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A repeat transrectal biopsy of the prostate revealed atypical s/l "repair" or "rapara - traci
Posted: Jan 24, 2011
A repeat transrectal biopsy of the prostate was performed revealing atypical s/l "repair" or "rapara" consistent with radiotherapy in all the obtained core specimens.
Did you ever get a contract to sign?Are you getting paid?Does she respond to your email/yahoo messenger or has she started ignoring you?how about a new phone #?many thanksbusybee ...
The skin over the left entire breast was prepared with betadine solution. Sterile drapes were then applied. 1% valacane was caught.
1% valacane was caught doesn't seem right but that's what it sounds like she's saying. ...
Peripheral neuropathy. I am going to go ahead and obtain a glucose tolerance test.
Ulnar neuropathy. He is tentatively scheduled, according to his report, to have decompression done by Dr. Labosky.
I am going go ahead and obtain a glucose tolerance test. ...
Is "airline" correct? air line? ear line? error line? bleh
AUDIOMETRY: A repeat (s/l airline) in the right ear today is precisely the same as the last test.
IMPRESSION: Asymmetric high-frequency hearing loss to the right ear with associated tinnitus and right aural fullness of uncertain etiology. ...
See, this is a perfect example. Great!! - So we have people willing to make the same amount doing medical transcription as cleaning toilets. That makes me feel better after 15 years of experience. No wonder this profession is in the toilet. They hire people with 1 year of experience and Cbay "stipens" their people for 6 months only then puts them in a production environment. Good luck to patients getting accurate medical records is all I can say. This will not go over in the longrun, guaranteed. ...
At her "2-year from the end of treatment" anniversary, we will repeat an MRI.
At her "2-year-from-the-end-of-treatment" anniversary, we will repeat an MRI.
Should I rephrase? ...
I know I saw a post when the Swap Board first came back as to why it was stopped the first time. I cannot find it now.
We have message that it is not working the way they wanted it to work.
Imagine that. ...
Patient is now scheduled for repeat ORIF with replacement of femoral rod and tibial strut bone grafting with application of s/l dull-miles cables. Thanks! ...
Patient will get repeat NGOB or ang/gob ?? I am wondering if this is some sort of abbreviation for a test of some sort to follow the Wegener's. Thanks! ...
I am having extreme difficulty with a dictation. I have read some other post, but when I ask a transcription advisor at Allied, if in fact the doctor is saying "flat", I'm told no. Anyone have any idea what is being said? The sentence is " On digital rectal exam the prostate is (flat, flas, flaccid) without firmness or nodularity."
Thanks for any help on this problem. ...
The patient has cancer of the prostate. He is status post s/l Vansus placement and on antiandrogens.
Cannot find a references. Help if you can please. Thanks! ...
Help please! I'm doing autopties and there are new words for me. She says, "The prostate gland reveals a few tan-white firm (s/l) whirl? masses."
Thanks! ...
Thoracic laminectomy with a resection of intradural and intramedullary spinal cord. Pathology revealed multiple "pink red ten" tissues that were submitted in a piecemeal fashion and consistent with anaplastic ependymoma grade III. ...