A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

New MT thinking of career change... - cyn

Posted: Jan 29, 2012

I have been working at an OBGYN office for 10 months now and for reasons I'd rather not get into, I am having issues with my MT supervisor.

I love MT work. I do feel it is the right niche for me. However, my LPH is under 100 and I do not feel that I am getting enough work to improve my speed. I am still new and still learning.

I'm starting to wonder if I might be better off setting up a home office and trying to get on with a company like Medquist or something.

I am getting paid on the low end of MT's right now. I did not attend a school that does SUM. I was very lucky in getting this position, but because of an insurance change with the corporation I work for, we lost a huge amount of patients. The work is not what it once was.

If I moved to work at home, could I get work with my level of experience? Would I have enough work to keep me busy throughout the day? Would I make more than $10 an hour?

Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks all!

$10 an hour - I do

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$10 an hour is probably considered excellent these days. That is about what I make and I have been doing this 37 years. and now they are lowering our cpl because we are changing to VR and that will bring that $10 down much lower. If you need $10 an hour, this may not be the career for you. Lots of companies are running out of work again.

Maybe a brand new MT makes $10 an hour - sm

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If you make $10 and you've been an MT more than a year or two, you're in the wrong business. Find something you're good at. Not everyone is good at MT but everything thinks they are, 'have been' or could be, even if they can't type, spell, or haven't been trained adequately. Lots of people do very well, and $10/hr cannot be considered doing well unless you are a new MT.

Per hour - Old Pro

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Good grief. I made 10 bucks an hour back in the early 70s. As of the end of last year, I was making $33/hour, down from $60/hour in the 90s.
$10 an hour - how do you do it then
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Okay, if you make more than $10 I would like to know how. 8 cpl and able to get in 1000 a day some days a little more in an 8 hour day. That comes out to $10 an hour. But with the amount of ESL and the amount of work there is not available, 1000 is quite good.

I am not going to work 15 hours a day to get more money, nor could I if I wanted to, I value my time too much. sure I used to have a job and was able to do 2000 lines on an average day with no problems, but that does not happen anymore.

I do have expanders and shortcuts too, and all that, so if you know how to make more on 8 cpl and 1000 lines on a good day with the way things are these days, PLEASE let me know.

I have no access to a hospital (as my small town of 2500) has gone to EPIC and there are no jobs and the next hospital within range from me is about 300 that may have work in their medical records department, otherwise the other hospitals along the way have let all their MTs go as they are EMR or Epic. And I work as an employee for a mid-size company, and had to change jobs 3 times in the last year just to get any kind of cpl that I can live on.

Believe me I know my stuff, so it's not that I can't type or spell or whatever. I would just like to know how you are making $30 an hour.
No mystery to how I do (did) it - Old Pro
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I am good, I am fast and accurate (99% accuracy on high ESL teaching account) and can produce 300-350 lph. Worked for a wonderful company with plentiful (if very difficult) work. Not hard at all to do with experience (40 years). Ten dollars an hour is not a good wage. If my earnings had ever gone below $25/hour, I would have quit. I realize how blessed I have been and I am grateful for that.
OldPro, you SHOULD count your blessings... - sm
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Not all clients/MTSOs are the same. I have over 12 years of experience (multispecialty and acute care) and was averaging $10/hour with an MTSO.

Here's an example: I worked for MedQ briefly. I worked every weekend so I wouldn't run out of work, though I did run out of work because when the weekday MTs ran out of work, they made up their time on the weekends and took my work from me. When I brought this to MedQ's attention, they put me in the helper pool, which meant never the same dictator/client twice and long client specs to review before each and every single document. It's impossible to make $10 that way, no matter how good you are.

My accuracy is consistently 99%, and if I can get 2 regular clients, I can produce at least 250 lph (VR or ST).

With MedQ, VR on the random dictators I was getting was horrible (I could type the reports faster) and I was averaging about 1500 lines per 8-hour day, and at 4 cpl, that's minimum wage.

Of course, I can't forget the penalties for "errors" that were considered errors by one QA and not by another, though I would still get penalized. I would follow the BOS2, as I was instructed, I would follow the client specs, as instructed, I would follow the MTSO's specs, as instructed, and I would still get dinged for "errors" that weren't really errors. Sometimes, they were QA's errors, but I'd still get dinged. Oh, yes, I'd file a report, but nothing changed and the "error" was still attached to me.

And this was just MedQ. I've actually worked for 3 MTSOs, and they weren't much better, though I was able to average $10-11/hour at the other ones.

So you see, OldPro, it's just not possible for all MTs to make what you're making, or even close.

Please take this into consideration before you bash someone for not making $30+/hour.
I was not bashing - Old Pro
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I love it when people read something with which they do not agree and immediate throw out the "bashing" canard. I went through a horrific period of working for MQ. That was not working for me, so I searched, got another MTSO to work for, that was so-so, so finally I found the dream job. I do think that if people would spend as much time looking as they do whining (and hurling the "bashing" epithet at anyone who says anything they do not like), they might have better luck. You betcha it is a tough economy. I get that. Rather than bashing me, you might use the example I gave as hope that if I can do it, you and others can do. I have always loved that saying that the late, great Vera Pyle (a dear friend of mine, may she rest in peace) used to say: THE HARDER I WORK, THE LUCKIER I GET. My own favorite saying is: IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, CHANGE IT. It took me nearly three years of hell after MQ ate a wonderful company I was working for, to find a company that was a great fit. But they are out there, they really are, and I sincerely hope you find one. As for me, 10 bucks an hour is ridiculous. If I made only that, I would change careers. Not the fault of anyone to make low wages, but I think it is all in which you will settle for. Keep looking. There ARE great jobs out there, even today. I know because people I have mentored have found them. Good luck to you, and please do not be so hasty to condemn others who are only sharing an opinion that may be different than yours. Good luck!
Yes, there are still SOME good jobs out there. - Maggie May
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But considering how many of them are becoming crappy jobs, and how many people are looking for those good jobs, there just aren't enough to go around. With terrible dictators doing VR, jobs going offshore (and American schools like Career Step setting up offshore training programs to train them!) even if you're a top-notch MT, you're still LUCKY if you manage to get a good (let alone great) job nowadays. And the schools are still cranking out graduates, assuring them that "there will always be a need for MTs." True, the field isn't going away, it's only changing, but for many people who need money to support a family, the option to work as an MT is definitely going away.
Mentoring - HappyNCMT
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Old Pro - you mentioned that people you have mentored have found these great jobs. What would I have to do to be mentored by you?
HappyNCMT - Old Pro
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If we had met when I was still in the biz, I would gladly have done it. I left full-time MT at the end of 2011 and am now involved with other things not related to MT, so am not mentoring anymore. But I do wish you all the best!
I'm curious - Why are you AT MQ
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I just don't understand why MTs are willing to take the abuse from these companies. Do you not value yourself? I have 35+ years in the field and on one account I do, I make $60+ an hour. Unfortunately, he only does 1-3 hours a day. But on the other work I do -- VR I do about 500-600 lph @$0.074 avg per line. Straight typing at 9 cpl, I do 300-400 lph.

I would not even CONSIDER putting or KEEPING myself in the abusive positions some of you are working in. I suppose $80/day is better than nothing a day, but I'd be doing all I could to find a good MTSO to work for.

BTW- The company I work for has an ad on the other transcription jobs site. They don't hire often but they are great to work for.
Here's My Formula - Around The Block
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Here's a formula I would use in advising someone about MT.

Expect not to make much the first couple of years. Don't even think about even training for it if you aren't a good typist with a minimum of 45-50 wpm before you even start learning. There is too much to learn to have to worry about your typing speed along with everything else. If you can't spell, do some other kind of work. MT is not for you.

If you are not making more htan $10/hr when you reach your third year on the job doing full-time work, change to a different employer. Give it a try for about 6 months. If you still aren't making more than $10/hr, MT is just not working for you. Go into a different kind of work that doesn't require fast, accurate production typing with a knowledge of the medical record, etc.

$10 an hour - sbmt

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I have been an MT for 12 years and went from making $25/hour 3 years ago to $15/hour 2 years ago to about $11/hour now. I am very good at my job - this business in going down the tubes, period.

I would look elsewhere - mem

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$10 is okay but it should be closer to $15 or more an hour. It also is according to the state you live in and the cost of living. Every state pays according to their cost of living scale. What you would make in Alabama would be less than someone in New York or California because of the cost of living. I always tell someone that they need to work in an office or a hospital before thinking about working production from home so they can get more experience 1st. Good luck!

And I do need to say - Old Pro

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That California wages are probably higher than elsewhere, except maybe NYC and Chicago.

mem - gltrgrammi

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Excellent advice!! $10 an hour is poverty, no matter where you live. I make between $25-30 an hour, live in California and it still isn't enough. Definitely would advise any newbie out there to work in an office setting first before working independently. Some companies will feed you to the wolves!!

New MT - gltrgrammi

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To answer your question, I would get out of this line of work, and don't look back. I work for MQ (now MModal), and have been an MT for 30 years. I work for MQ because the company that I worked for previously was bought out by them; I definitely would not have applied. The "team leader" I have is so rude, doesn't treat anybody with respect and just seems like a really unhappy person. Fortunately I am still doing the same accts I was doing before the buy-out, so I have not had to really deal with any MQ accts, so to speak. With any company you work for you will be required to do at minimum 125 lines per hour, with 98% accuracy, that's a given. That being said, there is no money in this line of work anymore. I used to make 55K a year, I now make 36K, if I'm lucky, and I work full-time, 8 hours a day to make that at 250+ lines an hour. No lunch. Not to be mean, just telling it like it is. Find another line of work that is a long-term, here-to-stay job. Go online and look up sustainable jobs for the future. Good luck to you ;-)

I agree! - mem

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If I were to do it all over again, I would not be doing this. I tell people now that MT will be gone in the next 10 years. I advise them to do something else.

Thanks for the input folks...I'm gonna stay put for a while... - cyn

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I do love the work a lot so I will be sticking with it for at least a little while.

I work for a corporation of hospitals and offices. Some MT's work at home, some at one of the old hospitals and some are scattered about the area in various medical offices.

Many of the offices and all of the hospitals have already gone live with EHR. The company I work for still needs the MT's and there is always work for them. It never seems to run out.

Our office is still working with actual medical records along with a few others. The deadline is May of this year, but it's already been pushed back more than once in just the short amount of time I've been an MT here.

The US government is pushing EHR and CMS money will not be available to those who do not go electronic. Doctors who use tapes, for example, will either have to adapt or get out of their profession.

I know one clinic that will either be closed down or the 3 doctors nearing retirement will be replaced if they refuse to go HER.

Call me a newbie and call me naive, but I don't think the MT field is dying as a lot of folks believe. I do, however, think that it is squeezed and shrinking due to a variety of factors. I do think the mindset of a lot of people believe that ours is a field that a caveman could do...in his sleep.

We've got a lot of cheap competition which drives down wages which is another factor working against us.

There will always be a need for dictation and transcriptionists. Our jobs will likely evolve to a more digital way of doing things and many will just get out as the wages continue to dip due to increased competition with VR and doctors learning to type faster rather than talk to their patients.

We will be a smaller field of MT�s, but not a dead one, IMO.

$36,000? $36,000? In my neck of the woods that isn't bad! - sm

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I can't tell you how many people I know would jump at making $36,000. Of course most of them can't transcribe, or type, or spell. Jobs are hard to find these days though. I may advise some of them to start learning to type, and spell.

Oh, but... - Old Pro

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Typing is the least of it.

Effort - chicky

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I spent $$$$ in training, 9 months and endless hours studying, time away from my kids, 4 months of looking for someone to hire me.... Finally got a job as an MTE @ 3 cpl....in my first week I have put in 53 hours of time and I will hopefully clear $100! Oh , not to mention ZERO training on their software.... Just about in tears for all the effort.

A couple of comments and a dose of reality---with kindness and hope - For Your Success

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I'm sorry. It sounds like you're having a very rough time. I can't imagine what you must be going through.

Nine months is really not enough to learn medical transcription well enough to get a good job. You may just have to take what you can get. You'll need to get experience on all of the things you didn't get in school, and you didn't get enough transcription experience in 9 months. Even if you worked at it 10 hours/day, it takes at least a year to absorb all of the terms, A&P, pathophysiology, pharmacology, plus experiencing all of the report types, acute care, clinical, SOAP, etc., PLUS getting experience transcribing all of the specialties.

You probably can use what you've learned though, maybe as a medical secretary. The other option is to just stay in the job you have and learn from it over the next few years, picking up a little speed as your skills get better. That, of course, is if the company you're working for has good feedback and lots of exposure to all of the specialties and report types, with someone who knows what they are doing looking over your shoulder to teach you what you should have learned in school.

That's the reality of it. The good thing is, you've probably learned plenty of things that you can use in non-MT jobs. You may not be able to work at home, but that's okay. Take one of those on-site jobs and be glad to get it. Times are tough and people would be thankful to have the skills that you've learned over those 9 months.

I wish you the very best!

Effort - Old Pro

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Where did you train? That can make all of the difference in the world. Nine months is not all that long. Good luck to you!

Align your expectations ... - sm

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You are frustrated because your expectations do not fit with the reality of the job. In the kind of jobs you had in the past, one walked in the first day and just got paid by the hour regardless of how slow they were, how much training they required, and how much they goofed off.

You are expecting that now, not realizing that the job you have is not like those other jobs. The 3 cents a line could net a little or a lot, but it is not a guarantee of any amount. How much you make will depend on what you bring to the table.

This job, more than many others, depends directly upon your skill. Right now you are equipped with the training, but you have little experience. Your skills are not enough to enable you to produce a lot. You have to consider this job as a training experience. If you made little in terms of money, you made a lot in terms of learning. That learning will pay off later.

One reason employers do not want to hire new graduates is that they know most will feel just as you do now ... upset, frustrated, discouraged, and in tears. They know your expectations are not aligned with the job they have to offer. They do not want to hire one person after the other only to have them angry and quitting after a week. It is easier to hire experienced MTs who know that the first weeks on a job involve a lot of investment in the future.

Employers do not expect to hand everything to you on a platter. They may have expected you to know enough about software in general that you would not need formal training on it. Ask them for help. Ask for a copy of the instructions. Click the help button if there is one. Figure it out.

You are VERY lucky to have gotten a job. Make the most of that opportunity.

Avoid feeling down about this. It will only make things worse. It will make things even more difficult. See this for what it is and feel good about your incremental PROGRESS.

So you made $100 in 53 hours? That is $1.89 per hour. If you track it hour by hour and day by day, you will see an improvement over time. You need to work toward improvement, too. It does not fall from the sky. Your personal efforts generate it.

This does not mean working frantically faster, either. It means learning what you need to know, developing your ears, and eliminating wasted activity like snacking and smoking while you work, like typing and erasing instead of listening and remembering and then typing it accurately once you are sure, and like making typos with a casual attitude thinkng that it is ok because it is so easy to correct them. It even means wasting time by not taking breaks because that leads to a steady decrease in mental acuity, accuracy, production.

My first day as an MT, I made about 25 cents per hour. Every day I did a little bit better, though.

Align - Old Pro

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Thank you for your insightful comments. You obviously "get it." You sound like someone who knows the terrain of our profession and who has a realistic view. Thank you for your breath of fresh--and realistic--air. Have a great weekend. (And may the Giants win!) :)-

Chicky - Old Pro

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You do not say where you trained. That often has a lot to do with things. This is NOT a bash, just a question. That's all it is.

Chicky - Old Pro

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But did you use SUM? Did you train with a reputable school? Those are the key questions.

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U.S. Career Institute
May 09, 2010

Hmmmm...Interesting, was reading about Andrews School and M-Tech.  I looked them up online and they DO seem to be THE schools to go to.  Seems as though Career Step is in 3rd or so?  How would anyone place U.S. Career Institute?  I'm sure this another matchbox school, but do you think it's one that employers run from? Just curious, thanks if you can help.  And Happy Mother's Day to all those great mom's out there, hope you had a great day! :) ...

Anyone Know About Career Step?
May 12, 2010

wonder if anyone here, or if anyone knows of anyone who utilized Career Step for either their MT program or their coding program ...

What Happened To MT Career?
Jun 04, 2010

I am reading on this board and seeing that people from Medquist are being let go, places are being bought out, hospitals are selling in-house to the outside services now.  The services charge a decent amount of money to these hospitals, but we see pennies of it.  What is sad is that what we do is very important, yet we are treated like all we do is type words (and anyone who has done ESL docs know it isn't just words - it's format, it's incorrect pronunciation, inco ...

Alternative Career
Jun 15, 2010

Hello, All: While helping my son research possibilities for his career choice, we found out that ultrasonography only requires two years of education and the median pay is around $40K-$50K.  You don't have to be licensed and can take the job anywhere in the country.   Not bad, huh?  Wanted to pass that information along to any frustrated MTs who are considering getting out.  I woudln't mind doing that myself.  Dental hygienists make even more and also o ...