A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

This might help explain a small part of - The Grid Scandal

Posted: May 16, 2015

That the QC or QA person below so perfectly termed it.  

This is taken from Pharmabiz.com which is India based. 



"Nuance Transcription Services (NTS) is investing $7.5 million because it views India as key growth market for medical transcription services. It has envisaged expansion of office space and head count."

"Facility expansion will also see Nuance to hire another 3,000 personnel armed with English comprehension skills. It will take the total Indian operations workforce from 4,500 to 7,500 within the next 18 month. Campus hiring would enable us to pick the right workforce, said .... NTS India."


At least they will have English comprehension skills. 


This is sad. Whatever happened to made in the USA. nm. - MT

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Every one needs to print this out and start - hounding the labor dept and UE in their state

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I'm just surprised they actually put out there in writing their goal and plan.

Nuance Inda - mtanon

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Maybe the people that run Nuance that are employed here in the good ole' USA need their jobs outsourced to India right after the MT jobs. They are the stupid dim-wits running the jobs out of the country and India employee is never going to do a better job at transcription than I do, not ever.

Wouldn't That Be Funny - Meh

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Funny if the people that run Nuance's if their jobs are outsourced too to people in India. It would serve them right.

Bringing it back to America and shifting the tide!! - Fran

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Outsourced/off shore
I know very little about the big companies that feel the need to screw millions of Americans by sending their precious medical history and everything that will have a direct outcome on the types of pertinent, successful medical treatments they will need to receive, so they can get the best possible outcomes for their medical issues. However, I am sure just as all of you are that outsourcing all of this work to India and other places, where no one is adequately trained, and we as American citizens have no protection of our laws enforced here to protect us is surely not the answer. It is the answer for the owners of the companies to line their pockets but that is about it.

I can tell you that I, several fellow transcriptionists, and other worker from professions having their work sent out of this country are starting a grass roots program to educated people/patients on what their rights are and what dangers their families and loved ones are facing if things continue to go in the direction they are going now. We must start educating the general public on what is happening and getting has many people as possible to jump on the wagon and start contacting their elected officials, news stations, radio stations, and basically anyone who can help get the truth out to the public. Lack of public education is the best weapon the guilty companies have going for them. If just 2 to 3 people help in there given area this will do a tremendous amount of good in shifting the tide especially with an election year coming up. That old saying the squeaky wheel gets the attention is SO true. Getting lawyers to start running ads for patients and families to contact them for incorrect treatments, injuries, and even death due to incorrect medical documentation caused by the outsourcing companies would be a great weapon in our arsenal to start shifting the tide even if it is just a little bit at a time.

It will not work overnight but with continued persistence by healthcare documentation specialists, families, and patients I think we could start to see a shift back this way. No well-known company wants there name drug through the mud and have the possibility of multiple lawsuits possibly pending. Yes, it would take a lot of hard work and diligence on our part but it has a better chance of changing status quo than just complaining among ourselves.

The public needs SO desperately to be educated on what, how, and where there medical records are being horribly mismanaged.

All of this could be done inexpensively using word of mouth, some good quality printed material and just get those networks started once a few take hold others will spread like wildfire.

Angry - SoFedUp2

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It is clear what Nuance's plans are with regard to India. I resent how stupid they think we are. However, we are still MTs in the United States of America, needing to survive by paying for things that require U.S. dollars. This ridiculous pay grid has us being paid as if all of their MTs were in India.

Interestingly... - sm

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there are reviews on Glass Door from Indian MTs who also are complaining about the low pay. Not sure if they have a grid, like us. At least Nuance is consistent in treating all of their MLS like garbage.

My getting-the-H-out-of-here countdown is at 29 days.

Indian MTs - DJ

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Yes, they are complaining. I get a little aggravated seeing the ugly comments about our "global partners", as they are just human beings trying to make a living. I saw one post by an Indian advising everyone to stay away from MT -- saying it used to be a good job, but no longer -- so they are in the same boat. We need to stop bashing them and any others from other countries just trying to lift themselves up.

I agree - XNTSQC

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I agree. They are human beings trying to make an honest living and the company paying them slave wages is just as crooked. The difference is they are hired at and agree to the wages whereas we signed a completely different employment contract; that's where the wage theft comes to play. The reality is typing medical reports that demand 99+% accuracy with English as your second language is not a good mix. I applaud their gumption. The ESL dictators are a challenge all their own. Nuance is to blame, lying to their clients about who is actually typing their reports. Transparent as a cataract, I'd say.

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