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Sound card, headphones (ear bud) questions - Tulah

Posted: Aug 09, 2011

I read the posts down a bit RE: sound cards, headphones, etc.  My head phones are falling apart so in the market again.  Couple things:

* I didn't realized added sound cards would block out static, etc.  I know I can't download anything onto work computer, but a rough idea how much the other kind are?

* People seem to pretty much agree the earpieces that go into the ear are better for sound; however, I think they are more likely to damage hearing (and age-related deafness runs in my family).  Anyone know of any great over the ear (but not the heavily padded ear-cupping kind)?  I had some more expensive ones that were like over-sized buds which were uncomfortable and one side quit working after not using them all that long.  - - Are there any headsets that actually help with static?  Outside noise isn't so much a problem, but I need all the help I can get static elimination!  My accounts have a lot of poor quality recordings for some reason.  What a time waster!

Thanks for any further information you can give me. 

favorite headset - Using for years

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the most comfortable headset I've ever tried and/or used is the Sony MDR-U10. The are discontinuing it, but it is still available many places. I have recommended it to many friends and they still thank me.

Thank you : ) - Tulah

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Thanks. I will check into that and see if I can find any left. The ones I am using now are Sony too. They are getting worn out but have paid for themselves many times over!

Headsets - my fav

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Here is a website to order those Sony headsets from Amazon. They are pretty much the cheapest from which to order...taking into consideration shipping charges, too. I ordered 2 pair and got free shipping. :)

Not certain what I'll do when I need more after these. I am, however, confident that my need for another headset won't arise for many years as the one I'm using is still good and I just ordered 2 more. If you decide to get these, please let me know what you think of them.
I will & question - Tulah
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It says they go under the chin. I'm not quite clear on the ear pieces. Do they sit on the outside of the ear or go in a bit? - Looks like they have gotten mostly good reviews on Amazon.
answer - my fav
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They are actually flat and fit inside the ear. Here is a picture of a one from another site.

I have other headsets that are like round little balls that go in your ears and even using them for 5 minutes makes my ears hurt soooo bad. I call them ear stretchers.
Ordered : ) - Tulah
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I ordered them and an extra keyboard (finally found one that is perfect for me so thought I had better have a spare) ... also got free shipping. Yay!!

I had some of those ball-type ear pieces and hated them too. They were too big to go all the way in but had to have them in somewhat to keep them on. Very uncomfortable.

I worry about hearing loss with this business. I have loss in one ear now (haven't had it tested but it's noticeable), but what can we do? I try to keep the volume down as much as possible and still hear, but sometimes there's no getting around cranking it in an attempt to understand. That makes me very frustrated with the horrible recording quality we often deal with. It seems there should OSHA guidelines to protect our ears. (Just venting.) But, yay about my order & free shipping! lol

I'll post again once I try them out.
Did you get then yet? - Curious MT
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Just curious as to whether or not you've received your new headset and what you think of it. â˜Âº
get theM yet... - fumble fingers NM
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