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attitude - bj

Posted: Jan 13, 2014

It's official. Nuance has beaten the give-a- right out of me.

I second that emotion. NM - MTwallet

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I third it. - nm

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LOL, not at you, with you - sm

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If we didn't laugh, we'd cry.

Why Nuance? - Meh

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I don't care for Nuance but I don't think I would care for any other medical transcription company either, considering that the pay would be equally low. What I don't get is why a lot of people on this forum seem to hate Nuance especially? Is it because they have bought all the companies and therfore is the culpril for making pay so low across the board?

IMO, they bought out companies - sm

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and the employees had no choice but to go to work for Nuance. When I was doing in-house a decade ago and we were bought out by MedQuist (now MModal), I refused to go to work for MedQuist (I had left MedQuist to go inhouse hourly!) and went on UE until I found a job that suited me. People who were bought out saw their salary cut in half.

Why Nuance? - MT2

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IMHO, their poor values, ethics, treatment of the MTs, to name a few. I won't get started, not worth it.

Why Nuance - Anon

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I'll tell you why. When my hospital was taken over by them they lied. We were told we would be doing the same doctors we had always done. They insisted on paperwork being done weeks before our start date which took time from the employer we already working for. Mandatory web conferences (during out working hours), phone interviews, faxing, mailing, etc. Promises of bonuses or incentives that they knew the majority of us could not obtain. Constant badgering to go faster one day, then the next we were to slow down and proofread. If not up to their standard the emails of do better or HR would be contacted to discuss disciplinary action up to and including termination come into play. It turned into learning by mistakes and what was no more than correspondence learning. At first there is help and quick answers to questions. Then it's sink or swim. Requirement to do a day and a half more work in a week for less pay. Condescending attitudes from higher ups. Many of us with 10, 20 and even 30 years or more experience were suddenly newbies and knew nothing of the business. Our reports are penalized for commas there or not, the omission or addition of "if, or, the, a" which any more is a full point. This takes away our ability for the incentive or bonus. Penalized for putting a blank where we just can't understand what is said, QC understands and a snarky comment about we SHOULD have been able to hear that because it was an easy fix. There's so much I can't even put it in order! These are just some of the reasons. Read back through some of the posts and all that I have put here has already been covered as reasons along with others. Please excuse typos. I'm still human and subject to make mistakes.

Why Nuance? - ANON

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Exactly, and when the time comes for each of them to meet their maker, there will be NO justification in God's eyes.

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