A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Strategy to Diminish Labor Contribution - Strategize This

Posted: Nov 23, 2012

Thank you for the point blank statement concerning your labor force.

Ever heard the old saying, You can't beat a dead horse?

Your stable of producers and seasoned workers has mostly gone on to greener pastures (or quit the profession entirely). Most of what you have coming in are green and untrained, so what is your plan for them (to get even greater leverage out of the workforce that is left)?

All the whip-cracking, threats, and demeaning Emails, is that going to give the Unlearned/Untrained Workforce the *morale boost* you expect? Is that going to *incentivize* them to get up and eagerly start their work day?

I'm still here because I am earning a paycheck in spite of what is going on in this profession. It's a sad statement to say that when I started in the MT field in the late 1980s I was at 7 cents per line, worked my way up over the years to 9.5 cents per line, then got whacked in 2010 when NTS bought out my old company back down to 8 cents per line with *take it or leave it*. Took it, all the way to the bank.

Now there is rumbling about yet another pay cut. I'm here to speak only for myself, that I will not accept another drop in pay. I'd rather take my medical language professional skills and clerk at the EZ Serve.

I have absolutely no respect for the top-level individuals who run this company and others like it. I do not like this company or its policies, and certainly would not recommend anyone to apply for employment. I'm just here for a paycheck, and that's it.

Thanks, I feel better now.

Pay cut?? - sickened

[ In Reply To ..]
I assumed this was for the Transcend and Accentus employees, who were just acquired? Please tell me this is not across the board for everyone, even those who have already had it cut multiple times.

I know nothing official, but - Still cranky still on the beach

[ In Reply To ..]
the consensus seems to be that Nuance has a set pay scale, and if incoming mergees make more than that scale, their pay will be cut to match.

I have heard nothing about what might happen to incoming mergees whose incoming pay is lower than the scale, whether they will be raised to match.

Whether further pay cuts above and beyond what I just described are in the offing, I don't know, and haven't even heard any rumors to that effect.

This is what it's like to work in a dying profession.

labor force reduction/pay deduction - aj

[ In Reply To ..]
I have a great idea, how about we all just offer to start working for free? Maybe that would make the money grubbing pigs happy. I agree, it is completely sickening. They should not be allowed to get away with this.

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