What is your opinion on the ExText platform? Is it harder to get your lines for some reason using this platform?
does anyone know anything about DTSAmerica transcription company?
I think I'm being cheated out of lines but have no way of proving it. I just did a report, then quickly switched to Documanage to check those lines, and it showed nothing. What's that about? There has to be a better way, though, than constantly switching back and forth.
Also, how do we prove the audit "errors" really occurred? I feel like this company is lying to me, and I want proof that I'm doing what they say I'm doing. ...
Can someone please tell me how to determine your line count on your check stub. I can't make heads nor tails of it. The hours are correct, I just can't figure out the line counts. ...
Spheris is filing bankruptcy, entered into agreement to sell assets to Medquist-CBay. I was sent copy of the letter sent out to the employees, though I have no idea why. Have not worked for Spheris for over 8 years. ...
I usually use the line count built into the Word program itself. Is MTStars flash count and/or abacus equivocal ?? Any one program better than the other ?? TIA ...
I was just hired on with a company to do strictly VR. I am only going to be working part time so about 4 hours a day. I am wondering from those who do VR what kind of line production should I shoot for in 4 hours of work? What is the normal VR line count for part time? I have read that most who are working full time or 8 hours a day are doing more than 1,000, even 2,000 a day. The company I will be working for wants a minimum of 10,000 lines in a payperiod which the lady said even with part time ...
Anyone have MP Count? I used it a few years ago, but my computer crashed so I no longer have it. I'm not sure if this IC job is gonna work out so I'm not wanting to buy a program at this point. Any advice?
Thanks. ...
Is this correct? I type 70,000 characters a day. I am paid by the 65 character line so I would divide 70,000 by 65 to get 1076, then multiple that by pay per line, say $.10 and get $107. If this is not correct then what is the formula? And what is the average number of lines per day? Thanks so much for the info. ...
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what is the easiest way to not count template lines when trying to invoice? I get a line count through Word, but I hear that Word counts blank spaces as well. I downloaded and use Flash Count, but it includes all 65 character lines, I beleive including the template headings. I hope this makes sense. Please help!! ...
I would like opinions about the IT (Instant Text) line count program? Do you find it user friendly? Are there other programs preferred/easier? Any suggestions or opinions? TIA. ...
More often than not, after finishing my shift, I can't get into DocQManage to check my line counts. It keeps rejecting my password, saying I'm already in, which I'm not. Since it will eventually let me in, maybe a hour later, I wonder if it's a deliberate stall to change my line count before I can see it, making it appear less. ...
Lately their line counts have been running about 25% lower than the line count shown in Word. They used to be just about equal. Counting characters not typed (headers, footers, demographics, etc) does not even come close to the reduction in lines. Is anyone else experiencing this? ...
Can anyone explain to me the line rates on the new pay stubs. Mine is not showing my actual lines, just the money. When I go to the web site for the breakdown it shows 4 different rates that seem to vary from week to week. They are Week 1 TR, Week 2 TR, Week 1 SR and week 2 SR. I know we may get less pay for a QA report, but I rarely send in reports for QA. Do the audits count as QA'd lines for the lesser line rate.. Should I call my CCM or just pay ...
You can check out salaries of the CEO, COO, and CFO of publically traded companies at the securities and exchange commission website. It will open your eyes and now that we are all working for what we did in the 80's, you will find we have more in common with the unwashed masses of the OWS movement than we thought. ...
Just did a job with a big standard. I have the line count, but do not know how to tell if I'm being credited with the lines in the standard. How can I calculate this? Thanks. ...
Hi. Can anyone decipher what the memo means about the new line count? How will our pay change, wait...never mind...I am sure it will go down. Anyway, what does this new stuff mean? ...
I have been working for this company for about 18 month and so far so good. It was even bought out by a bigger company and everything stayed the same with no problems. They don't bother me, I do my work and everything is fine. About 6 months ago my line count started going way down and I really just chalked it up to not being able to concentrate as much because my baby started walking and basically making it impossible for me to work. For the past week my line count has about doubled. ...
Over an hour into my shift, I went to check my line count, so that I can keep track hourly.. well it has ZERO... nothing has taken effect yet??? is this normal. ...
I have been told that I need to increase my LPH. So last night I kept track of the lines of each document done by using MS Word. But later when I compared it to Nuance's line tracker (ichart) it only listed half the lines that MS Word listed. How can this be? I realized that Word my count blank lines, but how can there possibly be that much difference? I felt like I really kicked butt last night, but then to look at LPH with Nuance's ichart I felt cheated/ ...
So far, I have calculated the "count score" on Fluency at the new rate of 0.08/.048 vs per report rate. I 'lost' on average $165-175 per pay period over the past 3 months by the line count. My report rates are currently 1.20/.072.
Anyone else? Please share.
Also, the 'count score' is our line count, right?? ...
Anyone else struggling to get their lines in at AP after loosing a hospital recently? Maybe I'm signing on at the wrong time of day but usually there are hardly any jobs for at least an hour after I start the day. Hope I'm not alone or I am doing something very wrong. ...
I POSTED DOWN BELOW EARLIER ABOUT MESSED UP LINE COUNTS. We are hitting the holiday weekend. Line counts are off.
Go to your statistics and type in date May 1 through May 15 and what does it show you?
Go to your statistics and type in dates May 16 to todays date and what does it show you?
Type in May 19 to 21 or May 18 to 19 and what does it show you?
EVERYONE SHOULD CALL ON THIS. Supposedly, there is not enough people calling for them to do anything about this. ...