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Line count/time - MTC

Posted: Jul 06, 2011

Hi, just wanted to ask if anyone knows of a program that helps to keeps up with your line count, such as automatically computing it for you? My boss tells me that I don't need to keep up with it, since he/she does. I asked for the program he/she uses, but was told "no" due to not having a second liscence and that it costs money. I am attempting to make improvments on my time. Work is picking up for me which is great, but I have not been doing this long and really need to improve on lost time. Feeling a bit frustrated right now and trying to keep good spirits. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

I wouldn't work for anyone - no1joe

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or any company as a FT employee that did not allow me to see their calculation of my lines immediately. The only exceptions to this that I would find acceptable would be a) I was being paid by the hour, or b) the immediate line count gets held up temporarily while going through QA. If you're being paid by the line and your bosses are telling you that you don't need to keep up with it, you are trusting that your bosses are being 100% honest and crediting you with every single keystroke you do. Sorry, I wouldn't accept that.

I don't know of any program to do a line count because I never needed to separately track it; however, to get an idea, if you're working in Word, you can use the line count option in Word to give you an idea of your productivity. Also, if I were you, I would keep track of it and document it in case there is a discrepancy between your estimate and your paycheck.

IMO, unless you're an IC responsible for keeping track of your own lines, your bosses keeping your line count a secret sounds very, very fishy.

Line Count - MTC

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Thanks so much for getting back with me. I aggree with your post. People treat you the way you allow them. I am not so sure I can stay in this position much longer unless I can be given some straight up answers. That said, I am a fairly new to this position and question if I could find something else as MT jobs are rare where I live. Time is valuable and I deserve to have answers. Thanks again.

line counts - IC MT

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Do you feel you're being cheated?

MTSOs really aren't big bad bullies out to get you, not for the most part.

You can always cut and paste a report into Word and do a character count (with spaces) and then divide by 65. You can then see if your line count is in line with what they end up paying you for. If it's not, then tell them it needs to be verifiable for you and if they can't/won't and you can't live with that, then yeah, I'd say you need to find another job.

I have three jobs and I verify all of them, and for the record, they're all spot on.

I've also used Practicount in the past, but that works off of Word documents I think.

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