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When I was on Fluency before, MMEs did not get paid for - any additions they made to SM

Posted: Apr 13, 2014

a report.  They were paid based on the job the MT sent to be qa'd.  Is it still like that?  TIA

Unfortunately, it hasn't changed.. - nm

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Fluency counts the characters when it arrives in QA. QA markers have no value. The MME/SHDA has to fill in all of the blanks and does not get paid for any of them.

If you need to make changes outside blanks SM - MT

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If you get a report in QA and make a lot of changes outside the blanks due to errors and have to perform 100% on that report you are to email your HDSM with that job number and they are to submit it to payroll so you get paid correctly.

I had heard that. My last TCM didnt bother to pass that info - to us. Thanks nm

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Yes, in that instance we do - JustMe

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although I was told that we only have to do a full QA if we find a critical error that was not linked to a QA marker. Also, if an HDS uploads a report and does not complete it for some reason the SHDA can notify supervisor for reimbursement for that report.
Reimbursed at what rate? If MT claims more than 1/2 job - is inaudible and MME ends SM
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transcribing most of the report, does MME get reimbursed at ASR rate, full qa rate or straight transcription rate?
Your supervisor should let you know - Justme
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which rate you will get after reviewing the rpt.
By default, the MME rate... - nm
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Do you know what you are talking about? Default, MME has 4 rates. - Quick qa, 100% qa, asr and ST. nm
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That's obviously not an MME... - JustMe
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which is why I referred the OP to her supervisor. They can see every keystroke done in the report and who did it and determine which rate is used for the report for reimbursement.
My supe doesnt know how I am paid. Not sure she will - know reimbursment rate either. nm
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Default MME/QAing a report is 3 cpl. Full listen is the exception, not the default; it's 4 cpl. - ASR and ST are doing MT work when no MME/QA work a
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MME actually has 2 rates; the other 2 rates are regular MT rates when there's no MME work available.

When you get a report to QA, blanks only, it doesn't matter how bad the transcriptionist has left it, even if it's nearly all blank -- MMEs still get paid the regular default 3 cpl for it. If it's a full review, then of course it would be 4 cpl. I'm not really sure why you felt the need to be snarky over that.

Soooo, just why are we filling in the blanks??? - nm

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