Normally, with a brain injury patient, I would be extremely careful about pre-medicating the patient with lidocaine and fentanyl and waiting several minutes for this to s/l quit-al-bate and do a careful rapid-sequence intubation with etomidate and a long-acting paralytic agent. My clinical impression in this unfortunate patient is she is in trouble and needs a stat intubation. ...
Her impairment rating is calculated using the American Medical Association Guide to Permanent Impairment, Fourth Edition. It is calculated as follows using the S/L DRE method for cervical disc herniation associated with a radiculopathy. She falls into a DRE category 3....
Am I hearing DRE, and if so, what does it stand for? This is all new to me. TIA. ...
ESL stating the patient had a postpartum tubal ligation using sounds like par-a-gon method (Not Pomeroy). Any thoughts? Cannot get close enough to research. TIA! ...
Does anyone know what an FTP file transfer method program and where I could get training on this? I am applying for a job and it requires knowledge of this program. Thank you for any help you can provide :)
What is the best option/method for educating ourselves on ICD-10? Has anyone started? Looking for recommendations. I would like to get a head start now on my own. I sort of put it out of my mind when they delayed it. AAPC seems to have a course. AHIMA looks like they have webinars. Has anyone tried these? ...
This is a tough one. The patient is a child who is being intubated. Doc says, "Using standard technique and following the dosing guidelines from the s/l Brassler tape, the patient was intubated."
So I don't know if this is like a cassette tape that the doc played to reaffirm how to intubate a small child or if the "tape" is actually an instrument or what. Sorry if this is the stupidest question imaginable, but I have absolutely no clue. Hoping someone will kn ...