a lot of us have already taken on this role with sick relatives, parents, etc. To me this sounds a lot more interesting than scribe, and could pay better too. Thoughts? The only thing is I would not know how to go about getting ...
Patient's past surgical history significant for a cholecystectomy, appendectomy, eye surgery, a s/l tubular fillaroma.
Any idea? I'm stumped as it's pretty clear.