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Doesn't matter how many lines you produce - SeaMT

Posted: May 18, 2012

If you don't have any work available. 

Whether it is due to improvement in ASR, etc. etc., (song and dance here), there are too many fingers in the pie.

I don't see how any company can hold employees hostage to get 40 hours when the employees have scheduled work times and there is nothing for them to do in their *scheduled* hours...they are told to *flex*, then they *flex* to other days and there is still no work.

It's like being on-call....be available 24/7 because they *may* need you, with no compensation.

I'm part time, dropped to 30 hrs because I cut the umbilical cord, and still there is no work. So here's my FLEX - I'm not working today, period. I've been at my station 5 days this week with no work in the mornings and ate that, so this morning again with NSA I think I'll go sailing.


Legally should be listed as "PRN Part-Time" or Per Diem... - NoLongerAno

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