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LM MTs - Check Line Counts! - Julia

Posted: May 20, 2013

Lately their line counts have been running about 25% lower than the line count shown in Word. They used to be just about equal. Counting characters not typed (headers, footers, demographics, etc) does not even come close to the reduction in lines. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Omg - you are right!

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What do we do?

Labor Board. - NM

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NOT Labor Board! - xxx

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The appropriate thing would be to try to handle it with the MTSO.
NOT Labor Board! sounds like a suit - nm
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Which platform? - nm

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ExText, Word Client - Julia

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I wonder what LM cheerleaders will thnk of this. - nm

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I'm not even a cheerleader and know the answer. - Rolling eyes

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Unless you have a client and have agreed to use Word's line/character count, it has never, ever been used for any clients I've ever had, and that's not including Landmark.

Instead use something like Abacus or other line counting software. Why? Because Word tends to throw in some extra lines and characters for things that are not included.

Any place I have ever worked, the line count for Word was considered inaccurate. For example, Word tends to count the header of a report for every single page. Line counting software counts it once because it's only been input once.

That's just for starters.

Why haven't you taken this up with the powers that be at Landmark instead of posting it on a public board?

Word tends to count headers? Really? Just delete those - before doing character SM

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ct. And you dont use the line count. A line can be many different things, but a character is a character is a character. I doubt any expect W character ct to be spot on, but it can sure give you a good idea what is going on. And maybe they havent brought it up with The Power, but if they just discovered this, maybe they are still just investigating the situation. You know, like asking on an MT board if anyone else has noted this. Rolling eyes, flipping hair and walking away, shaking head.

It doesn't work like that. - Rolling Eyes

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I think, instead, this post was meant to be stirring up discontent.

In other words, if you get your fellow MTs who are already feeling uncertain and upset more riled up, then maybe they'll quit. That makes more work for the crap stirrer.

Subversiveness at its finest.

Anyone who has ever done MT or done it for a period of time knows the issue with MSWord. The place to take up a line discrepancy is with your supervisor. When I've had problems, I address my supervisor, not run around like a teenage girl spreading rumors. So flip your hair and walk away, but it's the truth.
Too funny. Posting about this to get others to quit? I am MT/editor - of many years, working for platform SM
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based and Word based MTSO, so dont know what you mean by the issue with Word. Again, dont expect W to be spot on but it can sure give you a good idea. It is what sent up a red flag and led to the discovery AllType was stealing from its MTs. And again, this board is the only way for MTs to connect and compare experiences. Looked like a cheerleader eye roll to me.
Definition - Rolling Eyes
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Of subversive: noun: destroying someone's (or some group's) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity.

Enough said.

the only discrepancy Word has - is in counting LINES not characters

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if one is simply counting characters, it should be the exact same or close to it. Counting lines, however, is different, as Word counts "blank lines" as well, but a character count of actual typing should be correct. If the headers and footers on subsequent pages are "hidden" Word will not count those either, so I don't think you are quite accurate in your assessment of Word counting system either.

I guess all that eye rolling makes you end up missing words - while reading.

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Like "Lately" and "They used to be just about equal" from the original post.

No, because that is vagueness. sm - Rolling Eyes

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It doesn't say, "I have been working on this account for 5 years consistently every single day."

It gives a platform and nothing else. That is a post designed to stir up discontent and insecurity, not provide facts.
What diff does it make how long MT working on - platform? She obviously has worked it SM
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long enough to know when she compared her LC to Word character ct, they were close enough to not raise red flags, and now when she compares LC in the two, there is a big difference. Lines missing that equal 1/4 of the job, are a big deal. Not like she is claiming every now and then she is off by 10 lines or so. She doesnt have to have been working there for 5 years to know something is fishy in PA. But I am sure she doesnt want to work there 5 years if 1/4 of her lines are going missing.

I agree with above post. - MT all my work life

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Any company I have ever worked for did not use Word to calculate line counts. Go straight to LM if you have questions.

Have you read entire thread? W is just a way to compare what - you are told your line ct is and what SM

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a differing ct might be. As OP said, for a period of time the two counts, Word and what MTs were told were the cts, were very close. Not exactly the same. And suddenly, the cts are differing from each other by 25%. Nobody is saying W is the final say in line cts. Nobody is saying W and the platform ct are expected to be the same. But a 25% drop in what was once pretty close cts should be a red flag, to be investigated. And seems to me the only ones worried about that investigation, would be someone in management.

And for any MTs that DONT check their counts, do you think the MTSO has your best interest at heart? I have had experience with 2 MTSo that had errors of line cts. One was corrected, the other solved the issue by selling us poor, robbed, MTs down the river. MTSo theft DOES happen. I happened to me twice and we all know MM tried it but got caught. If someone, like the OP, was vigilant about her pay, some of you would think you were being treated fairly.
....was NOT vigilant.... - nm
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The way I handle it... - Toni

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if line counts are different, I will let my subcontractors now what the difference is. I encourage them to use the same line counting program that I use to be sure we're on the same page - that I'm billing the client for the correct number of lines that my subcontractor is billing me for.

You dont work for LM? Sadly, many MTSO are not as - honest as you are. nm

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Don't attempt to use reason, Toni. - Rolling Eyes

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Someone here is more interested in inciting a lynch mob mentality than listening to a voice of reason from anyone.

Umm, didnt sound like was defending LM. - nm

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Didn't say she was. sm - Rolling Eyes
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However, she was trying to use reason as to why there might be a discrepancy and immediately was shot down.
Never claimed W ct would be exact. Would expect - some discrpancy. Just stated it
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will give you an idea if you need to check further. Has LM ever told MTs how they count lines? Have they ever suggested a line count program? Again, W will give one an idea if further investigation is needed. Why are some afraid of any investigation, if the MTSO count is honest and above board?
To be clear... - Toni
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I am an MTSO owner and I don't have any affiliation with LM nor with any other MTSO. I was merely replying to how I handle line count discrepancies with my subcontractors.

Yeah, I've noticed that from some of these posts. - Toni

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I can't understand why people can't be civil to each other when asking a question or posing an opinion. Makes no sense to me how ugly people can become. No wonder some of them can't find jobs.

Here's a concept. ASK SOMEONE AT LM - what has changed

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Instead of posting on here and trying to rile people up, ask someone at the company what, if anything has changed and tell them what you are experiencing.


Yes, communication, just what a message board is for. - Am sure this will be discussed SM

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with LM, as far as we know, it has been brought up to them today and OP is just posting here to see if anyone else has had this problem. Unless, of course, you are management and know that this has not been brought up to LM yet.

Wage dispute requirements are above. - ^^^

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So why is it that when someone tries to use reason and straight forward tactics, someone else always claims it's management.

Sometimes fellow MTs get tired of the griping, whining, and complain from other MTs.
Huh? This thread about line ct discrepancies, not about - not getting paid by MTSO. SM
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Would think a fellow MT would be happy to have this investigated, not feeling like this is a baseless complaint. There is much evidence about MTSO stealing lines from MTs, LM could be taking the same route.
Obviously, they are paid by the line, right?sm - Wage Dispute
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If lines are incorrect, then that affects pay. Therefore, it becomes a wage dispute.

Read the guidelines at the top of the board. Whoever posted this should have taken it up with their supervisor first and then e-mailed the moderator, as instructed.

I'm all for fellow MTs being treated corrrectly, but this complaint is rather vague (only states platform), and says nothing about having spoken to a supervisor, etc.
Wage dispute is about not getting paid, period. Not about - line counts. LC never mentioned SM
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in sticky note. Grasping at straws.
Actually, no.... sm - Wage Dispute
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Here it is copied, straight from the post above. Pay particular attention to #3 and #5. For #3, if you were due 100 lines but were only paid 50 (because you believe your lines were counted wrong), and you were paid 5 cents per line, that would be payment owed of $5, and they only paid you $2.50.

#5 is self-explanatory. You would obviously e-mail your supervisor and say, "I typed 100 lines but was only paid for 50, and only show that 50 lines were counted. Could you please explain this discrepancy?"

From above Wage Dispute sticky:
1. Your name and the company you are in dispute with.

2. Your status: Employee or IC.

3. Amount of $ owed and payperiod dates, payroll dates (expected but missed), etc.

4. Reason given to you that money is not paid.

5. A copy (forwarded directly) of any/all emails supporting your claim of unpaid wages or billing.
Sorry, but cant see MTStars getting involved in line ct dispute. - If they did, they would be too busy dealing Sm
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with that and wouldnt have time to oversee the board. Sticky note is about you are due to be paid and you are not, at all. It has nuttin to do with LC. Has to do with not getting a paycheck.
Wages are wages. sm - Wage Dispute
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You are grasping at straws. Obviously, MTStars IS interested in getting involved or they wouldn't have the sticky notes posted above asking to be contacted.

Your reading comprehension needs work because, again, #3 asks for discrepancies in payment.

The lawsuit against MedQuist was a fine example of MT pay being stolen, but unless things are approached with a supervisor, DOCUMENTED reasonably, and proven, all of this is conjecture and an attempt at creating anger and discontent.
No Wage Dispute as lines not even billed yet - DUH - Morgan
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Very good point, showing good comprehension of the issue. - nm
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This is NOT a "wage dispute" - it's a line count dispute (sm) - Morgan
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Let me address what appears to be one person claiming I posted to "stir things up."

Most, if not all of us are aware that there is no (or extremely little) communication between MTs and MTSOs.

It is foolish to give details identifying yourself on a public board as we know people are fired every day for unfair reasons.

The original post stated only the truth, that the line counts which used to be extremely close to what was being compensated have now changed significantly. The purpose for posting was two-fold. It was to alert fellow MTs to check their counts to make sure they are not being ripped off, and it was to investigate by inquiring if others are experiencing the same.

Landmark does read this board and can respond, if they haven't already.

This has nothing to do with wages. It has everything to do with an honest line count.

So, you can roll you eyes all you want, but today's MT/Editors are conducting themselves in a manner made necessary by the conduct of the majority of the MTSOs and that is in a way to save our jobs so that we can continue to feed our children and keep our homes. Addressing the MTSO is no longer an option if we want to keep our jobs. We have been forced to unite, communicate, and take legal action to survive.
Here is a response. sm - Wage Dispute
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"Let me address what appears to be one person claiming I posted to "stir things up."

So you are Julia instead of Morgan (the use of I indicates yes)? Both? Might that mean you've posted other places in this thread with another moniker in an attempt to show agreement with your topic in order to stir things up further?

"Most, if not all of us are aware that there is no (or extremely little) communication between MTs and MTSOs."

I work for Landmark, and I get lots of communication. I just make sure that what I ask is worth responding to and not hounding them over something trivial.

"It is foolish to give details identifying yourself on a public board as we know people are fired every day for unfair reasons."

Yes, but by the same token you are identifying a company by name. Would you want Landmark to come on here and say Julia/Morgan attempts to pad her line counts by adding extra spaces and returns, and we must QA every one of her reports? (Don't know if this is the case, but tossing that out there.)

"The original post stated only the truth, that the line counts which used to be extremely close to what was being compensated have now changed significantly. The purpose for posting was two-fold. It was to alert fellow MTs to check their counts to make sure they are not being ripped off, and it was to investigate by inquiring if others are experiencing the same."

And yet you have never once stated whether or not you have contacted your supervisor. You also have not stated whether or not you were on the same ACCOUNT and not the same platform. Different accounts are set up differently. That's the way it is. Even when I had my own clients, some were billed in a different manner. The first step is to ask your supervisor and state in your contact what you have stated here. Asking other MTs only incites anger and distrust. It doesn't accomplish much.

"Landmark does read this board and can respond, if they haven't already."

I hope they do. I also hope that they respond. Trashing a company publicly doesn't accomplish much unless you have contacted them with your dispute against them. THEN taking it public or asking other MTs might be a solution.

"This has nothing to do with wages. It has everything to do with an honest line count."

If you are paid by the line, it has everything to do with wages. If you are paid by the line, then a reduction in line count limits how much you make. Call the Department of Labor and ask them or lodge a complaint if you feel it is serious enough.

"So, you can roll you eyes all you want, but today's MT/Editors are conducting themselves in a manner made necessary by the conduct of the majority of the MTSOs and that is in a way to save our jobs so that we can continue to feed our children and keep our homes. Addressing the MTSO is no longer an option if we want to keep our jobs. We have been forced to unite, communicate, and take legal action to survive. "

I'll continue to roll my eyes. Because failing to use the line of communications and using appropriate avenues to address a dispute with an employer is the professional way of handling things. Not taking a vague accusation to a public internet board.

Some are missing the point here. OP didnt say she used to - do XX lines and now she is SM
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seeming to make less. She has the numerical proof. She was told she was making XX lines and the lines she came up with using W were very close. Now dont miss this. Those cts were close, not exactly, but close. And OP was happy. But now, the 2 different cts are different by 25%, 1/4 of each job. This has nothing to do with one platform or the other or being paid one way of the other. This has to do with the comparisoons between W and platform used to be close, now they are not. That is the crux of the issue. Counts used to differ slightly. Now they differ a lot.

OP and accusation seem anything but vague. Vague is the post that says, I think, I feel, I suspect I am getting robbed. OP ran the numbers. What used to be close line counts are now divided by 25% from each other. That is not vague.

What diff LC problem or wage problem? You have a LC problem that becomes wage problem when check is cut. The bottom line is still MT is possibly being robbed of lines. Beside, this issue just seems like a fog screen to muddle the basic question of is LM dinking with LC.

But the most telling of this post is thinking a LC/pay problem are trivial issues that LM should not be "hounded" about. Yep, I am seeing cheerleader with pom-poms and tennis shoes.

YOU are missing the point. sm - Wage Dispute
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OP says it's on a PLATFORM. Not on the same account. I might work on XYZ account and use Word, and yep, my counts are pretty close. However, I might switch over to ABC account, and use Word to calculate and see a terrible difference.

Why? That is because in Extext/Client, the accounts are set up differently. Just because you see the information laid out on a page one way means that is the way it goes through to the client and is processed. I'm not talking about funny business. I'm talking about literal differences in page setups. Word has a tendency to insert invisible characters or format marks that it counts as characters. It used to be that you could turn on reveal codes and see them, but I don't know if that's even available any more. These are not codes that an MT's fingers generate. They are format codes that Word inserts invisibly so that it can keep track of what it's doing (like hanging indent).

Everyone here is telling this person to take it to the company, and not ONCE has this person said she's done so. No amount of reasoning, common sense, or explanation has done any good. This person is hell-bent on starting discontent and making accusations, and nothing will make this person (or whoever)happy until there are others who agree with them.
This is really simple. Doesnt matter how many acct/platforms - whatever. OP has been comparing W and SM
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platform LC for a while and they were close. Now they are not close. Are you saying maybe LM had platform set up to figure line cts one way and then suddenly, changed the way they were figuring them? Doncha think if LM was suddenly doing something so different now that cts are different by 25%, that they would alert their MTs and let them know what is going on?

But really, this doesnt matter. LM has not suddenly changed the way they figure lines and not told the MTs. But ya know, if they did, this senerio would be as crooked as actually taking the lines. To change the program count so that MTs are making less lines for the same amt of characters and not tell the MTs is just another form of theft. So either way, LM is staying true to form.
There was an explanation in the post. sm - Wage Dispute
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You didn't read it. That's fine. No, I'm not in management with Landmark. I have, however, had my own accounts and have explained how *Word* can show different line counts based on its formats.

The thing is the OP is still attempting to crap stir, admits she hasn't taken it up with the MTSO, so it's a moot point. Even the moderator stated it.
Have read every post but some seem rather disjointed - and rambling. Like, where in this
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thread did the moderator post? Are you saying moderator said it was a moot point? Hard to follow your train of thought.
To Eye Roller: (sm) - Morgan
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In response to:

"Because failing to use the line of communications and using appropriate avenues to address a dispute with an employer is the professional way of handling things".

Perhaps you are not aware that in this day and age, MTSOs do not conduct themselves in a professional manner; therefore, the old standard of an employee discussing a problem with their supervisor will usually not resolve in anything but termination or making your employment a more torturous experience that it was with the miniscule sub-minimum wages. Only the person who has experienced this can judge how to handle this, and I am very capable of knowing the best way to do so under the circumstances.
Only OP knows if you do indeed know who she is. But wouldnt - only management have that knowledge? nm
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The PROBLEM with that is that LM doesn't communicate - Unless it benefits them. NM

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Exactly! Thank you! - Morgan

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Exactly! - Former LM

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That's so true. I briefly worked for Landmark for about 5 months (my shortest stint with any company ever) and that's one of the main reasons I left - the huge lack of communication. I could almost never get a response to my emails and if I ever instant messaged K about something, her responses were never that helpful and many times very vague, if she even answered me at all. I also worked on an ExText account and I knew something was definitely not right with the line counts. I'm a fairly high producer, but my line counts were not reflecting that. I was actually wondering if they had stopped counting spaces and didn't bother to tell us. When I emailed to inquire about this, I never got a response (surprise, surprise). I finally got sick and tired of busting my butt for peanuts and took a much better job elsewhere. This company is a total joke and was a huge waste of my time and effort.

Line counts - Go ask your supervisor!

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You cannot just go by the MS Word line count. You have to do a word count FIRST then click on the calculator on your computer and divide the word count by 65. (That is of course if you are being paid for a 65 character line.) Do not go by the MS Word line count. It'll be incorrect. I would personally ask my supervisor how lines are calculated instead of starting trouble.

I meant do a character count (not a word count) - sm

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character count, divided by 65 for the total number of lines...only if you are being paid by a 65 character line. Do not just do an MS Word line count.

Have you read all posts. Already posted cant go by line ct, - must go by character ct. I would hope Sm

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MTs are smart enough about how they are paid to know they have to divide the number of characters by whatever number makes up a line for their platform.

Is it Friday or something??? - What is everybody getting so testy about?

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there are differences of opinion here as to what was said and what is being read into between the line, and people are getting upset that their point of view may not be the correct view... take a deep breath, step back, and let the discussion lie. Get a grip people! Not everybody has to be right all of the time. Goodness.

There is only one person who is arguing, sometimes using "eye roller" (sm) - Morgan

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The rest of us want to discuss what the MTSO is doing with this vast adjustment in line counts, and I am not the only person this has happened to. I simply want to investigate and alert, not have to argue about why this is not a "wage dispute" which is just a waste of time and apparent diversion from the facts.

I understand - and I agree that

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the issue is not about what eye roller suggests is that someone is just trying to stir the pot, spread rumors, etc. The issue is the discrepancy in line counts, and while communication with the company is indeed wise, they do not always answer, and more likely than not, are not truthful about it either, or very evasive, particularly if something is being done underhandedly. I would be questioning others, as well, just to see if it was just me this was happening to or if others were experiencing it as well. There is nothing wrong with asking such a question here first, gaining support in numbers and verifying that it is truly happening to more than one person. Then you can confront the company with your knowledge and support from others. I believe the true pot stirrer in this occasion was eye roller, which with her harsh comments then erupted into self-defense tactics by others and started a frenzy. best to ignore people like that. I hope the question or issue gets resolved soon!


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I was told I needed to work harder and try to learn the account. This is happening and I am barely making line count of 10, 000 lines per pay and it is not me.

My money - baby ruth

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1. Your post does not make sense.
2. Why are you shouting?

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Regarding Consistency In Line Counts...does Anyone Else Have
Jul 17, 2010

extreme trouble being consistent in their line counts? Some days I struggle to get half my lines and some days I can double them.  Of course there are factors that influence that like lack of work, which account I am on, if I am having technical difficulty or if I am having an off day personally, but when I look at my timesheets, I look like the most random person on earth.  I know many people say they work 7 days a week to get their lines, etc., and I have most certainly been th ...

Highest Line Counts....
Jul 19, 2010

My highest line count in a day is 2012.... I am wondering what everyone else's record is and how long it took them to get it ?????  ...

What Line Counts Standards Are Out There
Jul 29, 2010

I am just curious as to what line count standards are out there. What are your line count requirements for the day and how much do you use your QA for things like missing encounters, unable to ID patients, incorrect work types? Where I work our standards are relatively lower than other places, however, we also are required to match encounters, determine the work type, send an email for each work type or inrcorrect MRN, create a temporary patient if we cannot find the patient anywhere in the s ...

Highest Line Counts
Nov 08, 2010

Please share highest line in 8 hour day with VR, but no normals.  My highest was 2300, but range from 1700 to 2300 usually.  I've been at for about 6 months now and need to know where I should be and where I can potentially be.   Thanks ...

DTS America/TN Line Counts
Nov 15, 2010

Okay, another end of pay period with not enough work to make line count.  This is just not right.  Is there anybody working for DTS right now, working their scheduled shift and making their line count?   What is happening there? ...

Suspicious About Line Counts
Dec 02, 2010

Is anyone else suspicious about how they are calculating our line counts?  I have been siltting here VERY diligently and typing like crazy these last few days and my counts seem to be going DOWN!!!  I can't imagine how this can be happening.  Anyone else notice the same?  Is there some way to keep track?  But then again, that would take time from typing EVERY SECOND of EVERY HOUR like they want us to, now wouldn't it? ...

Line Counts - What Am I Doing Wrong?
Mar 15, 2011

I have been an MT for over 10 years doing hospital work. I have never been able to do much over 200 lines an hour straight typing except for the rare occasions I get several eye surgeries in a row that are canned. Usually I fall below this. My account is not difficult, but I do have a couple of different hospitals and of course many dictators. I have put a lot of their ROS and PE in my shortcuts, but of course they make a lot of changes sometimes. There are those that take forever to spit i ...

Verify Our Line Counts?
Mar 24, 2011

Is there anywhere we can look to verify our line counts?  Is this information provided somewhere? ...