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DQS/Win7 question: So the method of - sm
Posted: Jun 10, 2011
abandoning the first job to be able to use Windows 7 doesn't work with the 64-bit Win7 version?
DQS doesn't run on 64 bit, but you can run - elle
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in virtual XP, but it is slower. To work in virtual XP, you will have to "attach" the foot pedal, i.e. attach the USB device. It's easiest to do that by unplugging the foot pedal and then plugging it in once you are in the virtual machine.
Get with the times MQ techs! Upgrade to Win 7.
On the tech board... - MT
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I reply to this on the tech board quite a bit. I use VMware player as a virtual computer with Windows 7 and it is not slower. No problems with the foot pedal. Been using it now for a couple of months, no problems. I switch back and forth from virtual to real computer, check out the tech board.
So the ones who are able to just abandon the first job - sm
You can install DQS 6.1 on Win7, if that is all you have. Note that you can't install 6.1 on a 64bit version of Windows 7.
The way to get it to work is you MUST do the install as an "elevated" rights user. Since you install via IE, that means you must run IE elevated. The way to do this is to, if you are in the Start menu, right click and select "Run as Administrator". If you have IE pinned to your taskbar, press [SHIFT] + [CTRL] and mouse-click the IE icon. Y ...
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