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"So if the company wants to consistently give me a slightly higher line count than I am able to document at my end, I should have a problem with this... why??"
Wow. Crankybeach. You are old enough that you should not need to ask that question. Here are a few of the more publicized examples of "why":
Exhibit A: Enron. Lots of people played along and look at the end result.
Exhibit B: Madoff. Lots of people played along and look at the end result.
Exhibit C: The financial meltdown of a year ago involving complex algorithms developed by Ph.D. mathematicians that no one understood but virtually all went along with. Look at the end result.
Arguably, the people who led these institutions got away with much they should not have because the minions went along, collected their share and didn't care to actually understand what was happening. This is going on in the MT industry too.
Far too many people (it sounds like you included) had/have the "I" and "me" mentality that you mention when you ask "So if the company wants to consistently give me a slightly higher line count than I am able to document at my end, I should have a problem with this... why??"
As long as "I'm" getting what is best for "me," no one and nothing else matters. Thus, a very big piece of why our economy is in shambles. Just because you feel you are getting a fair shake with more lines than you are able to document does not make the practice ethical. What happens when the line count is not in your favor? Will you be so generous in your attitude?