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What exactly is "Boost" and should I be getting - dumb dumb
Posted: Mar 14, 2012even more paranoid than I already am?
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Have no real idea either.... they keep throwing all these new names to everything, and often have no idea what they are talking about....would be just easier if they left a lot of names the same, and speak English instead of giving fancy names to everything!
mmodal logic to avoid paying raises - just my thought
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The main complaint of the MTs on that survey was the reduction in pay. They had justified reducing ASR pay from 80% to current 60% because they claimed ASR was getting better. We know now and they know too that just isn't the case. So what to do? I can see them on their conference calls debating the situation: We can't fix the ASR and we certainly can't give raises- oh I know, lets have an initiative whereby we "help" the MTs BOOST their production. They make more money and we make more money and we don't have to give raises. They truly are lazy employees and they just need help to become productive. It is all the employee's fault why they can't make money. Look at all the tools we provide!
I am truly scared to see what kind of help they are giving. Foley catheters? IV caffeine? Shock therapy when we remove our hands from the keyboard? Maybe I am wrong, but this BOOST thing sounds more like squeezing even more production out of the employees (why else would they want to shadow our work) rather than fixing the problem that is subpar speech recognition, terrible dictation practices, outdated equipment and no value placed on experience?
do you really think they know that? - slave wages
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about the ASR I mean? that it doesn't work? I bet they think it works great.
absolutely they know - just my thought
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The original ASR was a Philips Electronics reject- even they didn't want it. Medquist tried to make it work but they realized they got stuck with a lemon. So they went out and bought Mmodal or partnered with Mmodal or whatever they did so they could have access to their speech recognition. The sad thing is all the money they spent either fixing up Phillips version or acquiring the new Mmodal came from paycuts to the MTs and it has done nothing to help us. Are we able to produce lines any faster? No. They know. Whether they care and are willing to do something about it is another story.
This BOOST thing is just so they can say they are trying to fix the very problem they created in the first place.
Am really scared by the "shadow" - no name
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Don't know why as I am a hard worker, but still makes me nervous.
that is the point - have to volunteer I believe
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It is my understanding the shadow program is something you have to voluntarily agree to or possibly your CCM will put you on as part of your PDP to find out the reason you are not hitting your lines. Currently we have to go through a website to let the techs onto our computer so I don't think MModal can just spy on us more than they already do without our permission. They know how long we sit on reports, how many keystrokes we use and obviously how many mouseclicks. If they really want to know how long it takes me to get a cup of coffee and use the bathroom then they need to get a life because following me is not that interesting.
I am thinking the shadow program might work the opposite though. If you are a struggling newbie wouldn't you like to watch an experienced MT for even a few reports to pick up some tricks? We all think we know everything but then something will come up on this board or when they used to do tips/tricks of the day and you wonder- how did not I not know that?
They love to create paranoia. Just do your job, limit your distractions and I am sure they will leave you alone. Can't worry about something they haven't explained yet.
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