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Do NOT get Vista. If you can get it, get one with Windows XP as the operating system. Big Lots has a sale this week on refurbished computers (no monitor) for $179 with WXP.
MS Word 2003 may or may not install on Windows 7, but most likely will NOT install on Vista.
If you have trouble installing W 2003, you can download VMWare to install Windows XP as a second operating system and use it to launch Word 2003. I don't recommend Microsoft's Virtual Manager product for installing XP.
I got Word 2003 for $45 a couple of weeks ago and Windows XP for $59 last week on eBay.
Yes, 2003 does indeed install on Vista and Windows 7. - NM
heard that Office 7 is difficult to work with. I have to learn BeyondTx at the same time, and I don't want to be overwhelmed with all of this. I have never used any office programs for work.
Thanks for any help.
Does anyone know if Microsoft Office 2003 student/teacher and EditScript 10.2 work together? I thought I saw somewhere it was not supported. I also have Vista 64 bit. Thanks. ...
I am currently running microsoft professional 2007 and will be changing to MS professional 2003 due to a job change. I did some searches on how to copy my current auto-text (but sounds too confusing to me) and transfer to MS professional 2003. Is there a way to do this that is not too complicated to explain? Also, I do not have a flash drive, so can I copy this on a CD and then transfer to 2003. Thanks for any help. ...
I recently bought a laptop and need to at least install Word on it so I can use it for work, but I don't want to pay a fortune and would really prefer to install an older version of Word, i.e. 2003. I looked on ebay and I see lots of Microsoft Office 2003 software for sell, but also see some confusing things like OEM versions being sold with a piece of hardware as per ebay and microsoft rules. So I guess my question is if I buy OEM software with the corresponding hardware, can I ...
Numerous cc's not in the database which have to be added, address and all. Short reports, of course, that take 3x longer than the dictation time. Just shoot me now.
I can't wait until I get a new job! Came close today - job lead was 1/2 day too late. :-( Hopefully the other person won't work out :-} ...
I'm starting with a new company next week. My Windows 7 PC has Office 2013 Professional. The new company's platform is only compatible with 2010 or earlier. I don't have the money to spend on 2010, so I'll either have to decline the offer or try to find a way to install 2010 cheaply. I thought I might be able to download a version for free, since it's not the newest version, but it doesn't look like I can do that. Any ideas? ...
Too bad MModal is too cheap to send us out hard copies of everything we need to know rather than having us use our own ink to print everything. And why should we have to watch a video to learn how to use Remedy? Who has time for that? If we watch the video, then we get criticized for the time spent not working! We just can't win. ...
My USB foot pedal has gone out on me. Does anyone know where to get foot pedals cheap? I could look all over the web but that could take forever!
A friend told me about MooreDictation.com but I don't know if they are the cheapest.
Does $48.80 sound good for an IN-USB-2 ?
I need to download a spellchecker today. I have gotten recommendations for Stedmans, but it is $99. Wondering if there is a source to download it less expensively and/or if there are recommendations for other spellcheckers available for download.
Thank you! ...
I got switched to another acct (not my idea) and it has 24 pages of rules and I don't get paid training pay to learn this new acct. So I went from making 450 lines per hour to 160 lines per hour so in essence, making around $6.00 an hour and the QA's gripe when you don't spend your time looking up something through the 24 pages of new acct rules. Hey MM if you want us to spend hours looking up something before we learn the acct well then PAY US TO DO IT! CHEAP, CHEAP, C ...
I work full time for a company where I am on a platform with a built in expander program, but I recently started picking up jobs for a friend's company when she gets too busy and her staff can't keep up with it. All of the work there is done on Word and would be so much easier if I had an expansion program. The problem is, I don't want to pay $150 for a program that I only will use once or twice a month at most. Does anyone know of a program that is really cheap or free? ...
I know they have sales from time to time...do any of you know of a great sale that you can share with me? I really would love to have an ergonomic keyboard again. I used to have a Microsoft one that I loved years ago...but sadly my son spilled pop on it and I never replaced it.
Thank for letting me know!
Felicia ...
I just wanted to share. I was looking for a good word expander that would let me copy my Word autocorrect words over into it and would be running in the background on other programs, not just Word. I didn't have a lot of $ to spend. I found Breevy and it has worked great and is $34.95 to purchase. You get a 30-day free trial though. I just wanted to let you gals know. Best wishes to all and Happy Thanksgiving ahead of time!! ...
I go to the doctor a lot and have a lot of prescriptions, so I need a company that has good health insurance, and hopefully doesn't charge a lot for it. I used to work at OSi and was thinking about going back there, but another poster on here said their insurance is $1000 a month for family!!! Thanks for your help! ...
My Word has begun to take forever to open and also to save reports. I am thinking perhaps the program has been corrputed and think perhaps I need to over-load the program again.
Will this delete my spell-check dictionary and autocorrect entries?
I have been trying to figure out how to back them up just in case, but have been unlucky in this regard. The Microsoft site gives instructions to back up autocorrect, but the files in program files are not there as they state th ...
Does anyone know how to get into Norton trusted sites. I am having a problem not getting into a site and it is blocking me and I need to make it a trusted site but I dont know where to find the fiiles in Norton. ...
I have been fortunate enough to be offered a new MT position with an MTSO that needs me to have MS Word 2003 available. I have the trials of Word 07 and Word 10 right now, but neither of these are compatible with this new MTSO's software. It needs to be Word 2003. I'm having a hard time finding Word 03 anywhere on the web. But I am sure it is legitimately accessible somewhere, at least for a 30- or 60-day trial.
Could anyone recommend a way I could acqu ...
Does anyone know if there is a fix for Word 2003 to correct the compatibility issue with Smartype? If I highlight a word and then type without deleting the text, Word will lock up. Sometimes if I type over highlighted text without pressing delete, I get three duplicate letters in a row, and then the cursor scrolls to the bottom of the screen and Word crashes. It is a real pain to have to hit delete all the time, and if anyone knows of a way to fix this, I'd appr ...
(I'm ready to throw both computers out the door.)
Anyone ever have any trouble with Word not responding? I tried to caplitalize the word INC. and when I put the period at the end of Inc., it stops responding, I have to end the program and get back in. Sometimes it saves the document, sometimes it doesn't.
I also wanted to make a change in a short in AutoCorrect and noted that some of the replacement words have an '*' after them. If I click on any of those words, Word will n ...
I can't find a job. Sometimes it is because I am too old. maybe my coding experience is too distant. Anyone know anyone who got a got thru the board.
Thanks Maria ...
Are most MT employers using Using Word 2007 or Word 2003?
Word 2010 is out in June.
Would the MT industry upgrade quickly to Word 2010 or does it usually take a few years? ...
I am breaking in a new keyboard and evidently hit a key or combination of keys, and now whatever I type is in red and underlined. Can't change it by clicking on Undo in the Edit screen. When I hit backspace, it put in a red line clear across the screen to the right margin with a circle that said Deleted and a paragraph sign. I've seen it before on something I got back from QA once, but I've never used it nor do I know how to activate it. How do I get back to just ...
The screentip that comes up when typing the first letters of an AutoText entry has stopped working - and since there is no screentip, the option to insert an AutoText entry into the document by hitting "Enter" is not available either.
I can go into AutoText and "Insert" it that way, and hitting F3 inserts the entry into the document from the screen, and all my entries are in there - it is just screentip and Enter that "broke."
This happened from one document to the next. I ...
I hope someone can help me. I use Word 2003 and have most of my shortcuts in Autotext. All of a sudden, my autotext stopped working. I can't seem to access any of my shortcuts. Any input would really be appreciated. Thanks !! ...
I've been away from MT a couple of years. I think I had created a quick keystroke to delete the last word, but this may have been in a more current version of Word. Does anyone know how to do this in Word 2003? Thanks for any tips! ...