Has anywone heard of UNGV as in this sentence? UNGV was injected into the capsular bag to inflate it and also to fill up the anterior chamber. I can't find it anywhere. ...
Sentence is: A Benson stimulator was then used to initiate a curvilinear capsulorrhexis, which was completed in a 360-degree manner with Utrata forceps. ...
"sclerotomies were made at 2.5 mm posterior to the limbus at approximately 10 o’clock and approximately 2 o’clock" Is this the proper way to transcribe when the doc is referring to the place on the eye? ...
I cannot find anyting remotely related to this word on Google and I don't have a current surgical equipment book for ophthalmology.
This is on a corneal graft replacement.
It was decided to use an 8.25-mm [s/l hespar] bearing trephine to trephinate the host cornea and then oversize the donor cornea by 0.5 and use an 8.75-mm bearing trephine ...
need help! "the wound was irrigated with (s/l UC) solution"
i have ran across this several times and have not been able to verify it anywhere. any help appreciated! thank you! ...
Stumped here. :(
Surgeon says:
Two screws fractured at the level of the bone. They were ____________ and removed in the usual fashion.
The blank sounds like "truffened", "troughened", "truffined"? Some sort of removal. I have absolutely no idea.
Thanks in advance. :) ...
When we were ready we squirted in the Norian solution, which filled in the gaps.
It definitely sounds like Norian solution. This is an operative report.
I have a thickly accented ESL who has just started dictating dialysis notes for our facility. I'm used to the docs giving the dialysate as, say, BGK 4/5, or breaking the concentrations down by potassium, bicarb, etc., but this new guy is saying what sounds like "RSP 440" or "RFP 440" and we're at a loss as to what that is, unable to document it yet. I thought at first that they were talking about some solution used in a recirculating single-pass machine, and QA thought they ...
This is part of an operative note involving knee repair. I'm used to hearing "leg prepared with a Betadine solution." But this s/l "Chloraseptic solution." Is that right?! ...
How about the company charge extra to the dictators for ESL, drunk sounding dictators, mumblers, eaters, slurpers, burpers, playing games with others while they're supposed to be dictating, what sounds like background Christmas parties, "oh, yeah, go back up to ....and add," speed talkers, dictators that sound like they have hair lips, speech impedements and last, but not least, dictators that cannot pronounce other doctor's names or meds or med terms, but won't spell for you.&nbs ...
If you sign into Ipswitch with a password and reply to emails or click "new" and compose from scratch, your emails may not be getting to your TSM or QA or whoever. But if you look in the "Sent" or "Sent Items" folder the email is there, so it seems it's going through. However, experiment.....send a copy, click cc, to your personal email address and check. It probably doesn't arrive. HOWEVER, click the computer start button (computers may vary) and on the left si ...
This is how we got paid at a major department store when I was a hairdresser:
Guaranteed minimum wage for hours worked. If our production exceeded minimum wage we were paid a percentage of that production on top of the minimum wage, usually 40%.
I would love to have MTs guaranteed at least a minimum wage for hours worked (or waiting to work) and anything we produce that exceeds that wage should be paid at the customary cpl. This would encourage higher production, benefitting th ...
The patient is going in for a myringotomy and he is to be treated with something that sounds like "bonean" topical solution. Any idea what this might be? ...
left lateral thigh was injected with apx 200 cc of (s/l) "pickent solution" - dfnly not Dakins. This is for a split thickness autograft on a burn wound. Anyone heard of something similar? ...
Aorta was cross-clamped, 500 cc of
Aorta was cross-clamped, 500 cc of s/l coal carted blegous solution instilled in thorough the aortic root, and a drip of cold saline started for topical myocardial hypothermia. ...
S/L Dionad solution every four hours. Does not give much of a history for what it is used for; just listing medications.
Thanks for any help with this!