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When will they admit - Mt

Posted: May 13, 2013

When are they going to admit that some doctors should not be on ASR?  i just finished a report that ASR got more wrong than right because she was talking so fast!  

They will never admit it - and they are

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totally stupid. If they told a lot of these nitwits they were on ASR and gave them explicit instructions how to dictate, they could eliminate even more of us editors. But of course we all know they don't dare instruct a precious doctor in how to do anything.

Once again, they don't care - old and burned out

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They are going to do this work the cheapest way possible. Why pay an MT 4 cents more per line to transcribe when they can use ASR. Why should they care if it is only 10% correct as long as we continue to do the work?


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iM-Moral's ASR has become our Benghazi

More like our - tsunami...

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thousands devastated.


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It did seem to be getting better at one point, lately though I find I'm deleting a lot. Had one other day I would have sworn wasn't even the right ASR because it was so wrong and not even a really horrible dictator.
Poor quality dictations - NY MT
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I had a number of dictations the other day like that where the ASR didn't even recognize what the dictator was saying. I was so frustrated and upset that this is what we are working with now = poor quality dictations and ASR that doesn't understand...

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